Sunday, December 21, 2014

Israel to Remember 950,000 Jews Driven From Arab Lands

Israel to Remember 950,000 Jews Driven From Arab Lands

Friday, November 28, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
On Sunday, November 30, Israel will commemorate the 850,000 Jews driven from their homes in neighboring Arab countries on the occasion of the Jewish state’s rebirth.
While the international community has numerous days and events marking the flight of hundreds of thousands of Arabs from the land during Israel’s War of Independence (there is even an official UN commemoration), the Jewish side of the equation is all but ignored.
For thousands of years Jews had been living in what are today Arab countries, with many of their communities dating back much earlier than the Arab Muslim conquest of the region.
Some 70 years ago, with the rise of Arab nationalism and a growing struggle for control of what the British called “Palestine,” the newly-created Arab regimes began a campaign of intimidation and oppression against their own Jewish citizens.
Local Jews in Arab countries had their property expropriated, their citizenship stripped, and a great many were imprisoned, tortured and murdered.
One regional Jewish community in particular, that centered in and around Baghdad, was over 2,500-years-old. Originally based in Babylon, this community had given birth to the Babylonian Talmud and had long been a leading Jewish cultural center.
But with the rebirth of Israel as a nation-state, the Iraqi government at the time attacked and dispossessed the local Jews, driving nearly the entire community to emigrate to the new Jewish state and elsewhere.
PHOTO: Aharon Aboudi grew up in Iraq, before his family was evicted and forced to build a new life in Israel.
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    Re: Israel - To whom
    it may concern in Europe, Asia, the US and
    We are tired of hearing that withdrawal from Judea
    and Samaria will bring peace. We know and you know that it
    would bring another Gaza. So stop saying it and promoting this fallacy.
    Past experience has proven that concessions, appeasement and land for
    peace only increased terror, violence and more conflict.
    We are tired of hearing that land beyond the Green Line is
    ‘Arab-Palestinian land’. The Green Line is simply an armistice line that
    has no political significance. You know this too. The San Remo Treaty of 1920
    Granted the Mandate for Palestine to the Jewish people, the same Allied
    powers also established 21 Arab States and one Jewish State - The
    Arabs are not willing to give up any part of the 21 Arab States and the
    Jews are not willing to give up any part of the Jewish State.
    We are tired of hearing about the “Arab-Palestinian people.” They are no
    different from the Arabs of Syria or Egypt, from which most of their ancestors migrated in
    the last 150 years or so. There is no Palestinian language or religion,
    and until very recently they considered themselves simply ‘Arabs’. Their
    culture is almost entirely defined by their opposition to the
    Jewish state. Teaching hate and terror to their children. There never was
    an Arab-Palestinian State or people in History. The Arab Palestinians have
    a State in Jordan which is 80% of the land originally allocated to
    the Jewish people under the San Remo Treaty of 1920.
    We are tired of hearing that “the Arab-Palestinians deserve a state.” We are
    indigenous here, not them, and their behavior entitles them more to a
    trial at The Hague than to a state. The Arab Palestinians have a
    State it is called Jordan which was carved out of Jewish allocated land in
    And they certainly don’t deserve our state, which is the only state they
    want. They already took 80% of Jewish allocated land which is Jordan. Israel also gave them the Gaza Strip.
    We are tired of hearing about ‘The Occupation’. As Minister Naftali
    Bennett said the other day, you can’t be an occupier in your own land. The
    Arabs are the occupiers, Greater Israel has been a Jewish state for 4,000
    years even if it was temporarily conquered and occupied by various nations
    over the centuries.
    We are tired of hearing that “settlements are illegal under international
    law.” They are not. The San Remo Treaty of 1920 explicitly stated
    that Jewish people can reside anywhere in the Mandate for Palestine, those terms are set in perpetuity.
    We are tired of hearing that “settlement construction is an obstacle to
    peace.” Arab rejectionism and terrorism and suicide bombing is the reason
    there is no peace. When the Arab-Palestinians teach and preach hate,
    terror and destruction to their children, this is definitely not a road to
    peace and coexistence.
    By the way, we are pro-peace. We are just not pro-suicide and self
    We are tired of hearing about the 5 million (or whatever ridiculous number
    there are alleged to be) ‘Arab-Palestinian refugees’ or the
    ‘Arab-Palestinian Diaspora’. There were about 600,000 Arabs that left
    their homes in 1948, mostly of their own volition, more or less at the
    same time as the over 980,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries, of
    which the Arabs confiscated their homes and assets. We resettled ours with
    limited land and resources — resettle yours, the 21 Arab states have more
    land and resources. The Arab dis-information must be ignored.
    We are tired of hearing anything from anyone associated with the U.N. The
    U.N. is a parasitic and criminal enterprise dominated by our mortal
    enemies. The U.N. cannot create states, it can only recommend and so
    can other nations only recommend and not create a state that never existed
    before in history. If they want an Arab-Palestinian state, it already
    exists, it is Jordan which has taken 80% of Jewish allocated land.
    We are tired of stupid post-colonialist rhetoric. We are not ‘colonists’
    and Arabs do not have the right to murder us in the name of ‘resistance’
    or beheading Jewish Rabbi's in Jerusalem's Har Nof Synagogue. Talking
    this way reveals you as moral imbeciles. They train their children to be
    suicide bombers. The Arabs are the
    You can not recognize a state and people that never existed and that has
    no borders, no single government, and no economy. They are not trusted by
    Arab states either.
    We know we can not depend on any kind of security guarantee from anyone
    except the Israel Defense Forces. So stop being insulted because we do not
    trust you. And do not ask us to give up any nuclear weapons we might or
    might not have or any other method and technology that could help protect us.
    We know that the left-wing parties in Israel are bankrupt of ideas. We are not going to vote
    for them, no matter how much you would like us to. So do not bother trying
    to influence our election. We will only vote for a government that
    protects its people and cares about the Jewish heritage, more than
    it cares for world opinion.
    Don’t believe what you read in Ha’aretz newspaper, they represent a
    minority that has no allegiance to the Jewish heritage.
    Jerusalem, undivided, is the capital of the state of Israel. Get used to it, because you can’t change it, the
    Jewish temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem.
    Ordinary Israelis who care about their heritage.
    Posted by: Draiman
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        The Arabs in Israel left on their own and weren't driven out, the surrounding countries said they would drive Israel into the sea and the Arabs believed them and left, so they have no claims as they didn't stay to save what they believe was theirs, another Arab lie from the pits of hell and their false religion that worships satan (allah).
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            It's ironic that the nations have sworn "Never again!" when it comes to the Holocaust, but they turn a blind eye to the post-war oppression of the Jews. This kind of double standard and outright anti-Semitism will surely lead to the second Holocaust unless G-d intervenes by sending His Son,
            Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, to deliver His people.
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                Hello Mr. Lucambrian,
                I believe Matthew 24:22 is clear on this matter.
                Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
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                    Shalom, Bill B. I agree. Exactly how the "cutting short" will take place remains to be seen, but we can be thankful for God's mercy in that regard. By coincidence, my real name is "Bill B." as well. Nice to meet you!
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                        The cutting short is stopping the slaughter that the muslims and NWO will be making upon Jews and Christians worldwide and the natural disasters that God will be bringing upon this planet.
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                            I think we see the shortening of the time going on every day. By speeding up the events we see taking place from the scriptures it could be said that time is speeding up.
                            Another thing that could be is an event that happened in 2010, there was an earthquake that was very deep below Chile that was so powerful that by the time the shock reached the surface it still registered over 8 on the scale. But scientists said it also speeded up the movement of the liquid core of this planet by a very small amount. That in turn speeded up the rotation of the planet, thereby shortening the day by a few seconds.
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                                Hello GRyan and God bless you!
                                I have also had the same thoughts about both the earthquake you mentioned and the speeding up in time according to the time events.
                                I also believe the book of Esther "sums up" these days; the twelve months ,twelve moons/ lunar eclipses 1948-2015, 
                                the wars with Hama(s), and the end result for the enemy of the jews, and during this time (twelve months/moons) preparation of the Bride.
                                We are in amazing times, really amazing times !
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                                  Yes God is merciful!
                                  About the name thing that's kinda cool!
                                  Shabbat Shalom!
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                                  The elect are those who have heard, believed and repented.
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                                  How tragic that the rest of the developed, educated world has largely forgotten this.
                                  But when Israel shoots one terrorist, everyone remembers it.
                                  "The whole world lieth in wickedness." ~ 1 St. John 5: 19
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                                    It is enlightening to know that there isn't an Apartheid in the Arab world directed against the Jews there. The reason:
                                    1) All Jews have been forced out of the Muslim-Arab world, all 850,000 of them, to become refugees, the overwhelming majority of whom found refuge in the State of Israel where they have been integrated and become part and parcel of society here, found in all walks of life.
                                    2) By law, Jews may not reside, let alone acquire real property in most of the Muslim-Arab world, just because they are Jews. Hence, even if some Jews would choose, for whatever reason, to move into an Arab country, they are not permitted to do so by law. The result: No anti-Jewish Apartheid found there....
                                    By contrast, in the liberal-democratic and sovereign nation-state of the Jewish people, the State of Israel, while the character of the state is certainly Jewish - as Norway is Norwegian; as Finland is Finish; as Greece is Greek and as Ireland is Irish - all citizens of the State of Israel are equal before the law.
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                                      The "world" loves dead Jews who are sanctimoniously memorialized everywhere, but hates living Jews who defend their vibrant, living democratic Jewish homeland.
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                                          We were driven from Russia during the polgrom and settled in Greece and while gave up being Jewish but still have, Jewish blood lines. Never to reveal having Jewish blood. Until Iran made its nuclear threat.
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                                              Its called ethnic cleansing!
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                                                  Indeed, what the Muslim-Arabs have done throughout the region of the Middle East and North Africa has been "cleansing" the region of its Jews. I am pleased to report that due to the fact that the State of Israel has existed when this "cleansing" took place the vast majority of the Jews returned home, to Eretz Israel (Land of Israel) and have totally integrated in its society.

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