Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Consequences of Appeasement - by YJ Draiman

The Consequences of Appeasement
The decisions made by the government of Israel since The six day war of 1967 leading up to Gaza war with Hamas July 2014, as well as those of the first ten months or so after the turnover of Gaza in 2004 began, have dumbfounded historians ever since.
The appeasement of Israel to the Arabs-Palestinians, in particular, has been so often held up as an example of how not to deal with a rising terrorism that it has become a stereotype.
Had Israel stood its ground and responded to terrorism or any violence with utmost force. Israel would not be facing today’s crisis.
As many have said – appeasement, concessions and lack of proper response to terrorism is detrimental to Israel its people and the Jewish people worldwide.
Israel under International Law has the right to build and live in Judea and Samaria, As decried by the San Remo agreement of which terms are survived in perpetuity. Any deviation or prohibition is outright discrimination against the Jewish people. As past history has proven, concession by Israel have only increase violence and terrorism.
Israel is an independent democratic country and it must operate and run the country without being dictated how to run the country and outside interference, just like the U.S. and other countries.
It is time for Israel to respond with extreme force to quell terrorism, violence and rioting – no holds barred.
Israel should inform all Arab leaders in greater Israel that if violence continues they will hold them responsible and they will bear the consequences.
What the Arabs could not win in a war they won in playing the peace game, all the while building up arsenals and educating their children to hate and to destroy Israel. While enriching their own pockets with the billions contributed by the world to help the impoverished Arab-Palestinian. The G7 nations want Arab Oil and for that, they will do anything!
What a scheme – and the gullible world is buying it hook line and sinker.
When will the World learn that the Arabs cannot be trusted, I hope before the Arabs take over Europe and than the United States and Canada.
No one is questioning the 21 Arab States established after WWI, including Jordan's sovereignty, a country that never existed in history before WWI and which was established on land originally allocated to the Jewish people in 1920. If you question Israel's rights and territory you might as well question the sovereignty and territory of the other 21 Arab States set up at the same time by the same powers that set up the Jewish State.
YJ Draiman

1 comment:

    (Eretz Yisrael) THE LAND OF ISRAEL
    By David Ben Gurion
    “No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel. No Jew has the authority to do so. No Jewish body has the authority to do so. Not even the entire Jewish People alive today has the right to yield any part of Israel.
    It is the right of the Jewish People over the generations, a right that under no conditions can be cancelled. Even if Jews during a specific period proclaim they are relinquishing this right, they have neither the power nor the authority to deny it to future generations. No concession of this type is binding or obligates the Jewish People.
    Our right to the country – the entire country – exists as an eternal right, and we shall not yield this historic right until its full and complete redemption is realized.”
    This quotation of David Ben Gurion made at the Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland in 1937, more than 65 years ago.
