Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Palestine: America’s Enemy

Palestine: America’s Enemy
Arab propaganda has been successful in presenting
a picture of the Palestinian people as the helpless
and innocent victims of Israeli aggression--
potential friends of America who have been alienated by
America’s support for Israel (itself the result of a Jewish
Lobby) and its failure to support a Palestinian national
state. The fact that Palestinians are now led by two terrorist
organizations, Fatah and Hamas, is blamed on Israel and
the United States’ stubborn and irrational support for “the
Zionist entity,” rather than on the Palestinians who elected
them as leaders.
Since before World War II the Palestinian Arabs have,
in large numbers, supported the very worst of America’s
enemies, from the Nazis to the Soviets to Saddam Hussein,
and now support the Islamo-fascist terrorist jihad. Today the
majority party in the Palestinian Authority is Hamas, a self-defined
terrorist organization which has joined forces with
Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, and Iran in their terror war against the
West. On September 13, 2001, Dr. Atallah Abd as-Subh a
high-ranking Hamas official told the world just how deeply
Hamas hates the U.S.

In response to the attack of 9/11, he published an open
letter to America, in which he said: “Allah has answered our
prayers; the sword of vengeance has reached America and
will strike again and again.” 1
Even in January 2007, as the United State began to
tout Fatah as a moderate, peaceful alternative to Hamas,
a Fatah official, Abu Ali Shahin, declared on Palestinian
Authority TV: “Do to Bush whatever you want, and we wish
you success. We are fighting the Americans and hate the
Americans more than you!”
The Enemy of Their Enemy
This open hostility to America is not a recent development.
For most of the twentieth century, the Palestinian movement
aligned itself with the enemies of the United States. In the
1930s, as described at length in The Nazi Roots of Palestinian
Nationalism 2, the founder of the Palestinian “movement,”
the Hajj Amin al Husseini, working in alliance with the
Muslim Brotherhood, formed an alliance with Hitler, served
Nazi Germany by recruiting and deploying hundreds of
thousands of Bosnian Muslims into the Nazi war machine,
and planned to transplant the “final solution” to Palestine as
soon as Hitler was finished with Europe’s Jews.
By the 1960s, after America and its allies had vanquished
Nazism and faced a new enemy in Soviet Communism,
Ahmed Shuqairy, the first leader of the Palestinian Liberation
Organization, was a protégé of the KGB, as was Yassir Arafat.
Both Palestinian terrorist leaders aligned themselves with
the U.S.’s most powerful global enemy as willing puppets of
the Soviets during the Cold War. Arafat in particular became
an enthusiastic instrument of the USSR by training and
deploying Palestinian terrorists throughout the world to serve
Soviet strategy by fomenting violence against America or
its allies, and to destabilize pro-American regimes through
terrorism and intimidation.

The Soviets not only armed and trained Palestinian
terrorists but also used them to arm and train other
professional terrorists by the thousands. Palestinian terrorists
were identified in Havana as early as 1966. In fact, Cuba
became a base for Palestinian terrorist training and Marxist
indoctrination. In late April 1979, an agreement was reached
for the guerrilla group Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine to have several hundred of its terrorists trained
in Cuba, following a meeting between PFLP chief George
Habash and Cuban officials.
Teflon Terrorism
The USSR’s contribution to the Palestinian movement
was to transform what had been an inchoate program of
violence, terror, and Jew hatred into a “Third World liberation
front.” Endowing the Palestinians with a fictitious narrative
of nationalist aspiration and a quest for self-determination
created the facade of morality and legitimacy that Arafat’s
terrorists needed to curry favor with the EU, the UK, and
the U.S., even while attacking Western as well as Israeli
By re-branding the Palestinians as a people struggling
against a colonialist Israeli oppressor for statehood, for
inalienable human rights and freedom from occupation, the
USSR was able to use Palestinian terrorism for its own anti-
West Cold War strategies; and the Teflon terrorists could claim
an almost miraculous immunity from any accountability for
their crimes. Arafat may not have invented political skyjacking,
for instance, he made it into the guerrilla action
of choice for many Arab and other Muslim terror groups
after he staged the first (and only) successful Arab terrorist
hijacking of an El Al plane in 1968. There followed a
long series of sky-jackings, mostly by Arab terrorists. For
America, skyjacking culminated in the seizure of United and
American Airlines planes on 9/11.

Although the operations staged by Arafat in the 1960s
and 1970s involved the murder of hundreds of innocents,
the endangerment of thousands, and the destruction of
hundreds of millions of dollars of property, the Arab terrorist
perpetrators were almost never condemned by the press, the
UN, or any major government, or by world public opinion.
Palestinian leaders and much of their rank-and-file have
been consistent for decades in not only declaring their hatred
of the US and in charging that America is the great Satan, but
also in mounting attacks against American targets abroad.
Since 1993, more than 700 Americans have been killed in
Palestinian-related terror attacks. Among the Americans
attacked by the Palestinians have been Christian pilgrims
and clergy, American soldiers, American embassy personnel,
military attaches, and, perhaps most famously, the wheelchair
bound elderly American Leon Klinghoffer on the Achille
Lauro cruise ship on October 7, 1985. 3
Perhaps the most egregious example of this enmity toward
Americans came in 1973 when the PLO orchestrated the
murder of two American diplomats in Sudan. Cleo A. Noel,
Jr., U.S. ambassador to Sudan, and George C. Moore, another
U.S. diplomat there, were among a group of men seized and
held hostage by Yassir Arafat’s Black September terrorists
during a reception at the Saudi Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan,
March 2, 1973. The terrorists demanded the release of Sirhan
Sirhan, the Palestinian assassin of Robert Kennedy, as well
as of terrorists being held in Israeli and European prisons.
President Nixon refused to negotiate. Noel Jr. and Moore
were then murdered, Arafat having given the execution order
in a phone conversation recorded by the Israelis who gave
the tape to the State Department and President Nixon. The
authenticity of the tape was verified in U.S. laboratories by
both the State Department and the White House.
Investigative reporter Jack Anderson wrote a comprehensive
expose of Arafat’s role in these murders in the
Washington Post (July 29, 1980), demonstrating irrefutably
that he had personally ordered these murders. Arafat’s code
name for this attack was “nahar el-bard” (“cold river,” also
the name of an Arab refugee camp in Lebanon). Perhaps the
most horrifying testimony to Arafat’s teflon status is the fact
that the U.S. State Department hid the facts of these murders
for decades, to maintain the façade that Arafat was a force
for peace and stability within the Arab terrorist forces in the
Middle East. When James J. Welsh, the National Security
Agency’s Palestinian analyst, attempted to go public, he was
intimidated into silence. 4
Palestinian Terrorism After the Cold War
With the eclipse of the USSR, Arafat needed new financial
backing and found it in Saddam Hussein. Money from Iraq
allowed Arafat to maintain his terror forces even during
his exile in Tunisia. In exchange, Arafat became a loyal
supporter of Saddam, and stood by him in both Gulf wars.
Coincidental with the fall of the Iron Curtain, however,
Fatah and the PLO faced a crisis even more serious than
funding their operations. This was the rise of organizations
such as Hezbollah and Hamas. To maintain his hold over the
Palestinian movement and to prevent these new, religiously inspired
terrorist upstarts from stealing his thunder, Arafat,
previously an extreme secularist, adopted the worldview of
radical, America-hating Islam. How deeply committed to the
objectives of the jihadists the Palestinians were was clearly
demonstrated by the spontaneous popular response on
Palestinians to the al-Qaeda attacks on September 11, 2001.
For Western consumption, Arafat televised his donation of
blood to the survivors of 9/11. But while this was taking place,
there were spontaneous outbreaks of public celebration over
the attack on America in a number of Palestinian communities
on the West Bank and Gaza which he was unable entirely to
suppress. Coverage of these celebrations, especially CNNs
detailed broadcasts, were met with shock and outrage in the
United States. Although pro Palestinian commentators were
at pains to describe these Palestinian outpourings of support
for Mohammad Atta’s band of killers as scattered and
anomalous and Arafat himself tried to confiscate the footage,
a variety of British newspapers, for instance, reported that
thousands of Palestinians poured in to the streets of Nablus
and Jerusalem, giving out candy, firing celebratory shots in
the air, cheering Osama and rejoicing at the blow dealt to the
Realizing that the Palestinians’ hatred of America, the
dirty little secret of his regime, was in danger of exposure,
Arafat ordered his security forces to open fire on street
demonstrators when they refused to stop their celebrations.
He arrested European photographers and journalists, and
threatened their lives if film footage of the Palestinian post-
9/11 celebrations were broadcast. 5
Palestinian Islamo Fascism
While Arafat and his PA leaders were busy trying to
silence the eye-witness reports of Palestinians cheering the
death of Americans, Hamas (at that time not yet in a position
of political leadership in the Palestinian Authority) had no
qualms about voicing its true feelings. In response to the
9/11 attack, Hamas leader Dr. Atallah Abb as- Subh wrote an
“open letter to America” in the Hamas publication ar-Risala
(“The Prophecy”), published in Gaza. Speaking the language
of political correctness, he asked: “Have you [America] asked
yourself about your actions against your original inhabitants,
the Indians, the Apaches? Your white feet crushed them and
then used their name for a helicopter bearing death...(and)...
Allah has answered our prayers; the sword of vengeance has
reached America and will strike again and again.” 6
Hamas’ origins in the Muslim Brotherhood, and its meteoric
rise to power and prominence both in the Palestinian terror
war against Israel and among the international Islamofascist
organizations fighting the West, are by now well known. Less
so are the specifics of Hamas’ message to its followers, who
now comprise a majority of Palestinians, including most of
those once thought to be moderate.
Hamas’ charter describes in detail the plan for an Islamic
conquest of the world, one step at a time. This dire struggle
against the entire non-Muslim world begins with Jews and
with Israel, which the organization sees as a puppet state
of America. Hamas is now the only democratically elected
political power in the world whose foundation agenda
includes the genocide of the world’s Jews (and by extension
Americans), and whose sole defining paradigm is terrorism.
It is also the only democratically elected regime in the world
which seeks total world domination, with the obliteration
of all national, political, social, and religious organizations
whose ideologies are at variance with that of Islam.
Indeed, with Hamas we now have the bald-faced and
undiluted promise of “Islam uber Alles.” This ideology of hatred
and destruction, genocide and mass murder, world conquest
and the obliteration of all non-conforming ideologies and
societies, has been at the forefront of Hamas’ appeal to the
Palestinian people since its inception in the Gaza Strip as
a subsidiary of the Muslim Brotherhood twenty years ago.
When they voted Hamas in to power, the Palestinian people
knew the destructive and genocidal intentions of the Hamas
leaders. And they supported those intentions, de facto, with
their vote.
Deadly Alliances
Just as the Palestinians were once in alliance against
the U.S. with the Nazis and Stalinists, so now they are in
alliance with groups such as Hezbollah, whose leader Hassan
Nasrallah has said, “`Death to America’ is not a slogan. Death
to America is a policy, a strategy and a vision.”
Pursuant to Iran’s goals and strategies, Hezbollah has
attacked many U.S. targets over the past 25 years. Iran’s use
of Hezbollah as its proxy gives Iran “plausible deniability”
in these actions. Of Hezbollah’s terror attacks against U.S.
targets, the most deadly were the April 18 and October 23,
1983 suicide bombings against American targets in Beirut,
killing 63 and 241 Americans respectively, and wounding
hundreds of others.
Hamas also supports al-Qaeda. After the Israeli unilateral
and unconditional retreat from the Gaza Strip in August,
2005, al-Qaeda cells, under the leadership of Abu Mus’ab
al-Zarqawi, entered the Strip and began to work alongside of
Hamas and the dozen other terror groups at large. Until his
death in Iraq at the hands of coalition forces in 2006, Zarqawi
recruited Gaza Strip Palestinians with family members in
the West Bank for his terrorist efforts because they could
more easily cross the Israeli check points under the guise of
“family reunions.”
Palestinian reporter and documentary film producer
Khaled abu- Toameh, during an interview with “The
Spotlight Group,” noted that Hamas, no matter how much it
is pressured by Israel and the U.S., cannot abandon its basic
goal of destruction of Israel. “If it did so,” abu-Toameh
said, “it would lose its constituency.” 7 In other words, some
significant plurality, or perhaps a majority, of the Palestinian
people share Hamas’ goal of Israel’s destruction, the
genocide of Israel’s Jews, and the targeting of the U.S. as an
enemy of Islam and an appropriate object of terror attacks.
The shift in support from Abbas and the PLO to Hamas,
the defection of a large part of Fatah man-power, and the
apparently strong and growing popular support for al-Qaeda
in the Gaza Strip, all bespeak the same priorities among the
Palestinian people.

Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah in the USA
The threat to America by the Palestinians is not merely
rhetorical, nor does it emanate only from foreign soil. In
fact, operatives from the major Arab and Iranian terror groups
have infiltrated our own homeland with the intent to attack
us from within. Palestinian terror groups and individuals are
a key part of this operation. 8
Very little of this information has ever appeared in our
mainstream media. The task of informing the American
public of the dangers posed to us by Iranian and Palestinian
terrorist jihad falls, with very few exceptions, to more highly
specialized (and apparently more honest and courageous)
media outlets.
A survey of information provided by these media discloses
discomforting evidence that Palestinian and other terrorists
are thoroughly and comfortably ensconced in downtown
America, right under the noses of law-enforcement and
Homeland Security officials; that they number in the
thousands 9 and are training for war in secret camps in the
USA 10 in part by infiltrating the U.S. own military 11 and
penetrating Washington DC with political influence, staffers,
and spies. Meanwhile, evidence accumulates of jihadist
sleeper cells abound with Hezbollah, Hamas and al-Qaeda
terrorists hidden within the Islamic American community,
waiting for the call to action from Tehran or Damascus 12
Recently declassified CIA documents reveal that as
early as March, 1973, the Palestinian terrorist group, Black
September (a PLO sub-group created by Arafat), tried to
detonate three car bombs in New York City, timed to coincide
with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir’s visit. The powerful
bombs, which might have killed or wounded hundreds, failed to
explode due to improper wiring of the timing mechanisms 13.
Later, Palestinian Arabs in Brooklyn prepared a terror
attack on a Brooklyn bus and a subway station, which was
thwarted only by an almost unbelievable stroke of good
luck. The Palestinians involved in the explosion in the World
Trade Center in February, 1993, had also planned to blow
up the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, and the United Nations
building. And many more attacks have been planned.
Especially after 9/11, al-Qaeda commanders and officials
stationed in Western countries, including the United States,
have recruited Hamas operatives and volunteers to carry
out reconnaissance or serve as couriers. In August 2004,
two suspected high-level Hamas operatives, Mohammed
Salah and Abdelhaleem Ashqar, were detained in the U.S.
and charged with providing material support to Hamas,
racketeering and money laundering. In November 2003,
Jamal Aqal, a Gazan who immigrated to Canada, was
arrested in Israel under suspicion of receiving weapons
and explosives training from Hamas for use in future terror
attacks in Canada and New York City. Aqal pleaded guilty
in 2004 to planning to kill American and Canadian Jewish
leaders and Israeli officials traveling in the U.S.
Also in 2004, Ismail Selim Elbarasse, a long-time Hamas
money man, was arrested in Maryland, reportedly after
authorities witnessed his wife videotaping Maryland’s
Chesapeake Bay Bridge from their SUV as Elbarasse drove.
The images captured by Elbarasse’s wife included closeups
of cables and other features “integral to the structural
integrity of the bridge,” according to court papers. Hamas
leaders discussed openly their plans, and threats, to carry out
terror operations against American targets in the Middle East
and in the US because of America’s support for President
Abbas and the PLO after Hamas’ election victory 14
A 75 Year War
During the week of June 13, 2007, Hamas forces soundly
defeated the much larger and better armed Fatah forces in
Gaza, killing at least 160 Arab Palestinian Fatah loyalists,
effectively destroying the Palestinian Authority, and
establishing complete control over the Gaza Strip.
This new development affords Hamas a prime strategic
asset for escalating its violent campaign against Israel 15.
The rebellion against Abbas, and Hamas’ rejection of any
form of moderation, and its opposition to U.S. goals in the
Middle East conflict, also reveal something else-- that the
Palestinian people are at war with America.
This war has been going on for three quarters of a century,
beginning in the 1930s with the alliance between the Mufti
and Hitler, developing from the 1960s through the present
with Arafat’s actions as an agent for Soviet policy and
a supporter of Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf War, and
Hamas’ overt anti- American threats and attacks and its
backing of Hezbollah’s attacks against Americans today.
It cannot any longer be argued that hatred of America
is restricted to only a small minority of Palestinians--the
leaders, the fanatics, the extremists. Hundreds of thousands
adored the Mufti in the 1930s and yearned for his final
solution. Millions followed Arafat, cheering and celebrating
when he hit both Israelis and Americans. Tens of thousands
flocked to his banner to join his terror forces (Fatah, PLO,
PFLP, PFLP-GC, DFLP, the abu-Nidal group, Tanzim, Force
17, el-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, the Black September Group,
among others) and create a full-fledged terrorist army 16.
Moreover, in 1996 the Palestinian people voted Arafat in to
office with a landslide victory. When his mandate expired in
January of 2000, there was no opposition to his continued illegal
control of the Palestinian Authority. After Arafat’s death, the
voters’ loyalties shifted not to his supposedly more moderate
successor, Mahmoud Abbas (nor to any of the other moderate
parties on the 2006 PA ballot), but to the terrorist army offering
the most extreme agenda of terrorism and mass murder and
endless war against Israel and against the USA -- Hamas.

Why Hatred?
One reason commonly offered for this animosity toward
America is that Palestinian hatred comes from U.S. support
for Israel. But while the U.S. does support Israel, it has also
done much to support the Arab world, and the Palestinians,
Yasser Arafat, and the PLO in particular. On a regular basis
from Roosevelt to Clinton, the U.S. has given almost as much
money to Egypt as to Israel, has given billions more over
the years to many other Arab states, and has given billions
more to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for
support of Arab refugees. This despite the fact that UN
representatives acknowledge that UNRWA refugee camps
have become havens for terrorists whose targets include
Americans and who have been complicit in the development
of worldwide terrorism.
In addition to being a consistent source of financial support
for the Palestinians, America has for almost 60 years has
consistently and intentionally turned a blind eye to the fact
that at least some of that money is used to recruit, train,
equip, arm and deploy terrorists against Israel, and at times
against American targets as well.
As president, Jimmy Carter played a crucial role in
Arafat’s makeover from terrorist to statesman and as ex-
President has slavishly supported the Palestinians ever since.
In this regard, Carter established a tradition. Arafat was an
honored guest at the White House more than any other head
of state during Bill Clinton’s presidency.
President Clinton hosted the signing of the Oslo Accords in
1993, which brought Arafat out of exile and set in to motion
what should have been the creation of a Palestinian state.
He presided as well over the Camp David II talks, in which
Arafat was offered the state of Palestine on a silver platter.
Presidents Clinton and Bush have authorized hundreds of
millions of dollars of aid to the PA since the Oslo Accords
President George W. Bush was the first American
president to make a public commitment to the creation of
a Palestinian state (June, 2002); and he led the international
group formulating the “Road Map” whose main goal was
getting peace negotiations back on track so conflict could
be resolved and a Palestinian state could emerge (April,
2004). And most recently, President Bush exerted enormous
political influence to convene the first ever pan-Arab Middle
East peace conference at Annapolis in November of 2007.
Leaders from every major Arab country, including all the
Arab confrontation states and the Palestinian Authority,
gathered in Annapolis to watch President Bush and Secretary
of State Condoleeza Rice arm-twist the Israeli representatives
to agree to ignore Hamas terrorism and threats of genocide,
and to re-start negotiations with Mahmoud Abbas, even
though President Abbas himself refused to acknowledge the
existence of Israel as a Jewish state. President Bush and
Secretary Rice went so far in accommodating the Arab
representatives’ sensibilities that they obliged Israeli
representatives to enter the conference room via a back
door so that they would not be seen by Middle East press
representatives walking in to the meeting hall together with
the Arab delegates.
If getting a state were indeed what the Palestinian leadership
wanted, that leadership would see the U.S. as an ally, and
President Bush, like his predecessors Carter and Clinton, as
a strong and committed friend. But they continue to see the
U.S. as an enemy. Why? Because the Palestinians’ most
profound dreams do not involve national self-determination
or a state of their own. They instead dream of what the most
extreme of the world’s terror armies say they can deliver: the
destruction of Israel, the creation of Palestine from the River
to the Sea, and “Death to America.”

Appendix I
Some of the most prominent and lethal attacks against
America by Palestinians:
February 23, 1970, Halhoul, West Bank. Palestinian Liberation
Organization terrorists open fire on a busload of pilgrims killing
Barbara Ertle of Michigan and wounding two other Americans.
March 28-29, 1970, Beirut, Lebanon. The Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) fired seven rockets at the U.S.
Embassy, the American Insurance Company, Bank of America and
the John F. Kennedy library.
September 14, 1970, En route to Amman, Jordan. The PFLP
hijacked a TWA flight from Zurich, Switzerland and forced it to land
in Amman. Four American citizens were injured.
March 2, 1973, Khartoum, Sudan. Cleo A. Noel, Jr., U.S. ambassador
to Sudan, and George C. Moore, also a U.S. diplomat, were held
hostage and then killed by terrorists at the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum.
Investigative reporter Jack Anderson wrote a comprehensive expose
of Arafat’s role in these murders in the Washington Post (July 29,
1980), demonstrating with pretty much irrefutable evidence that Yassir
Arafat personally ordered these executions. Events later proved him
correct, when declassified State Department documents revealed that
State Department personnel had known of, and hidden, Arafat’s role.
For detailed discussion, cf. Johnson, Scott, W., “Who Murdered Cleo
Noel?” Front Page Magazine, Nov. 18, 2003; Freedman, Daniel,
“Declassified State Department Document: Arafat Responsible for
Storming Embassy and Murder of Americans in 1973,” New York
Sun, Dec. 28, 2006; Moore, Art, “American diplomats murdered by
Arafat?” WorldNetDaily, March 2, 2003; and Farah, Joseph, “Is U.S.
hiding Arafat murders?” WorldNetDaily, Jan. 17, 2001.
June 29, 1975, Beirut, Lebanon. The PFLP kidnapped the U.S.
military attaché to Lebanon, Ernest Morgan, and demanded food,
clothing and building materials for indigent residents living near Beirut
harbor. The American diplomat was released after an anonymous
benefactor provided food to the neighborhood.
January 1, 1977, Beirut, Lebanon. Frances E. Meloy, U.S.
ambassador to Lebanon, and Robert O.Waring, the U.S. economic
counselor, were kidnapped by PFLP members as they crossed a militia
checkpoint separating the Christian from the Muslim parts of Beirut.
They were later shot to death.
May 4, 1979, Tiberias, Israel. Haim Mark and his wife, Haya, of
New Haven, Connecticut were injured in a PLO bombing attack in
northern Israel.
March 16, 1983, Beirut, Lebanon. Five American Marines were
wounded in a hand grenade attack while on patrol north of Beirut
International Airport. The Islamic Jihad and Al-Amal, a Shi’ite
militia, claimed responsibility for the attack.
September 20, 1984, Aukar, Lebanon. Islamic Jihad detonate a
van full of explosives 30 feet in front of the U.S. Embassy annex
severely damaging the building, killing two U.S. servicemen and
seven Lebanese employees, as well as 5 to 15 non-employees. Twenty
Americans were injured, including U.S. Ambassador Reginald
Bartholomew and visiting British Ambassador David Miers. An
estimated 40 to 50 Lebanese were hurt. The attack came in response
to the U.S. veto September 6 of a U.N. Security Council resolution.
October 7, 1985, Between Alexandria, Egypt and Haifa, Israel.
A four-member PFLP squad took over the Italian cruise ship Achille
Lauro, as it was sailing from Alexandria, Egypt, to Israel. The squad
murdered a disabled U.S. citizen, Leon Klinghoffer, by throwing
him in the ocean. The rest of the passengers were held hostage for
two days and later released after the terrorists turned themselves in
to Egyptian authorities in return for safe passage. But U.S. Navy
fighters intercepted the Egyptian aircraft flying the terrorists to Tunis
and forced it to land at the NATO airbase in Italy, where the terrorists
were arrested. Two of the terrorists were tried in Italy and sentenced
to prison. The Italian authorities however let the two others escape on
diplomatic passports. Abu Abbas, who masterminded the hijacking,
was later convicted to life imprisonment in absentia.
March 30, 1986, Athens, Greece. A bomb exploded on a TWA flight
from Rome as it approached Athens airport. The attack killed four U.S.
citizens who were sucked through a hole made by the blast, although
the plane safely landed. The bombing was attributed to the Fatah
Special Operations Group’s intelligence and security apparatus, headed
by Abdullah Abd al-Hamid Labib, alias Colonel Hawari.
September 5, 1986, Karachi, Pakistan. Abu Nidal members hijacked
a Pan Am flight leaving Karachi, Pakistan bound for Frankfurt,
Germany and New York with 379 passengers, including 89 Americans.
The terrorists forced the plane to land in Larnaca, Cyprus, where they
demanded the release of two Palestinians and a Briton jailed for the
murder of three Israelis there in 1985. The terrorists killed 22 of the
passengers, including two American citizens and wounded many
others. They were caught and indicted by a Washington grand jury
in 1991.
March 6, 1989, Cairo, Egypt. Two explosive devices were safely
removed from the grounds of the American and British Cultural
centers in Cairo. Three organizations were believed to be responsible
for the attack: The January 15 organization, which had sent a letter
bomb to the Israeli ambassador to London in January; the Egyptian
Revolutionary Organization that from out 1984-1986 carried out
attacks against U.S. and Israeli targets; and the Nasserite Organization,
which had attacked British and American targets in 1988.
November 8, 1991, Beirut, Lebanon. A 100-kg car bomb destroyed
the administration building of the American University in Beirut,
killing one person and wounding at least a dozen.
February 23, 1997, New York, United States. A Palestinian gunman
opened fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State
building in New York, killing a Danish national and wounding
visitors from the United States, Argentina, Switzerland and France
before turning the gun on himself. A handwritten note carried by the
gunman claimed this was a punishment attack against the “enemies
of Palestine.”
June 21, 1998, Beirut, Lebanon. Two hand-grenades were thrown at
the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. No casualties were reported.
June 21, 1998, Beirut, Lebanon. Three rocket-propelled grenades
attached to a crude detonator exploded near the U.S. Embassy
compound in Beirut, causing no casualties and little damage.
August 7, 1998, Nairobi, Kenya. A car bomb exploded at the rear
entrance of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi. The attack killed a total
of 292, including 12 U.S. citizens, and injured over 5,000, among
them six Americans. The perpetrators belonged to al-Qaeda, Osama
bin Ladin’s network.
October 12, 2000, Aden Harbor, Yemen. A suicide squad rammed
the warship the U.S.S. Cole with an explosives-laden boat killing 13
American sailors and injuring 33. The attack was likely by Osama bin
Ladin’s al-Qaeda organization.
October 15, 2003: Bombing of American convoy in the Gaza
Strip: John Branchizio, 37, Mark Parson, 31, and John Martin Linde,
30, were on contract to the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv through the
defense contracting company Dyncorp. U.S. citizens injured: One asyet-
unnamed U.S. citizen (reportedly a diplomat).
Appendix II
Interactions between Arafat and other PLO leaders with
Saddam Hussein:
A Palestinian Authority delegation met in Baghdad in September
1997 with Udai Hussein, son of the Iraqi dictator, “in a warm
and friendly atmosphere.” (Khaled Abu Taomeh, reporting in the
Jerusalem newspaper Yerushalayim, September 5, 1997)
In July 1997, according to the official Iraqi News Agency, in
Baghdad (July 10, 1997), Arafat sent a message which “conveyed
the greetings of the Palestinian president to President Saddam
Hussein and reiterated the Palestinian people’s pride in their
close relations with the Iraqi people and in the principled and
firm Iraqi positions in the face of the challenges and conspiracies
implemented by the enemies of the Arab nation.”
The PLO’s Palestinian Legislative Council denounced the U.S.
missile strike in western Iraq (in response to Iraqi attacks on
Kurds there last year), as “American aggression against the sister
state, Iraq.” The PA also urged Arab states to provide Iraq “any
form of financial aid and moral support...so that sister Iraq can
recapture her natural place in the taking of the national and pan-
Arab responsibility.” (An Nahar, Sept. 5, 1996)
Arafat visited Iraq in 1993, met with Saddam, and hailed “the
greatness of the Iraqi people and their leader.” (Jerusalem Post,
Feb. 3, 1993)

In 1991, the PLO representative in Washington, Hassan Abu
Rahman, circulated a fabricated transcript of a radio interview in
which U.S. General Norman Schwarzkopf supposedly “admitted”
that “the war that our men fought against Saddam Hussein was
for Israel, our men fought to destroy Israel’s main enemy in the
region.” (Jerusalem Post, June 5, 1991)
During the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf crisis, PLO chairman Yasir
Arafat was Saddam Hussein’s closest Arab ally. After the Iraqi
occupation of Kuwait, the PLO denounced America’s opposition
to the occupation, accusing Washington of “beating the drums of a
destructive war and raising tension toward a complete explosion.”
(Jerusalem Post, Aug. 14, 1990). This Palestinian support for
Hussein presents an interesting conundrum. Kuwait was one
of the earliest supporters of Arafat and Palestinian nationalism.
300,000 Palestinians had found shelter and refuge in Kuwait after
the 1948 and 1967 wars with Israel. They enjoyed a high standard
of living and professional success. Yet they rioted in the streets
in support of Saddam on the eve of his invasion and joined with
his forces when they entered the country that had hosted them
and supported them for decades. Their hatred of the West, hatred
of the USA, overrode any sense of gratitude for the hospitality
offered them by their host country. As a result, all 300,000 were
expelled by the Emir, without money or property, as soon as the
Iraqi army had retreated. They ended up as penniless refugees in
Arabia, Jordan, and the West Bank.
According to the London Independent, “much of the logistical
planning for the Iraqi invasion was based on intelligence supplied
by PLO officials and supporters based in Kuwait.” (Jerusalem
Post, Aug. 8, 1990)
According to Yossef Bodansky, The Secret History of the Iraq War,
Arafat was closely involved with Saddam in training special Iraqi
terrorist forces for attacks against Israel and the USA using chemical
and biological weapons of mass destruction. Arafat’s PLO trainers
worked in Syria and in Iraq in partnership with both Saddam and
al-Qaeda to train and deploy Iraqi and Palestinian terrorist cells to
infiltrate Israel, Europe and the USA for such attacks.

Appendix III
Hezbollah attacks against the USA, since the organization
was created by Iran in 1982 (taken from Jewish Virtual
July 19, 1982, Beirut, Lebanon. Hezbollah members kidnapped
David Dodge, acting president of the American University in Beirut.
After a year in captivity, Dodge was released. Rifat Assad, head of
Syrian Intelligence, helped in the negotiation with the terrorists.
March 16, 1983, Beirut, Lebanon. Five American Marines were
wounded in a hand grenade attack while on patrol north of Beirut
International Airport. The Islamic Jihad and Al-Amal, a Shi’ite
militia, claimed responsibility for the attack.
April 18, 1983, Beirut, Lebanon. A truck-bomb detonated by
a remote control exploded in front of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut,
killing 63 employees, including the CIA’s Middle East director, and
wounding 120. Hezbollah, with financial backing from Iran, was
responsible for the attack.
October 23, 1983, Beirut, Lebanon. A truck loaded with a bomb
crashed into the lobby of the U.S. Marines headquarters in Beirut,
killing 241 soldiers and wounding 81. The attack was carried out by
Hezbollah with the help of Syrian intelligence and financed by Iran.
January 18, 1984, Beirut, Lebanon. Malcolm Kerr, a Lebanese
born American who was president of the American University of
Beirut, was killed by two gunmen outside his office. Hezbollah said
the assassination was part of the organization’s plan to “drive all
Americans out from Lebanon.”
March 7, 1984, Beirut, Lebanon. Hezbollah members kidnapped
Jeremy Levin, Beirut bureau chief of Cable News Network (CNN).
Levin managed to escape and reach Syrian army barracks. He was
later transferred to American hands.
March 8, 1984, Beirut, Lebanon. Three Hezbollah members
kidnapped Reverend Benjamin T. Weir, while he was walking with
his wife in Beirut’s Manara neighborhood. Weir was released after 16
months of captivity with Syrian and Iranian assistance.
March 16, 1984, Beirut, Lebanon. Hezbollah kidnapped William
Buckley, a political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. Buckley
was supposed to be exchanged for prisoners. However when the
transaction failed to take place, he was reportedly transported to Iran.
Although his body was never found, the U.S. administration declared
the American diplomat dead.
April 12, 1984, Torrejon, Spain. Hezbollah bombed a restaurant
near an U.S. Air Force base in Torrejon, Spain, wounding 83 people.
September 20, 1984, Beirut, Lebanon. A suicide bomb attack on
the U.S. Embassy in East Beirut killed 23 people and injured 21. The
American and British ambassadors were slightly injured in the attack,
attributed to the Iranian backed Hezbollah group.
September 20, 1984, Aukar, Lebanon. Islamic Jihad detonate a
van full of explosives 30 feet in front of the U.S. Embassy annex
severely damaging the building, killing two U.S. servicemen and
seven Lebanese employees, as well as 5 to 15 non-employees. Twenty
Americans were injured, including U.S. Ambassador Reginald
Bartholomew and visiting British Ambassador David Miers. An
estimated 40 to 50 Lebanese were hurt. The attack came in response
to the U.S. veto September 6 of a U.N. Security Council resolution.
December 4, 1984, Tehran, Iran. Hezbollah terrorists hijacked
a Kuwait Airlines plane en route from Dubai, United Emirates, to
Karachi, Pakistan. They demanded the release from Kuwaiti jails of
members of Da’Wa, a group of Shiite extremists serving sentences
for attacks on French and American targets on Kuwaiti territory. The
terrorists forced the pilot to fly to Tehran where the terrorists murdered
two passengers--American Agency for International Development
employees, Charles Hegna and William Stanford. Although an Iranian
special unit ended the incident by storming the plane and arresting the
terrorists, the Iranian government might also have been involved in
the hijacking.
June 14, 1985, Between Athens and Rome. Two Hezbollah members
hijacked a TWA flight en route to Rome from Athens and forced the
pilot to fly to Beirut. The terrorists, believed to belong to Hezbollah,
asked for the release of members of the group Kuwait 17 and 700
Shi’ite prisoners held in Israeli and South Lebanese prisons. The
eight crew members and 145 passengers were held for 17 days during
which one of the hostages, Robert Stethem, a U.S. Navy diver, was
murdered. After being flown twice to Algiers, the aircraft returned
to Beirut and the hostages were released. Later on, four Hezbollah
members were secretly indicted. One of them, the Hezbollah senior
officer Imad Mughniyah, was indicted in absentia.
September 9, 1986, Beirut, Lebanon. Continuing its anti-American
attacks, Hezbollah kidnapped Frank Reed, director of the American
University in Beirut, whom they accused of being “a CIA agent.” He
was released 44 months later. September 12, 1986, Beirut, Lebanon.
Hezbollah kidnapped Joseph Cicippio, the acting comptroller at the
American University in Beirut. Cicippio was released five years later
on December 1991.
October 21, 1986, Beirut, Lebanon. Hezbollah kidnapped Edward
A. Tracy, an American citizen in Beirut. He was released five years
later, on August 1991.
February 17, 1988, Ras-Al-Ein Tyre, Lebanon. Col. William
Higgins, the American chief of the United Nations Truce Supervisory
Organization, was abducted by Hezbollah while driving from Tyre
to Nakura. The hostages demanded the withdrawal of Israeli forces
from Lebanon and the release of all Palestinian and Lebanese held
prisoners in Israel. The U.S. government refused to answer the
request. Hezbollah later claimed they killed Higgins.
March 6, 1989, Cairo, Egypt. Two explosive devices were safely
removed from the grounds of the American and British Cultural
centers in Cairo. Three organizations were believed to be responsible
for the attack: the January 15 organization, which had sent a letter
bomb to the Israeli ambassador to London in January; the Egyptian
Revolutionary Organization that from out 1984-1986 carried out
attacks against U.S. and Israeli targets; and the Nasserite Organization,
which had attacked British and American targets in 1988.
November 8, 1991, Beirut, Lebanon. A 100-kg car bomb destroyed
the administration building of the American University in Beirut,
killing one person and wounding at least a dozen.
June 25, 1996, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. A fuel truck carrying a
bomb exploded outside the U.S. military’s Khobar Towers housing
facility in Dhahran, killing 19 U.S. military personnel and wounding
515 persons, including 240 U.S. personnel. Several groups claimed
responsibility for the attack. In June 2001, a U.S. District Court
in Alexandria, Virginia, identified Saudi Hezbollah as the party
responsible for the attack. The court indicated that the members of the
organization, banned from Saudi Arabia, “frequently met and were
trained in Lebanon, Syria, or Iran” with Libyan help.
1.] Hamas official newspaper, al-Risala [The Prophecy], Sept. 13, 2001,
quoted in MEMRI, Sept. 17, 2001, #268, http://www.memri.org/bin/
2.] Meir-Levi, David, The Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism and
Islamic Jihad, David Horowitz Freedom Center, 2007
3.] For full documentation and list of victims in chronological order with
brief description of each incident, see Jewish Virtual Library, “American
Victims of Mideast Terrorist Attacks,”
4.] For detailed discussion, cf. Johnson, Scott, W., “Who Murdered
Cleo Noel?” Front Page Magazine, Nov. 18, 2003; Freedman, Daniel,
“Declassified State Department Document: Arafat Responsible for
Storming Embassy and Murder of Americans in 1973,” New York Sun,
Dec. 28, 2006; Moore, Art, “American diplomats murdered by Arafat?”
WorldNetDaily, March 2, 2003; and Farah, Joseph, “Is U.S. hiding Arafat
murders?” WorldNetDaily, Jan. 17, 2001.
5.] A German investigation raised doubt as to the motives of the
celebrations, suggesting that journalists had incited pedestrians to “whoop
it up” in front of cameras. See Erdmann, Von Lisa, in SPIEGEL ONLINE
- 21. September 2001,” Die Macht der TV-Bilder: Was ist die Wahrheit?”
URL: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,158625,00.html.
This report never gained wide credence or circulation; nor did it ever
explain what might have been the motives of European journalists to
engage in such mendacious maneuvers which would serve only to make
Palestinians look bad, and the journalists’ hosts, the Palestinian Authority,
enraged at them. The UK Times (September 11, 2001) and other British
newspapers and French news services aired full reports of Palestinian
celebration, as well as Arafat’s attempts to squelch it.

6.] cf/ Supra, note #1.
7.] Mr. Abu-Toameh was interviewed by “The Spotlight Group”
(April, 2007) and the interview was broadcast on Public Access Cable
Television, channel 27, Palo Alto, CA, USA during the month of May,
8.] In-depth exposure of this infiltration in to the USA by Palestinian
and other Arab terrorist groups can be found in Bodansky, Yossef,
Target The West: Terrorism in the World today, 1993; also Diaz, Tom,
& Newman, Barbara, Lightning out of Lebanon (terrorists in USA); and
Emerson, Steven, American Jihad.
9.] : “Northern Virginiastan,” Investors Business Daily, February 26,
2007, and cf. http://www.investors.com/editorial/editorialcontent.asp?se
10.] “HOMELAND INSECURITY: Probe finds terrorists in U.S.
‘training for war,’ Neighbors of Muslim encampment fear retaliation if
they report to police” World Net Daily, 2.19.06
11.] Pipes, Daniel “Pentagon Jihadis,” New York Post, September 29,
2003, and cf. www.danielpipes.org | www.danielpipes.org/article/1259
12.] : Asman, David, “Does any terrorist organization pose a greater
threat to Americans than al-Qaeda?’ aired on Fox News, January 20, 2007,
as “Smokescreen: Hezbollah Inside America”; Gaubatz, Dave, “Sleeper
Cells in the United States and Canada, American Thinker, February 5,
2007, and cf. http://www.americanthinker.com/2007/02/sleeper_cells_
in_the_united_st.html; and Lathem, Niles, “N.Y. Hezbollah Hunt,” New
York Post, May 22, 2006
15.] Kushner, Harvey, Holy War On The Home Front: The Secret
Islamic Terror Network In The United States
16.] Klein, Aaron, “Hamas threatens attacks on U.S.” World Net
Daily, Dec. 22, 2006)
17.] Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, Palestine Media Watch, May
29, 2007; and cf. also DEBKAfile, May 29, 2007
18.] Palestinian terrorist groups number more than a dozen. The
following brief summary of the history of three of them (the PFLP, the
PFLP-GC, and the DFLP) will give the reader an idea of the complexity
of the development of these groups.

The PFLP is the more radical, more Marxist-Leninist, less Islamic
partner of Fatah in the PLO. The Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine (PFLP) (Arabic: نيطسلف ريرحتل ةيبعشلا ةهبجلا , al-
Jabhah al-Sha`biyyah li-Tahrīr Filastīn) is a Marxist-Leninist, secular,
nationalist Palestinian political and military organization, founded in
1967. It has consistently been the second-largest of the groups forming
the Palestine Liberation Organization (the largest being Fatah). It has
generally taken a hard line on Palestinian national aspirations, opposing
the more moderate stance of Fatah. It opposed the Oslo Accords and was
for a long time opposed to the idea of a two-state solution to the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict, but in 1999 came to an agreement with the PLO
leadership regarding negotiations with Israel.
The PFLP grew out of the Harakat al-Qawmiyyin al-Arab, or Arab
Nationalist Movement (ANM), founded in 1953 by Dr. George Habash,
a Palestinian Christian, from Lydda/Lod in Palestine. After the Six
Day War of June 1967, this group merged in August with two other
groups, Youth for Revenge and Ahmed Jibril’s Syrian-backed Palestine
Liberation Front, to form the PFLP, with Habash as leader. It had the
financial backing of Syria, and was headquartered there, and one of its
training camps was based in as-Salt, Jordan.
In 1968, Ahmed Jibril broke away from the PFLP to form the Syrianbacked
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command
In 1969, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
formed as a separate, ostensibly Maoist, organization under Nayef
Hawatmeh and Yasser Abd Rabbo, initially as the PDFLP.
In 1972, the Popular Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of
Palestine was formed following a split in PFLP.

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