Monday, December 8, 2014

The world absolves Arab-Palestinians from adult responsible behavior

The world absolves Arab-Palestinians from adult responsible behavior

The fatal flaws in that browned-off appeal lie where? Look for the duty of one party to give and the right of the other party to receive. Defrocked, that’s human rights. What is it but a worldview on Palestinian wants and the duty of Israel to supply them. One is owed, the other owes. There’s no notion of the alms-seeker having to do anything but table maximum demands, then sit back while supporters extort the alms-giver to meet him more than half way. The world absolves Palestinians from responsible adult behavior.
Israel capitulates to Arabs after defeating them. A first in history.
The idea of a perennial spoiled kid makes the quip of Israeli politicians a bitter sweet.
“I think it would be the first war in history that on the morality of humanity, where the victors sued for peace and the vanquished called for unconditional surrender.”
The vanquished want everything, and they want it on their own terms, unconditionally. Possession may be 9/10th of the law, and Israel may have it, but emulators of Moses put Palestinians above the law. They endow rights upon them which other people can only dream of. Morally, diplomatically or politically – the rights of Israelis can not hold a candle to the rights of fictitious Palestinians in ‘bondage.’
That was fatal floor one. Fatal flaw two is to forget that a right to self-determination involves another and equal right: ownership. By all means let a people make unto themselves a nation, but where shall they do that? On what, or on whose land? No land west of the Jordan River belongs to the Palestinians. Israel liberated its ancestral land the Judea and Samaria AKA West Bank from Jordan, and Arab Palestinians never entered the equation before that happened, or since for that matter. Nor can Jordan demand the land back, considering that it was not the lawful owner at the time Israel snapped it up and liberated it. No one ever built a case for Jordan as rightful and lawful owner of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). Although, in the mid 1920′s the British in violation of The San Remo Treaty of 1920 had assigned 80% of the land originally allocated to the Jewish people as their historic homeland to the Arabs. That established Jordan as the Arab State for the Arab Palestinians. Jordan a State that never existed in history prior to WWI and no one is questioning it boundaries or sovereignty or the other 21 Arab States established after WWI by the same Allied Powers that re-established Israel the Jewish State.
On the other hand, 
Israel that existed in the land of the Mandate for Palestine for over 4000 years, everyone puts their two sense and criticizes its boundaries and sovereignty.
Any Arab Palestinian who is unhappy or dissatisfied living under 
Israel’s laws, can move to Jordan or to one of the million homes of the Jews in the Arab countries that were taken over by force while ejecting the Jewish people and confiscating property and their assets.
The Arabs under Israeli law have more freedoms and Democracy than in any Arab – Muslim country.
I state, do not bite the hand that feeds you, the alternative may be that it will bite back and than you will not like it.
Israel has an obligation to protect its citizens with no holds barred.
How can you even contemplate peace and co-existence with the Arab-Palestinians who teach their children from infancy to hate, terrorize, destroy and create havoc in Israel and elsewhere.

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