Friday, January 16, 2015

Jewish People Instrumental in the Independence USA - Haym Solomon

Jewish People Instrumental in the Independence USA

Jewish Symbols in the American one dollar bill?

Jewish Symbols in the American one dollar bill? 

A while ago, at the West Point Academy's Jewish Chapel, there was a display about Hyam Salomon and the Revolutionary War. He died penniless, having used all his resources to aid the newly formed and poorly supplied American Continental Army. This is a wonderful story sent to me by a lawyer friend that shares my interest in history. I hope you will find it of interest to you:
General Washington's financial advisor and assistant was a Jewish man by the name of Hyam Salomon. During the cold winter months at
Valley Forge when American soldiers were freezing and running out of food, it was Hyam who marshaled all the Jews in America and Europe to provide money in relief aid to these stranded American troops and turned the course of history. Without this help, Washington's Continental Army, and the fate of the American Colonies would have perished before they could have defeated the British.
If you take a one dollar bill out of your pocket and look at the back at the Eagle, the stars above the Eagle's head are in the six point Star of David to honor Jews. If you turn the Eagle upside down you will see a configuration in the likeness of a Menorah....both at the insistence of George Washington who said we should never forget the Jewish people and what they have done in the interest of

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