Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Israel must respond to terror and violence with extreme prejudice

Israel must respond to terror and violence with extreme prejudice

Israel - When you do not respond to terror and violence with extreme prejudice
Terror and violence becomes rampant bringing about mayhem.
The population pays the price and bears the brunt of it.
The government loses its credibility and its function becomes questionable.
The economy suffers and the public standard of living is reduced.
To correct it. The government must go on an unrelenting campaign with more extreme measures for an extended period of time.
Destroy the homes of the terrorist and the extended family.
Expel and or deport the family of the terrorist.
Terminate any government benefits to the terrorist and his family.
Confiscate all assets, liquidate them and place them in a victims fund.
Utilize similar measures against rioting and stone throwing.
Law and order must prevail!
The government will be criticized by the world at large and it must stay strong and unified it must pursue its course to protect its citizens at all costs, no holds barred and bring about an end to terror and violence.
No foreign government can dictate to Israel how to handle its internal affairs.
Anything less is a dereliction of duty.
“The best of snakes—crush its head”
How the English defended their people in WWII from V2 German rockets on London and how did the English-British fight mercilessly the IRA terror.
Israel must do no less.
The Europeans were complicit in the Holocaust of over 6 million Jews. They will not quiet down until Israel disappears.
The Mufti of Jerusalem was personally responsible and actively participated in the murder of 12,000 Jews in Europe during WWII.
The Jewish people are not going to be a scapegoat for anyone anymore. NEVER AGAIN.

Israel has defeated the Arab aggressors in 4 major wars (1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973) where in history have you seen the vanquished dictate the terms? Nowhere.
Let the defeated Arabs accept the peace offering Israel is offering them and proceed to improve the standard of living of their people, instead of wasting billions of dollars on war, terror and violence.
A true and lasting peace will bring a monumental economic prosperity to all the people in the region.

The State of Israel (which is a Jewish State) took care of the million Jews who were forced out of Arab countries their homes and assets confiscated (small in numbers with limited resources). It is about time the Arab countries (which numbers over a billion people and numerous resources) should take care of the displaced Arabs they created in Israel-Palestine.

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