Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Israel/Palestine timeline:

Israel/Palestine timeline:
Israel/ Palestine timeline 1000 BC 0 100 AD 300 AD 2 00 AD 4 00 AD 5 00 AD 6 00 AD 7 00 AD 8 00 AD 9 00 AD 1000 AD 1100 AD 1200 AD 1300 AD 1400 AD 1000 B.C. Israelites conquer and occupy Canaan. 63 B.C. Romans capture Jerusalem. Becomes part of the Roman Empire. Later renamed Palestine. 70 A.D. Jewish rebellion – Romans destroy Jerusalem. Diaspora = Jews disperse around the world. 313 A.D. Roman emperor Constantine declares Christianity the official religion. 570 A.D. Prophet Mohammed born in Mecca.

Israel/Palestine timeline:
Israel/ Palestine timeline 1000 BC 0 100 AD 300 AD 2 00 AD 4 00 AD 5 00 AD 6 00 AD 7 00 AD 8 00 AD 9 00 AD 1000 AD 1100 AD 1200 AD 1300 AD 1400 AD 631 A.D. Arabs capture Palestine. 1099 A.D. Crusaders capture Jerusalem from the Arabs. Egypt captures Jerusalem.

Israel/Palestine timeline:
Israel/ Palestine timeline 1500 1880 1910 1930 1920 1940 1950 1960 1517 Ottoman Turks ruled Palestine until 1917. They allowed the Jews to resettle in Palestine. 1881 Hebrew becomes the national language of Palestine. 1880’s (Zionist Movement) Jews return to the Holy Land. 1917 “British Balfour” Jewish people have a right to a national home in Palestine. 1933 Hitler comes to power in Germany . Jews come to Palestine from Russia, Poland, and Germany. Increased riots between Jews and Arabs.

Israel/Palestine timeline:
Israel/ Palestine timeline 1500 1880 1910 1930 1920 1940 1950 1960 1939 British restrict Jewish immigration into Palestine. 1944 Jews can only come to Palestine with Arab’s permission. 1947 U.N. agrees to create a Jewish state in Palestine. Civil war results. 1948 Great Britain gives up its control of Palestine. 1948 State of Israel announced. Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan , and Lebanon attack. Israel wins!

Israel/Palestine timeline:
Israel/ Palestine timeline 1500 1880 1910 1930 1920 1940 1950 1960 1956 War with Egypt. U.N. peacekeeping troops until 1967. 1967 U.N. troops leave. Israel attacks Egypt and takes over the Gaza Strip, Sinai, Golan Heights and West Bank. 1967 Golan Heights is an important barrier against attack by Syria. 1967 Arab countries vow “No peace with Israel.”

Israel/Palestine timeline:
Israel/ Palestine timeline 1970 1975 1980 1990 1985 1995 1996 1997 1972 Massacre of Israeli athletes at the Olympics. 1973 Egypt and Syria attack Israel on Yom Kippur. 1977 U.S. President Jimmy Carter gets Israelis and Arabs to compromise on some issues. 1979 Peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. 1982 Israel pulls out of Sinai.

Israel/Palestine timeline:
Israel/ Palestine timeline 1970 1975 1980 1990 1985 1995 1996 1997 1987 The “INTIFADA” (uprising) begins in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Palestinians demand their own Palestinian state. Lasts seven years. 1991 Peace talks = 1st time Palestinian Arabs and Israelis sat down face to face. Palestinian Authority becomes responsible for Gaza. 1993 Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and PLO leader Arafat have historic handshake in the U.S. sets off positive events. 1994 Jordan/Israel sign peace treaty. Syria begins peace talks.

Israel/Palestine timeline:
Israel/ Palestine timeline 1970 1975 1980 1990 1985 1995 1996 1997 1995 Rabin assassinated by militant Jewish student. Until 1996, Palestinian – Muslim extremist groups continue terrorist attacks in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Israel/Palestine timeline:
Israel/ Palestine timeline 1998 1999 2000 2002 2001 2003 2004 2005 1998 Representatives of Israel, the Palestinians, and Jordan meet with Clinton to talk peace. Agreed: Palestinian Authority to dismantle terrorist groups. Israelis give up some of the West Bank. 2000 Peace Difficulty: Arafat’s goal is to create a homeland for the Palestinian people. Problem is that they both want the area around Jerusalem. Muslim and Jewish uprising in the West Bank. Clinton is unable to negotiate peace. 2002 Violence and fighting continue in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 2004 Fighting and terrorism continue in the area.

Israel/Palestine timeline:
Israel/ Palestine timeline 1998 1999 2000 2002 2001 2003 2004 2005 2004 Yassur Arafat dies on November 10, 2004. Succeeded by Abbas. August 15, 2005 Israel begins pullout from Gaza Strip and West Bank. Israeli settlers resist.

The Arabs are the occupiers of Jewish land - They have other 21 Arab states established after WW2
They can stay and live in peace and prosperity as long as they abide by the law and promote peace and tranquility.
If they violate the laws of
Israel and promote violence and terror, they will be forcefully expelled out of Greater Israel.
Under the San Remo Agreement of 1920, 80% of
Jordan was to be part of the Jewish State. The British gave it away to the Arabs in violation of the Mandate.
San Remo agreement of 1920 is survived in perpetuity.

This agreement between post-World War I allied powers (
Britain, France, Italy, Japan) was adopted on April 25, 1920 during the San Remo Conference. The Mandate for Palestine was based on this resolution; it incorporated the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the Covenant of the League of Nation's Article 22. Britain was charged with establishing a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine and served as trustee for the Jewish people.

When someone come to kill you - kill him first

Arab violence against Jews in Palestine - some listed here:

14.18 Massacre of Jews in Safed (1660)
14.25 Safed and Hebron violence (1834-1835)
14.36 Arab riots 1920-1921
14.40 Hebron massacre 1929
14.42 Jaffa Massacre 1936
And all thru history to date - nothing has changed.
The Jewish people must be unified - A Unified country is a strong country.

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