Monday, February 23, 2015

Israel's Legal Right to Samaria is enshrined in International Law! - Following the WWI defeat of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, the League of Nations - Digging Their Own Grave

Israel's Legal Right to Samaria is enshrined in International Law!
A cold, hard look at the law reveals an undeniable if inconvenient (for some) truth: Israel and the Jewish People have full sovereign rights to Judea and Samaria. A fair and objective analysis of the various post-WWI agreements, decisions, conferences, treaties, declarations, covenants and conventions regarding the Question of Palestine (not to be confused with today's made-up "Palestine" that the "Palestinians" claim as theirs) can only lead to this conclusion.
The most significant of these decisions was the San Remo Resolution of 1920, which recognized the exclusive national Jewish rights to the Land of Israel under international law, on the strength of the historical connection of the Jewish people to the territory previously known as Palestine. The outcome of this declaration gave birth to the "Mandate for Palestine," an historical League of Nations document that laid down the Jewish legal right to settle anywhere in western Palestine, between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. In fact, in San Remo, the nations of the world had formally obligated themselves not only to establish a Jewish state on the historic Jewish Homeland but also to facilitate its development as well (see Article 6 of the still-binding Mandate for Palestine). This plainly means that today's Israeli settlements are in fact 100% legal and that the accusation of "occupation" is completely false. Back then, the concept of a "Palestinian People" was unheard of and "Palestine" referred only to a Levantine region and never to an Arab nation or state. Believe it or not.
So if the world ratified into international law that a Jewish state be established within the boundaries of Mandatory Palestine, how is it we hear nothing about this today? Why has this truth completely disappeared from today's narrative? By what right do the nations of the world shirk their obligations and deny the State of Israel and the Jewish people their due? Suffice to say that if the truth, any truth, is not actively preserved and if the facts are forgotten, falsity and misinformation fill the vacuum. That is why "Palestinian rights", "Israeli occupation" and "1967 borders" dominate the headlines today.
The Legal Right: Following the WWI defeat of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, the League of Nations (precursor to the U.N.) decided to divide up the huge landmass of the vanquished Ottomans as follows: a mandate, or trusteeship, for France (Lebanon and Syria) and a mandate for Britain (Iraq and Palestine [comprised of what is today Israel, Gaza, Judea, Samaria and Jordan]). The legal position of the whole of Palestine was clearly defined in several international agreements, the most important of which was the one adopted in April 1920 at the San Remo Conference, attended by the Principal Allied Powers (Council of Four). It decided to assign the Mandate for Palestine under the League of Nations to Britain. Two years later an agreed text was confirmed by the League and came into operation in September 1923. In Article 2 of that document, the League of Nations declared that
"The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble.”
The preamble clearly stated that
"recognition has hereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”
It was on this basis that the British Mandate was established. The San Remo Agreement was the last legally binding international decision regarding the rights to the land in the West Bank of Jordan and thus, according to international law which is still binding to this day, these parts, Judea and Samaria, belong to Israel and the Jewish People, period.
The significance for Israel and the Jewish People of San Remo cannot be overestimated. None other than Chaim Weizman, the Zionist leader of that time, declared:
"The San Remo the most momentous political event in the whole history of our (Zionist) movement, and, it is perhaps, no exaggeration to say in the whole history of our people since the Exiles"
Powerful words indeed, yet regrettably so unfamiliar. It makes one wonder just how many of today's "Middle East experts", journalists and opinion makers know the details of this and other important agreements of that era? How many have even a rudimentary understanding of San Remo's historical and legal importance?
This four minute video will give you the basics about the San Remo Conference:
Renowned scholar and jurist Dr. Jacques Gauthier, a non-Jewish Canadian attorney specializing in international law as it applies to Israel and the territory she holds, spent 20 years researching the legal status of Jerusalem. The video below is a segment of his address to the ICEJ conference in Jerusalem, September 2010 (see his entire address here). Invest 16 minutes of your time to watch as he eloquently and passionately encapsulates Israel's legal foundation for her right to sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. A must-view video for those who really want to understand Israel's legal rights to Judea and Samaria and the legitimacy of the settlements therein.
See minutes 34:12 to 50:02 of this video -
The dissolution of the League of Nations in 1946 in no way altered the Jewish People's rights to Judea and Samaria, given to them by the nations of the world, first in San Remo, then in the provisions of the Mandate for Palestine. When the United Nations was established, Article 80 of its charter clearly specified that rights previously granted by the League would be legally binding.
In the aftermath of the defensive war of June 1967, forty-five years after the League of Nations Declaration in San Remo, Israel retrieved some of her rightful possessions of the territories assigned to the Jewish People as a National Home. How her possession of her own homeland can be called the "Occupation of Palestinian territories" is beyond explanation. What is tragic is that the Jews themselves have adopted this usage and made it a cornerstone of their own national policy.
Israel's Legal Right to Samaria is enshrined in International Law!
A cold, hard look at the law reveals an undeniable if inconvenient (for some) truth: Israel and the Jewish People have full sovereign rights to Judea and Samaria. A fair and objective analysis of the various post-WWI agreements, decisions, conferences, treaties, declarations, covenants and conventions regarding the Question of Palestine (not to be confused with today's made-up "Palestine" that the "Palestinians" claim as theirs) can only lead to this conclusion.
The most significant of these decisions was the San Remo Resolution of 1920, which recognized the exclusive national Jewish rights to the Land of Israel under international law, on the strength of the historical connection of the Jewish people to the territory previously known as Palestine. The outcome of this declaration gave birth to the "Mandate for Palestine," an historical League of Nations document that laid down the Jewish legal right to settle anywhere in western Palestine, between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. In fact, in San Remo, the nations of the world had formally obligated themselves not only to establish a Jewish state on the historic Jewish Homeland but also to facilitate its development as well (see Article 6 of the still-binding Mandate for Palestine). This plainly means that today's Israeli settlements are in fact 100% legal and that the accusation of "occupation" is completely false. Back then, the concept of a "Palestinian People" was unheard of and "Palestine" referred only to a Levantine region and never to an Arab nation or state. Believe it or not.
So if the world ratified into international law that a Jewish state be established within the boundaries of Mandatory Palestine, how is it we hear nothing about this today? Why has this truth completely disappeared from today's narrative? By what right do the nations of the world shirk their obligations and deny the State of Israel and the Jewish people their due? Suffice to say that if the truth, any truth, is not actively preserved and if the facts are forgotten, falsity and misinformation fill the vacuum. That is why "Palestinian rights", "Israeli occupation" and "1967 borders" dominate the headlines today.
The Legal Right: Following the WWI defeat of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, the League of Nations (precursor to the U.N.) decided to divide up the huge landmass of the vanquished Ottomans as follows: a mandate, or trusteeship, for France (Lebanon and Syria) and a mandate for Britain (Iraq and Palestine [comprised of what is today Israel, Gaza, Judea, Samaria and Jordan]). The legal position of the whole of Palestine was clearly defined in several international agreements, the most important of which was the one adopted in April 1920 at the San Remo Conference, attended by the Principal Allied Powers (Council of Four). It decided to assign the Mandate for Palestine under the League of Nations to Britain. Two years later an agreed text was confirmed by the League and came into operation in September 1923. In Article 2 of that document, the League of Nations declared that
"The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble.”
The preamble clearly stated that
"recognition has hereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”
It was on this basis that the British Mandate was established. The San Remo Agreement was the last legally binding international decision regarding the rights to the land in the West Bank of Jordan and thus, according to international law which is still binding to this day, these parts, Judea and Samaria, belong to Israel and the Jewish People, period.
The significance for Israel and the Jewish People of San Remo cannot be overestimated. None other than Chaim Weizman, the Zionist leader of that time, declared:
"The San Remo the most momentous political event in the whole history of our (Zionist) movement, and, it is perhaps, no exaggeration to say in the whole history of our people since the Exiles"
Powerful words indeed, yet regrettably so unfamiliar. It makes one wonder just how many of today's "Middle East experts", journalists and opinion makers know the details of this and other important agreements of that era? How many have even a rudimentary understanding of San Remo's historical and legal importance?
This four minute video will give you the basics about the San Remo Conference:
Renowned scholar and jurist Dr. Jacques Gauthier, a non-Jewish Canadian attorney specializing in international law as it applies to Israel and the territory she holds, spent 20 years researching the legal status of Jerusalem. The video below is a segment of his address to the ICEJ conference in Jerusalem, September 2010 (see his entire address here). Invest 16 minutes of your time to watch as he eloquently and passionately encapsulates Israel's legal foundation for her right to sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. A must-view video for those who really want to understand Israel's legal rights to Judea and Samaria and the legitimacy of the settlements therein.
See minutes 34:12 to 50:02 of this video -
The dissolution of the League of Nations in 1946 in no way altered the Jewish People's rights to Judea and Samaria, given to them by the nations of the world, first in San Remo, then in the provisions of the Mandate for Palestine. When the United Nations was established, Article 80 of its charter clearly specified that rights previously granted by the League would be legally binding.
In the aftermath of the defensive war of June 1967, forty-five years after the League of Nations Declaration in San Remo, Israel retrieved some of her rightful possessions of the territories assigned to the Jewish People as a National Home. How her possession of her own homeland can be called the "Occupation of Palestinian territories" is beyond explanation. What is tragic is that the Jews themselves have adopted this usage and made it a cornerstone of their own national policy.

Occupation? Whose Occupation?

by Moshe Sharon
The word "occupation" has been used for many years now to describe the rule of Israel in Judea and Samaria (known as the "West Bank") and the Gaza district which Israel took from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and from Egypt respectively in the course of the Six Day War in 1967. In the distorted language of the media and of politicians, both in Israel and in most parts of the world, these two territories are described as "the occupied Palestinian territories" as if Israel occupied a country called "Palestine" in 1967 and took Palestinian lands. Sadly, very few of the media consumers in the West and the East are aware of the lie behind the usage of these terms.
First, let us review the simple facts about this "occupation." Israel took the "West Bank" from Jordan and not from a non-existent "Palestinian" entity; and occupied Gaza that was held by Egypt. Both countries had occupied these territories during the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 and had ruled them illegally. The Jordanians even annexed territory to the west of the Jordan and called it "The West Bank." Egypt established its administration in Gaza. Both these areas were, therefore, in Arab hands for 19 years, but nobody, during these years of Jordanian and Egyptian occupation, even thought about the establishment of a Palestinian State in them, although such a state could have been established easily and recognized, even by Israel.
Moreover, the Jordanian occupation of the "West Bank" and the Egyptian rule over Gaza were never recognized internationally for the simple reason that these two countries occupied territories that, according to international agreements, international decisions and international law, belonged to the Jewish National Home. In fact, the only title to these territories belonged and still belongs to the State Of Israel.
The legal position of the whole of Palestine was clearly defined in several international agreements.
The most important is the one adopted at the San Remo Conference (following the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War), which decided, on April 24, 1920 to assign the Mandate for Palestine under the League of Nations to Britain. An agreed text was confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations on July 24, 1922 and came into operation in September 1923.
In the preamble to this document it is stated that "...the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." The declaration of November 2, 1917 is the famous Balfour Declaration and in this document, it was given international ratification.
Moreover, in Article 2 of the document, the League of Nations declares that "The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble.”
In the preamble it was clearly stated that "recognition has hereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country."
It was on this basis that the British Mandate was established. Britain betrayed its duty and far from keeping to its undertakings did everything to jeopardize the establishment of the Jewish National Home and finally decided, in 1947, to end its mandate unilaterally, leaving Palestine on May 15, 1948.
Meanwhile the UN (which had inherited the League of Nations) decided on the partition of Western Palestine into two states, Jewish and Arab, but this decision of November 29, 1947 was not only rejected out of hand by the Arabs, but seven Arab armies invaded Palestine to put an end to the young State of Israel which had been established on May 14, 1948.
The 1948 war ended with an armistice. A line was drawn on the map which delineated the position of the fighting armies on the two fronts in the east and the south at the time of the ceasefire. This is the "Green Line." It is not a border and neither Israel nor the Arabs regarded it as more than what it was: a line defining the positions of the respective armies at the end of one phase of the hostilities; it could be moved to either side if war was to be resumed, as actually happened in 1967. As an outcome of the 1948 war, parts of the Jewish National Home in Palestine were left occupied by Jordan and Egypt, since the only title to these territories belonged to the Jewish people, in other words to Israel, not to the Arabs and definitely not to the "Palestinians" who were not even mentioned at the time.
The 1967 war created a new situation in the field: the armistice line from 1948-49, which had been drawn in green on the maps, was moved as an outcome of this war further east to the River Jordan, and in 1994 was ratified as an international border by the peace agreement with Jordan. In the south, the Green Line was moved as a result of Israel's victory over the Egyptians and in 1979 was recognized as an international border in the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt. There is no Green Line any more! It was abrogated by a new war and ultimately was turned into a "mauve line" by the peace agreements. Those who sanctify the Green Line worship an illusionary image. They have created a Palestinian People and a Palestinian State behind this sacred line but they are not interested in the welfare of the Palestinians as much as in creating the conditions for the elimination of the Jewish National Home.
Forty-five years after the League of Nations Declaration in San Remo, Israel retrieved its rightful possession of the territories assigned to the Jewish People as a National Home. How her possession of her own homeland can be called the "Occupation of Palestinian territories" is beyond explanation. What is tragic is that the Jews themselves have adopted this usage and made it a cornerstone of their own national policy.
All these facts are well known, but tend to be conveniently forgotten. It is therefore necessary to repeat them at least as frequently as the lies about the false “occupation” are endlessly repeated.
The same can be said about the demand to return to Syria the “occupied” Golan Heights as the “price for peace.” In this case too the facts are well known but must be ceaselessly repeated. Syria lost the Golan Heights as an outcome of two wars which it initiated and waged against Israel in 1967 and 1973, and after many years in which it used the Golan as a big military base for perpetrating endless acts of aggression against innocent Israeli villages in the Jordan Valley. Having lost this territory through aggression, Syria cannot have it back, just as Germany cannot have back the territory that it had lost in the War.
One last word about occupation. If there is any occupation which is historically relevant to the Middle East and North Africa it is the Islamic one. By the power of the sword, the armies of Islam broke out of Arabia in the seventh century, occupied vast territories, subjugated peoples, destroyed cultures and languages in the name of Allah and in the service of His Prophet, and they are now poised to occupy Europe.

Moshe Sharon is professor of Islamic History at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Digging Their Own Grave

The persecution of Jews! Has there been anything to rival 4,000 years of history filled with so many rivers of blood and tears? The Bible is clear––no easy road for the Jews in their role as a light to the nations. And the rages of the world’s powerful have confirmed the link between God and Jew.
Take Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the intellectual so admired by Hitler: "I cannot help the portentous, irremediable mistake the world made in accepting the traditions of this wretched little nation (Israel) the basis of its beliefs. The Jew came into our gay world and spoiled everything with his ominous concept of sin, his law and his cross."
Very revealing. An unforgiving attitude toward the Jews––for spiritual reasons- -"anti-Jewish" being merely the visible expression of an invisible anti-God, anti-Scripture and anti-Christian bent. But while the Gentile world has often wanted to bury the Jews, it is the Jews themselves who have too many times provided the shovels and helped in digging their own graves.
  1. Moses tried to get them out of Egypt’s burial grounds. When Pharaoh retaliated, the Israelites blamed Moses with their "Don’t rock the boat." Jewish self-dug graves.
  2. When the going got tough between Egypt and Canaan, the whole congregation opted to return to the three square meals––and persecutions––of Egypt. Jewish self-dug graves.While the Gentile world has often wanted to bury the Jews, it is the Jews themselves who have too many times provided the shovels...
  3. Of the 12 heroes sent to spy out the land, ten chickened out with the obvious message, "We can’t go forward through Canaan’s giants––let’s go backward to Egypt’s graves". Jewish self-dug graves.
  4. Though it was the the evil nature of kings and nations to persecute the Jews, they whined to Samuel to give them such a king and make them like those nations. Later, Jewish groups were fighting each other inside Jerusalem even as Roman legions prepared to destroy them all . Jewish self-dug graves.
  5. This could go on and on, but let’s take it to modern times. Prior to the Holocaust, some Diaspora Jews resisted calls for a Jewish State. Christian Zionists pushed hard for the rebirth of Israel––but it was too late to provide a haven for six million Jews whose massive unmarked grave would cover Europe.
  6. God sent a prophet to Poland in 1939, shortly before the start of World War II. Ze’ev Jabotinsky cried to the Jews: "Liquidate the Exile before the Exile liquidates you." He was laughed to scorn. Speaking in Warsaw, Jabotinsky declared : "I state with shame that the people behave now as if they were already doomed. I have not found anything like it, neither in history nor in novels. Never did I read of such acquiescence with hate."
  7. When Great Britain used all her power to prevent the rebirth of Israel (and turned away Jews fleeing Hitler), Menachem Begin, later to become Israel’s prime minister, determined to fight. Begin’s greatest foes were fellow-Jews who turned his soldiers over to the British. Begin was not timid in denouncing what he called "a shameful betrayal of the Jewish war of liberation." In the end, Ben-Gurion was forced to do what Begin had been right to do––face and fight the British. Jewish self-dug graves.
  8. As Jews were being murdered in Europe, "[B] en Hecht prepared a dramatic pageant, named ‘We Will Never Die,’ to be held first in Madison Square Garden...Rabbi Stephen Wise phoned Hecht to inform him that he...disapproved of it as counter-productive, and urged that the show be aborted. Wise stormed up to the capital in Albany, a retinue of Jewish officialese with him, and demanded that (Governor Thomas E. Dewey renege on his commitment." Thankfully, Governor Dewey did not bow to Jewish leaders abandoning their own people (some two million Jews had already perished). The pageant was a success.
  9. Peter Bergson [real name: Hillel Kook, of the famed rabbinic family] gathered both Jewish and Gentile Americans to speak out on behalf of Europe’s Jews locked in a Nazi slaughterhouse. Their greatest opposition came from fellow-Jews led by Dr. Stephen Wise. Jewish self-dug graves.
  10. All of Israel knows Major Orde Wingate, British soldier and Bible-living Christian. A strong supporter of Jews, Wingate pushed the British government fo form a Jewish army during World War II. Wise enough to know that such an army would help guarantee- a post-war independent Israel, Wingate took on all opponents, even telling Ben-Gurion "You are a traitor to your people" when his plea that Zionist leaders press for an army was brushed aside by Ben-Gurion.
  11. Now come the Oslo peace talks. While believing that only God will provide long-term peace for Israel and her neighbors, I also believe that there can be short-term if such is based on a solid foundation, and not sand. Thus far, Jews are giving everything tangible, strategic lands that many experts believe vital to Israel’s survival. Will Israelis keep giving away their lands while receiving only promises that can become their future shrouds in Jewish self-dug graves?
  12. And finally, to the present day. While the religious in Israel can often be a pompous pain, the secularist can be a hollow shell.
The ‘Weekly Standard (Oct.9,1995') points out that Minister of Communications Shulamit Aloni "insisted that references to God be eliminated from armed forces memorial services...chairman of the Committee for History Curriculum Reform is Moshe Zimmerman, who has used media interviews to compare orthodox children to Hitler youth, the Bible to Mein Kampf, and the armed forces to the SS. Says Zimmerman: ‘Learning about the Jewish people and the State of Israel appears in the [new] educational program, but certainly not as a subject of primary importance’...Even as seemingly benign an agency as the Parks Authority has called for cutting the nation’s birth rate to zero and, if necessary, amending the law giving any Diaspora Jew immediate citizenship if he immigrates,––all to protect the national park, of course."
Removing God from the military? Equating Jewish kids to Hitler youth? Calling for zero birth rate even while Jews worldwide bemoan dwindling numbers? talk about digging one’s own grave! [typo]
That’s why Christians who care will be kept busy –– and remain somewhat unpopular. Every time a Jewish shovel takes another bite into the Jewish grave, a Christian spade must first try to throw the dirt back in, in order to keep the hole too small to bury the corporate Jewish body. It won’t be easy*


The words are as relevant today (2005) as they were then when he wrote "Digging Graves" Being a Jew, I must admit that there are Jews with a dark (even black) hearts and unfortunately are in places of high authority, who then evoke evil things for Jews and none Jews alike. But I do believe that most Jews fall in another category: they have good intentions, but do stupid things! I believe that the Bible explains the reason for this in Jer. 8:7-12.
Jer 8:7 Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But my people do not know the requirements of the LORD.
Jer 8:8 " ‘How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?
Jer 8:9 The wise will be put to shame; they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the LORD, what kind of wisdom do they have?
Jer 8:10 Therefore I will give their wives to other men and their fields to new owners. From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit.
Jer 8:11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. "Peace, peace," they say, when there is no peace.
Jer 8:12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

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