Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Arab-Israeli Conflict - topics

The Arab-Israeli Conflict

Table of Contents
The Arab-Israeli Conflict

-The Territories
Legal Aspects of Controlling the Territories
-Israel's Major Wars
Arab losses caused by unlawful acts of aggression in 1948.
-Arab-Israeli Peace Agreements
Arab-Israeli Conflict
-A Secure Israel
Security: A Condition for Peace (PDF)
Israel's Declaration of Independence
FATEH Constitution
PLO Charter
Hamas Charter
-Children Dying To Kill
A Society that Consciously Sacrifices its Own Youth
-Freedom of Religion
Protecting all Faiths
-Human Rights
A Record Incompatible With the Civilized World
The Engine Driving Global Terrorism
-International Instruments
Article 49 - The Geneva Convention 
Article 51 - The Right to Self-Defence
UN Security Council Resolution 1269
UN Security Council Resolution 1368
UN Security Council Resolution 1373
UN Security Council Resolution 1377
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
One Nation's Capital Throughout History (PDF)
One Nation's Capital Throughout History (PDF) - Hebrew
One Nation's Capital Throughout History (PDF) - French
-This Land is My Land - The "Mandate for Palestine"
The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights
Commentary – “Mandate for Palestine” English - PDF (Book)
Commentary – “Mandate for Palestine” English - HTML
Commentary – “Mandate for Palestine” Hebrew - PDF (Book)
Commentary – “Mandate for Palestine” English - Powerpoint (Slideshow)
-United Nations Resolutions
Resolution 95: Passage of Israeli Ships through the Suez Canal. 
Resolution 181: The Partition Plan.
Resolution 194: English - (PDF Version)
Resolution 194: English - (HTML Version)|
Resolution 194: Hebrew - (PDF Version)
Resolution 242: English - (HTML Version)
Resolution 242: English - (PDF Version)
Resolution 338: A reaffirmation of 242. 
Resolution 1397: Public endorsement of a future Palestinian state. 
Resolution 1515: Endorsement of the Road Map as a Blueprint for Peace
-Chapters VI and VII of the UN Charter
The Powers of the UN Security Council
-The U.S.-Israel Special Relationship
Real Democracies Shared Values
Over 100 Years of Chronic Arab Rejectionism
-The European Union
No Innocent Bystander, No Honest Broker
Entity Defined by its Opposition to Zionism
-Do Palestinians Deserve Statehood
EU Hypocrisy: Benchmark Turks readiness for EU membership versus Palestinians readiness for statehood.
Arab and Jewish Refugees - The Contrast (PDF) 

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