In the main, a well backgrounded story of Britain’s colonial intrigues: Give 77% of land that does not belong to them to foreign Hashemite leader and include in the package a military officer, Glubb Pasha, and brigade of ex-British Army mercenaries, supply them with tanks, munitions and give them a free hand in securing the area. Securing also means passing laws that forbid Jews from residing within the territory east of the Jordan River,and from owning land east of the Jordan River (why is it no one condemns Jordan as racist and apartheid, nor condemns Britain for supporting racist /apartheid laws?)
As to M’s comments: The claims on the Land of Israel inherited in the Old Testaments hold little water, and like assertions by Arab politicians that the Jews were given their piece of Palestine because of the Holocaust, make little difference in the United Nations, nor among the nations of the world. What matters is that Israel was founded by Jews dedicated to building and defending their own country, and legally recognized by the United Nations, the same organization that consistently, and baselessly, condemns them for defending their borders and their right to exist (this is easily explained by examining the list of members in the UN Security Council). M also errs in claiming that Israel included all of Jordan – what was included was land east of the Jordan River about 77% of Jordan, but not all of Jordan, which was inhabited by neighboring tribes, such as the Edomites.
The rational solution to the situation today is a 2 states solution: Israel and Palestine (the majority of Palestine consisting of what is Presently the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (interesting that the liberals condemn Israel for wanting to preserve their identity as a Jewish State, while never mentioning that Jordan is a Hashemite kingdom, or that Iran is an Islamic republic – a contradiction in terms!). Palestine would maintain their capital in Rabat Amman, and work out a joint governance of what is presently called th West Bank/Judea and Samaria, allowing Palestinians and Jews (Israelis) to reside in the sector (claims from Palestinians that Jews have no rights to land in Judea and Samaria are falacious, given the long history of Jewish residence in Havron, and more recent stories of ethnic cleansing of the Gush Emunim settlements during the 1948 War. Palestinian claims on Gaza are unilateral, as the territory is not desired by Israel or Egypt (Gaza was part of a Jewish region regarding partition, but Israel wants nothing to do with ruling the area.
When everything went astray, and even Israelis abandoned Gold Meir’s definition of a 2 state solution, I do not know, but somehow, we must go back to that definition if we are to attain a resolution in Palestine (Israel, Palestine and Transjordan).
You need to go farther back in your history, or simply refer to authors like Avi Shlaim, who write about the Hashemites and Israel: Abdullah, the present king of Jordan’s grandfather, was son of Husayn, Sherif of Mecca, with much ambition to rule an Arab kingdom from Arabia to Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. After being thrown out of the Hejaz by the Sauds, and losing Mecca, Abdullah was given TransJordan by the British, and proped up by the Arab Legion (which was led by, financed by and armed by the British).
While Churchil thought that giving Abdullah his own Emirate, taking from Palestine the region east of the Jordan River, Abdullah thought his kingdom too small, and claimed Maan and Aqaba from the Saudis, and coveted western Palestine for his kingdom as well.
Emir Abdullah finally got his opportunity to claim a holy city and part of western Palestine when, in 1948, his Arab neighbors attacked Israel. The British-backed Arab Legion took over the west bank and Jerusalem (they evicted Jews from the Old City and from kibbutzim near Hebron, and even built a wall to divide the city, preventing former Jewish Jerusalemites from returning to their homes.
So not only did the Hashemites take over a good part of Palestine, whih they ruled for 20 years, keeping Palestinians in miserable conditions (it was never the Israelis who kept Palestinians in refugee camps), the Jordanians were the first to built a segregation wall and enforced an apartheid policy against Jews.
Because Jordan annexed Jerusalem, the members of the Arab League, the British and the UN never condemned Jordan for taking over the territory, or treating the Palestinians as refugees in their own land, it was only when Israel liberated the territory, that thhese parties condemned Israel for surviving the Arab forces in 1967, and releasing the territories from non-Palestinian annexation.
The world has to know that as far back as 1920, Arabs put forth political ideas of a united Syria, Palestine and Jordan, all ruled by a single foreign regent from an alien (the Hashemites were from the Hejaz) clan, with no connection to the Palestinians, Jordanians or Syrians.
In as much as the Palestinians complain that the British had no right to promise a homeland in Palestine for the Jews, they had no right to ensconce the Hashemites in Iraq, Syria and TransJordan; but they did, and having done so, the British even prevented the locals, including Emir Abdullah, from consummating agreements with Jews to invest in, settle in and develop agricultural developments outside of the designated west Palestinian territory (again, more apartheid policies, not of the Jews or Israelis making).
The British left Emir Abdullah and his arid kingdom impoverished and reliant on the British Foreign Office, and British troops. They also built up sentiment in the area against the Zionists west of the Jordan River.
Had the British allowed the peoples living in the area to work out their issues amongst themselves, the map would have been very different, and we would be talking of a two state solution consisting of Palestine. Jordan and Israel, trading with each other, and managing more porous borders, allowing more freedom for crossing, for commerce and for development.
The 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica finds the population of Palestine composed of a widely differing a group of inhabitants ,speaking no less than fifty languages .In addition to the Assyrian, Persian and Roman elements of ancient times,the short-lived Egyptian government introduced into the population an element from that country which still persists in the villages. There are very large contingents from the Mediterranean countries, especially Armenia, Greece and Italy, Turkoman settlements, Persians an Afghan colony Kurds, German Templar colonies ,a Bosnian colony,Russians,French and the Circassian settlements placed by the Turkish government in order to keep a restraint on the Bedouins, an Algerian population ,while the Sudanese have been reduced in numbers since the beginning of the 20th century.
The disparate peoples assumed and purported to be settled Arab indigenous, for a thousand years were in fact a heterogeneous community with no Palestinian identity and according to an official British analysis in 1920, no Arab identity either: The people west of the Jordan are not Arabs,only Arabic-speaking.
The first Palestinian nationalist organisations emerged at the end of the World War I after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. Dominated by the Nashashibi family who militated for the promotion of a singular Arabic language,culture and Islamic laws for Syria and Palestine thereby excluding the non-Muslim populace.
The disparate peoples assumed and purported to be settled Arab indigenous, for a thousand years were in fact a heterogeneous community with no Palestinian identity and according to an official British analysis in 1920, no Arab identity either: The people west of the Jordan are not Arabs,only Arabic-speaking.
The first Palestinian nationalist organisations emerged at the end of the World War I after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. Dominated by the Nashashibi family who militated for the promotion of a singular Arabic language,culture and Islamic laws for Syria and Palestine thereby excluding the non-Muslim populace.
The Palestinian National Charter was amended by the PLO’s Palestine National Council in 1968,it redefined “Palestinians” as “those Arab nationals who, until 1947, resided in Palestine regardless of whether they were evicted from it or stayed there. Anyone born, after that date, of a Palestinian father – whether in Palestine or outside it – is also a Palestinian.” Thereby claiming a dominant populace with non-residents.
“Arab nationals” is not religious-specific, and it implicitly does not exclude the Christians, Samaritans, Druze and Jews of Palestine who were at that time Arabic-speakers and ancestral natives to the land.
The Charter also states that “Palestine with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit.”
“Arab nationals” is not religious-specific, and it implicitly does not exclude the Christians, Samaritans, Druze and Jews of Palestine who were at that time Arabic-speakers and ancestral natives to the land.
The Charter also states that “Palestine with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit.”
In 2009, at the request of the PLO, “Jordan revoked the citizenship of thousands of Palestinians to keep them from remaining permanently in the country.”
In Jordan there is no census data that outlines how many of the inhabitants of Jordan are Palestinians, estimates by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics cite a population range of 50% to 55%.
In Jordan there is no census data that outlines how many of the inhabitants of Jordan are Palestinians, estimates by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics cite a population range of 50% to 55%.
According to the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs, the Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza Strip is 97% Muslim and 3% Christian.Forced conversion,religious intolerance,racism and discriminatory laws have reduced what was once a world class diverse society,religious sanctuary and ancestral homeland into a third world,segregated and uneducated patchwork of villages that prefer violence to logic,historical revisionism to facts and primitive destruction to modern construction.
In the areas controlled by the Palestinian National Authority, it is treason to give assistance to Israeli troops or sell land to Jews (irrespective of nationality) and also non-Jewish Israeli citizens under the Palestinian Land Laws. Both crimes are capital offences subject to the death penalty. Likewise, in the Gaza Strip under the Hamas led government, any sort of cooperation or assistance to Israeli forces during military actions is also punishable by death.
From 1920-1970 Arab and Muslim states and territories conducted random persecution and pogroms on their Jewish citizens ,driving 1.2 million people from their homes,confiscating over 1 billion dollars in bank accounts and assets and stealing land equal to four times the size of today's Israel .
The overwhelming archeological, historical,international and legal evidence makes denial of Semitic and Jewish history in Palestine impossible.
Judaism is the parent of monotheistic religions and as such has a right and responsibility to the birth land of their religion.As Muslims do to Mecca.The intertwining and overlapping of the three religions in Jerusalem are supported in religious text but have very little factual evidence other than a 4000 year trail of Judaic habitation.
The cowardice,failure and greed of the UK ,EU,USA and UN may well have determined the final fate of the Jews in our lifetime.
Judaism is the parent of monotheistic religions and as such has a right and responsibility to the birth land of their religion.As Muslims do to Mecca.The intertwining and overlapping of the three religions in Jerusalem are supported in religious text but have very little factual evidence other than a 4000 year trail of Judaic habitation.
The cowardice,failure and greed of the UK ,EU,USA and UN may well have determined the final fate of the Jews in our lifetime.
The Arabs occupy a lot of other peoples lands since the 7th century. The nature of their rule never changes: ethnic and religious cleansing. It’s still going on under your eyes, in Europe and elsewhere.
In 1925 the Chaldeans (non Arabs, non Muslims) were a majority in Iraq (British census); less than 1% today. Same for the Copts in Egypt, the Tamazight in Morocco, the Kabyles in Algeria. The black peoples of Africa (Sudan, Mauritania, Zanzibar etc) are enslaved by the Arab occupiers. WHAT DO WE DO FOR ALL THESE PEOPLES? The Jews were, by millions, indigenous to the region 2,000 years before the Arab occupation; today the “Arab World” is completely judenrein.
The Arab occupation is NOT the result of any external aggression. It is a murderous invasion they proudly call “the Arab conquest”. The worst predators this planet has ever seen …. And besides, they turned the countries they occupied into a huge cesspool.
In 1925 the Chaldeans (non Arabs, non Muslims) were a majority in Iraq (British census); less than 1% today. Same for the Copts in Egypt, the Tamazight in Morocco, the Kabyles in Algeria. The black peoples of Africa (Sudan, Mauritania, Zanzibar etc) are enslaved by the Arab occupiers. WHAT DO WE DO FOR ALL THESE PEOPLES? The Jews were, by millions, indigenous to the region 2,000 years before the Arab occupation; today the “Arab World” is completely judenrein.
The Arab occupation is NOT the result of any external aggression. It is a murderous invasion they proudly call “the Arab conquest”. The worst predators this planet has ever seen …. And besides, they turned the countries they occupied into a huge cesspool.
Firstly, how genuine is the claim of “the Palestinian people” to any part of the territory between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea? Numerous censuses held by the Ottomans from the early 1800s until the end of the First World War, and by the British during the “Mandate” period (from the end of WW1 until 1948) , all reveal that the majority of the population has always been Jewish—when General Allenby took possession of it in the name of Great Britain, there were only about 5,000 Arabs living here; yet about two million persons today claim to be “Palestinian Arabs”! On top of that, eyewitness testimony exists, in the form of Mark Twain’s book “The Innocents Abroad; or, The New Pilgrim’s Progress” (published in 1869), in which he describes his own personal observations during the trip he made to Europe and the “Holy Land” in 1867 and waxes eloquent about how EMPTY the latter was at that time. Where was the “Palestinian people” then? Had they all gone away on their holidays that week? Twain certainly didn’t see any sign of them. “The Innocents Abroad” is available free in various electronic formats at the Project Gutenberg website, the web address is:
and I would encourage anyone who is injterested to download a copy and read the relevant chapters for himself.
The Revd. Samuel Manning, a christian clergyman, also visited in 1874 and wrote: “…But where were the inhabitants? This fertile plain, which might support an immense population, is almost a solitude… Day by day we were to learn afresh the lesson now forced upon us, that the denunciations of ancient prophecy have been fulfilled to the very letter: ‘the land is left void and desolate and without inhabitants’.”
Secondly, it may be regrettable, but it’s a fact of life that wars inevitably end with one side being defeated and forced into capitulation by the military might of the other side. Germany surrendered to the Allies in Europe in May 1945 and, in August later that same year, Japan did likewise in the Pacific. The British Commonwealth, the United States and Russia would still be at war with the Axis Powers were it not for Germany’s and Japan’s respective unconditional surrenders. The war between Israel and those who call themselves “Palestinians”, however, drags on and on, erupting from time to time into open hostilities; and why?—because every time Israel comes close to winning and finally putting an end to the war, the poor hardly-done-by Arabs go crying to the United Nations, the European Union and anyone else who will listen to them, and pressure is brought on Israel to stop short of its final aim which is, after all, just the right for its citizens to live in safety and security without having constantly to be staring at the sky wondering when a massive flying bomb is going to come from nowhere and maim or even kill their children while they sleep in their beds, or having to live in constant fear that a gang of murderers will emerge from a hidden tunnel and kidnap or kill those children. Let nobody forget, too, that the so-called “Palestinians” ARE the “guilty party” in that it is THEY who have _NEVER_ stopped attacking Israel by firing huge numbers of rockets with high explosive payloads towards civilian targets (which in itself is a war-crime). How can anyone expect the Middle East dispute to end as long as possibly well-meaning but very misguided bleeding-heart liberals keep interfering and intervening and PREVENTING it being settled in the only way wars have ever been settled throughout history?
“Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan.”
In light of the far reaching ramifications of both statements, they should be then scrutinized for their veracity and historical factuality. First of all, is Jordan a Palestinian state? When looking at the map of the British mandate for what was known then as “Palestine”, it becomes quite clear what area was originally earmarked for the Jewish homeland.

At the end of the First World War, the division of responsibilities for the administering of the Middle East areas fell to the various Western powers victorious over the Ottoman Turks, as mandates, under the auspices of the League of Nations, it was during that time that the famous Balfour Declaration was made:
November 2nd, 1917Dear Lord Rothschild,I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.Yours sincerely,Arthur James Balfour
The Balfour Declaration was accepted by the British Mandate in 1917, which then became subject to a White Paper that many believe reneged on it’s earlier promise, that being a commitment to allowing Jews a homeland. But the paper did insist however that:
“the Jewish community should know that it is in Palestine as of right and not on the sufferance. That is the reason why it is necessary that the existence of a Jewish National Home in Palestine should be internationally guaranteed, and that it should be formally recognized to rest upon ancient historic connection.”
Palestine Facts states that: “The area of the Mandate was originally 118,000 square kilometers (about 45,000 square miles). In 1921, Britain took the 91,000 square kilometers of the Palestine Mandate east of the Jordan River, and created Trans-Jordan (later the Arab country of Jordan) as a new Arabprotectorate. Jews were barred by law from living or owning property east of the Jordan river, even though that land was over three-fourths of the original Mandate.”
A Jordanian State stamp dating from 1964, bearing the likeness of King Hussein and pictures Mandated Palestine as an undivided territory
The Arab official line before a “two state solution” became stated policy of Israel and the West, was that the people in Trans-Jordan cum Jordan were indivisible from those Arabs inside Israel proper, Judea and Samaria. In fact there are statements by leading Arabs buttressing the notion that indeed: Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan.
This is the royal decree and sentiments of two of the kings of Jordan.
“Palestine and Jordan are one…” said King Abdullah in 1948.“The truth is that Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan,” said King Hussein of Jordan, in 1981.“Palestine is Jordan and Jordan is Palestine; there is only one land, with one history and one and the same fate,” Prince Hassan of the Jordanian National Assembly was quoted as saying on February 2, 1970.Abdul Hamid Sharif, Prime Minister of Jordan declared, in 1980, “The Palestinians and Jordanians do not belong to different nationalities. They hold the same Jordanian passports, are Arabs and have the same Jordanian culture.”
What are we to conclude from this other than the historical perspective at the time, that being, they (the Arabs) saw themselves as being part of Palestine/Palestinian. Around 70%of the Jordanian population today, still see themselves as Palestinians. Even Yasser Arafat and his PLO thugs looked to Jordan as being a part of their homeland.
When the PLO tried to establish a state-within-a-state in the kingdom in the late 60’s and early 70’s, Jordan’s King Hussein ordered the army to launch a massive assault on the refugee camps in the kingdom, massacring thousands of Palestinians in what has since become to be known as Black September.The Palestinians who were expelled from Jordan to Lebanon later played a major role in the Lebanese civil war. Over 100,000 people are believed to have been killed in that war, which lasted for more than a decade.
Lets face facts, the three state solution has become an intractable mess, there is no room for budging on the Israeli side, every square centimeter given to these Arabs as a permanent part of a second Palestinian state, spells trouble for the Jewish state as it’s used as a launching pad for further aggression against it.
The Palestinians (which used to mean Jews in Palestine before Israel became a state) are not able to form a state for themselves, because they refuse to accept the responsibility for actually running it. They have proven themselves to be more comfortable in accepting massive amounts of foreign aid, while they continually try to chip away at Israeli legitimacy on the world stage.
Time to end the pretending that these Arabs are really serious about wanting a state of their own, and accept the fact that it’s the massive amounts of foreign aid that really interests them most, as well as the hope of one day getting rid of the highly successful Jewish one. KGS
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