Monday, November 24, 2014

The Consequences of Appeasement by YJ Draiman - Media Bias – is promoting terrorism – Lives are at stake - Do you want to know what terror is?

The Consequences of Appeasement

The decisions made by the government of Israel since The six day war of 1967 leading up to today’s Gaza war with Hamas July 2014, as well as those of the first ten months or so after the turnover of Gaza in 2004 began, have dumbfounded historians ever since. The appeasement of Israel to the Arabs-Palestinians, in particular, has been so often held up as an example of how not to deal with a rising terrorism that it has become a stereotype. 
Israel stood its ground and responded to terrorism or any violence with utmost force. Israel would not be facing today’s crisis.
As many have said – appeasement, concessions and lack of proper response to terrorism is detrimental to 
Israel and its people and the Jewish people worldwide.
What the Arabs could not win in a war they won in playing the peace game, all the while building up arsenals and educating their children to hate and to destroy Israel. While enriching their own pockets with the billions contributed by the world to help the impoverished Arab-Palestinian.
What a scheme – and the gullible world is buying it hook line and sinker.
When will the World learn that the Arabs cannot be trusted, I hope before the Arabs take over 
Europe and than the United States and Canada.
YJ Draiman

Read more: The Consequences of Appeasement | YJ Draiman | The Blogs | The Times of Israel
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It is interesting to note that all the major TV and media show the damage in Gaza and interview Arab-Palestinians who are part of Hamas a terrorist organization affiliated with those terrorists that hijacked 4 Airliners that blew up the Twin Towers World Trade Center in 9.11 2001 and killed 3000 Americans. One Airliner Crashed into the Pentagon in Virginia and one Airliner was forced to crash in Pennsylvania by the passengers, avoiding a crash on the White House in Washington D.C. How many more American lives and other innocents must be sacrificed before you wake up to the increasing danger to world peace.
They are not telling that it is Hamas-Gaza a terrorist organization that is bombarding Israel with 100’s of missiles daily.
It is only Israel responding and defending itself and protecting its population from the bullies Hamas in Gaza.
The atrocities committed by Hamas and other terrorist organization must not be condoned or placated by anybody.
If the Media is looking for sensationalism let them look elsewhere – their favorable reports on the terrorists only breeds more terror and endanger the whole world. This is exactly what the terrorists want is your coverage, they lie, they cheat, they display to the world false pictures from other conflicts in order to buy the worlds sympathy.
I assure you it will not work. There are powers in the world who fight terrorism with every breath and resource that is available to them. – NEVER AGAIN – Americans and the world must not tolerate terrorism at all costs or we are doomed. I would like to see if the reporter and his family were being attacked daily by missiles, how would they react. I can assure you, they would yell and scream, how come our government is not protecting us.

Read more: Media Bias - is promoting terrorism - Lives are at stake | YJ Draiman | The Blogs | The Times of Israel
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Do you want to know what terror is?

Ask the Englishmen who witnessed the bombing of London by the Germans U2 missiles during World War 2. The English and the Americans responded by sending thousands of bombers on a daily basis and turned German cities into rubble.

Over 1000 rockets have been fired into Israel‘s largest cities including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem this past 10 days.
5 million Israeli civilians plus are living under fire or in bomb shelters.
No country in the world would remain passive in the face of hundreds of rockets targeting her cities – Israel is no exception.
Could Americans visualize 1000 missiles coming across from Mexico what would America‘s response. Americans must realize, Israel is in the same situation – response must be immediate, forceful and complete, no holds barred. 
If it happened to any other country, the response would be destroy them at all costs, do not worry about collateral damage.
I know Russia‘s Putin would wipe them and their territory of the face of the earth – world opinion be dammed.
Israel must complete the job this time. Destroy Hamas, Fattah and all the terrorists once and for all. We do not want a repeat performance a few years from now – it will only get worse.
Hezbollah in Lebanon is already starting to shoot missiles at Israel.
Next in-line are the Iranians.
How about utilizing the laser weapon technology to destroy the rockets.
Do not even mention a cease fire – it is out of the question, until the terrorists and their infrastructure is turned into dust. All violence must be stopped. This is an all out war and unfortunately innocents suffer and pay a price.
Do not ask to make peace – peace with who Abbas, The Munich massacre murderer and Abbas the leader of the Palestinian authority who mastermind of The ACHILLE LAURO HIJACKING and murder of an elderly man in a wheelchair. Abbas has a murder conviction with life in prison, he is an escaped convict.

YJ Draiman

Read more: Do you want to know what terror is? | YJ Draiman | The Blogs | The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

1 comment:

  1. The Law of Return is for The Jews and reciprocating equity by the Arabs.
    The Law of Return is for The Jews, the option to return to Greater Israel and The Arab-Palestinians to leave Greater Israel and return to the Arab countries they originated from. The Arab-Palestinians should move to the Million plus Jewish homes confiscated by the Arab countries from the expelled Jewish people and the 120,440 sq. km. of Real property the Arabs confiscated from the million plus Jewish families and their children expelled from Arab countries. That is the only viable alternative.
    Face it and stop hallucinating, once and for all. There will never be an Arab-Palestinian State in Greater Israel West of the Jordan River (Judea and Samaria). Jerusalem the United Eternal Capital of the Jewish people.
    Responding to arguments that million Jews expelled from Arab countries has no bearing on the Arabs who left Palestine or Arabs displaced from Jewish land and or formerly Ottoman government land has nothing to do with each other. The law of equity in not a one way street, it works both ways. The Arab nations that expelled the million Jewish families (who lived in the Arab countries for over 2500 years and owned 120,440 sq. km. of land, homes, businesses and personal assets valued in the trillions of dollars) are the ones supporting the Arab-Palestinians in demanding law of return and compensation. Those Arab countries are financing the Arab-Palestinians in their quest to eject the Jews a second time from their own ancestral homeland. The best and only solution is a population transfer.
    YJ Draiman

    There was never an Arab-Palestinian State in Greater Israel and there will never be – face it.
    The Ottoman land records of Palestine confirm that the local Arabs did not own land, they were sharecroppers. Over 90% of the land was owned by the government the balance was owned by absentee wealthy Arabs from Lebanon and some wealthy Arab families and the Mufti of Jerusalem, who sold it to the Jews at premium prices.
    It is time to implement population transfer for all the Arabs who are unhappy under Israel’s government.
    Those Arabs who create terror, violence, riot and attack Jews and anyone else. They could be relocated to the homes and the 120,440 sq. km. of land of the million Jewish families and their children, who were persecuted and expelled from Arab countries or Jordan.
    YJ Draiman.
