Monday, November 24, 2014

The unrelenting obstacles to peace between Israel and the Arab-Palestinians

The unrelenting obstacles to peace between Israel and the Arab-Palestinians

At the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict is the Arab world's refusal to accept a non-Muslim political entity in the Middle East.
Peace requires an Arab world that recognizes Israel as a legitimate political entity. Legitimacy means a State with viable and defensible borders where the Jews can exercise their own rights of self-determination (as stated in the Treaty of San Remo 1920) by virtue of demographics (i.e., a Jewish majority) – dominion that is reflected in the cultural and the political life of the Jewish nation.
The Arab's refusal to recognize Israel and their attempts to destroy the Jewish state are among the defining characteristics of Arab-Palestinian society. Measures designed to destroy Israel vary from use of force (through wars, Intifada's, suicide bombing of the population including women and children, violent riots, fabricating events and history, revolts and terrorism) to use the economic and demographic forces (economic boycotts, demands for jobs in Israel, causing intentional sabotage in the workplace while working in Israel, Palestinian infiltration into Israel without visas or other permits, and demands that Palestinian refugees from 1948 and their descendants be allowed to return to Israel). Absolute antipathy and intolerance towards non-Muslim political entities is a fate Jews shared with the Christians in Lebanon, even though Israel inhabits no more than 0.01 percent of the Middle Eastern landscape.
For over 99 years, Palestinian behavior has been based on total rejection of the Jewish State and political violence. The Palestinian refugee problem created in 1948 did not spark those strategies, nor did the “Occupation” (Liberalization of Jewish ancestral land) of the Territories in the wake of the 1967 Six-Day War, which brought back Israeli control over the West Bank (Judea and Samaria - which historically has been a Jewish entity) and Gaza .
Arabs have rejected the presence of Jews with political aspirations to rebuild their ancient homeland since the advent of political Zionism. When in 1890 the number of Jewish immigrants leaving the country equaled the number of new arrivals, and ten years of Zionist endeavor, had produced barely a dozen struggling and insolvent Jewish agricultural settlements. Arab notables from Jerusalem called upon the Ottoman administration to ban Jewish immigration and the sale of land to Jews.
At each juncture when attempts to reach a ‘live-and-let-live' solution have been advanced, Arab responses have boiled down to a two-pronged offensive that dovetails diplomacy with violence. In short, the Arabs, and particularly the Arab-Palestinians, have refused to recognize Israel as a legitimate entity or to negotiate a genuine compromise. Instead, they have tried to drive the Jews out through violence and terror and educating their children to hate and commit atrocities against the Jews.
After numerous attempts at reaching a peace agreement with the Arab-Palestinians, Israel has no choice but to utilize all its resources to quell the Arab-Palestinians violence and bring about security and safety to its citizens, utilizing zero tolerance for violence.
No limit should be set to Israel's response to subdue the perpetrators and bring about peace and tranquility to the masses.
The world at large must keep its meddling out of the Israeli and Arab Palestinians conflict. Their meddling only inflames and prolongs the conflict and hostilities.
"We are not worth more - They are not worth less"

Draimanformayor Twentyseventeen commented on an article.
British restrictions and blockade on Jewish immigration to Palestine 1938-1948 (In violation of the Mandate for Palestine of which the British were a trustee for the Jewish people) caused the death of over 2 million Jews trying to escape German extermination camps.
In recent documents released by the British archives, It was discovered that the British Secret Service bombed Jewish Holocaust victims Ships, to prevent Jews from reaching Israel - known as Operation Harass.
The British in 1922 gave away in violation of the Mandate 77% of the land in Palestine allocated for the Jewish people to the Arabs as the State named Jordan of which 80% of the population is Arab-Palestinians. This is the Palestinian State and no other.
British actions in Palestine during the Mandate 1918-1948 are the cause of the continued violence and terrorism in the Middle East. The British wanted to control the oil in the Middle East and they were willing and did cross anyone to accomplish their goals. In today’s time in history, nothing has changed.
In less than 20 years England and the rest of Europe will be controlled by Muslims with Sharia laws in place.
Prohibiting Jews for residing anywhere where the map of Mandate for Palestine territory of 1920 is a violation of International Law and the San Remo Treaty which was adopted by the League of Nations in 1920.
Any housing, factories, goods and services produced by Jews in the area that was designated as the Mandate for Palestine is granted by the International agreements and treaties of the 1918-1920, which are in affect for perpetuity.
Israel’s 2nd war of liberation of 1967 debunking the notion that Israel is an occupier. Israel is the liberator of its own ancestral land.

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