Monday, November 24, 2014

Understanding Delegitimization

Understanding Delegitimization
What is delegitimization?
Delegitimization negates the right of the Jewish people to live in a sovereign democratic and Jewish state in the historical homeland of the Jewish people (modern day Israel). Delegitimization is intended to brand Israel as a “pariah” nation, to isolate Israel from the international community and make it increasingly difficult to support it economically and politically.
How is this threat different to what Israel has faced in the past?
Current efforts to undermine Israel’s right to sovereign statehood constitute a new, popularized, and decentralized means of attacking the foundations of the Jewish state. The current international campaign was crystallized at the infamous 2001 UN Conference against Racism in Durban, South Africa. The proponents of the current campaign seek to equate Israel with Apartheid South Africa, Nazi Germany, and other ‘illegitimate’ national and political movements. By morally equating Israel with other evils, it embeds a notion of Israel that is often difficult to shake.
What is the role of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement?
Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) have become the central organizing principle in the current campaign to delegitimize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish, democratic state. They are but one set of tactics employed by the Delegitimization network which seeks to isolate Israel. The introduction of BDS jargon into the conversation about Israel is an attempt to place Israel among the unholy ranks of Apartheid South Africa, as well as Iran and other rogue regimes.
How is Delegitimization different from criticism?
Criticism is a natural function of any democracy. Its purpose is to strengthen democracy by questioning leaders and holding them accountable for their actions. In contrast, the purpose of Delegitimization is to destroy a country. Regarding Israel, Delegitimization includes questioning the validity of Israel’s founding, demonizing Israel and equating its policies with Nazism, apartheid and racist ideologies, holding Israel to double standards, and promoting a one-state solution (Israel’s demographic dissolution).
If you are unsure whether an organization is questioning Israel’s legitimacy, ask yourself the following question: Does the organization or person voicing the criticism or pursuing the policy, share a commitment to a two-state solution and support Israel’s right to exist as a democratic Jewish state living beside a democratic Palestine?
What organizations are involved in Delegitimization activities?
Organizations that delegitimize Israel include groups and individuals of the radical left, Arab and Islamic groups, and so-called post or anti-Zionist Jews and Israelis. Seemingly strange bedfellows, these groups negate Israel's right to exist based on a variety of political and philosophical arguments.
Combating Delegitimization
How can we overcome this challenge?
The Jewish community needs to mobilize itself and partner with outside organizations. It is imperative to gain allies from non-Jewish religious groups, business leaders, political leaders, scholars and other influentials to speak on our behalf. We must also educate our friends and ourselves about the tools of Delegitimization. Only when we are aware of the attack and understand its motive, can we effectively respond. Finally, we must maintain a coordinated effort and remain vigilant of the threats and assaults on Israel’s legitimacy. When threats and assaults arise, we must be quick to respond, and respond effectively using the necessary tools in our arsenal. IAN will be a repository for such tools, watch for potential threats, and provide actionable responses to communities to fight back.
How can I help fight Delegitimization?
IAN’s Community Mobilization Manual, outlines 10 steps for combating Delegitimization in your communities:
• TIP 1: Understand the Challenge
• TIP 2: Is this Criticism or Delegitimization?
• TIP 3: Know your Facts; Do the Research
• TIP 4: Identify your Audience: Supporters; Opponents; Target Communities of Concerned Individuals and Organizations
• TIP 5: Take an Inventory of your Assets: People; Skills; Program; Missions; Cultural Events; Monetary Resources
• TIP 6: Map Out your Strategies
• TIP 7: Clean your Message Slate
• TIP 8: Engage
• TIP 9: Stay Connected and Networked
• TIP 10: Evaluate; Applaud Successes; Reward Advocates; Invest in What Works

For a free PDF copy of IAN’s Mobilization Manual, or for more information on scheduling an IAN community mobilizations consultation for your community, contact Avi Weinryb,

Information on The Delegitimization Campaign

The campaign to delegitimize Israel is designed to brand Israel as a so-called "apartheid" state, to destroy its right to exist and eventually lead to its collapse, similar to what happened to the apartheid regime in South Africa. To promote the campaign to delegitimize Israel, various extremist Islamic organizations joined forces with the radical left, human rights organizations and NGOs in the West.
The campaign to delegitimize
Israel is characterized by convoys and flotillas to the Gaza Strip, protest demonstrations, marches, events to mark various dates, boycotting Israeli merchandise, etc. The organizers of the campaign to delegitimize Israel strive for maximum media coverage and seek to challenge Israel to respond to them. 


  1. How can I help fight Delegitimization?
    IAN’s Community Mobilization
    Manual, outlines 10 steps for combating Delegitimization in your communities:
    • TIP 1: Understand the Challenge
    • TIP 2: Is this Criticism or Delegitimization?
    • TIP 3: Know your Facts; Do the Research
    • TIP 4: Identify your Audience: Supporters; Opponents; Target Communities of Concerned Individuals and Organizations
    • TIP 5: Take an Inventory of your Assets: People; Skills; Program; Missions; Cultural Events; Monetary Resources
    • TIP 6: Map Out your Strategies
    • TIP 7: Clean your Message Slate
    • TIP 8: Engage
    • TIP 9: Stay Connected and Networked
    • TIP 10: Evaluate; Applaud Successes; Reward Advocates; Invest in What Works

  2. How can I help fight Delegitimization?
    IAN’s Community Mobilization
    Manual, outlines 10 steps for combating Delegitimization in your communities:
    • TIP 1: Understand the Challenge
    • TIP 2: Is this Criticism or Delegitimization?
    • TIP 3: Know your Facts; Do the Research
    • TIP 4: Identify your Audience: Supporters; Opponents; Target Communities of Concerned Individuals and Organizations
    • TIP 5: Take an Inventory of your Assets: People; Skills; Program; Missions; Cultural Events; Monetary Resources
    • TIP 6: Map Out your Strategies
    • TIP 7: Clean your Message Slate
    • TIP 8: Engage
    • TIP 9: Stay Connected and Networked
    • TIP 10: Evaluate; Applaud Successes; Reward Advocates; Invest in What Works
