Monday, June 8, 2015

THE GHASTLY AWFUL LABOR ZIONIST HOLOCAUST - the murder of some 800,000 Hungarian Jews

                                                                                                      by Barry Chamish

There is no other way to read our nightmare, yet somehow a differing blatant lie has become recent Jewish history. I have simplified the murder of some 800,000 Hungarian Jews, Wikipedia style. ie. Not too obscure or academic. Anyone can follow the bloody trail. And anyone can somehow find a way to deny it.
      We start in 1933 when the negotiator of The Transfer Agreement, Chaim Arlozorov is murdered by his pals in the far left Labor Zionist movement, but the right wing Irgun are set up to take the blame. They are removed from the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem along with the religious Aguda, and Labor hijacks the whole enterprise. First they sign the utterly immoral Transfer Agreement which sends 70,000 "pioneers" to Israel from Nazi Germany. Then, in 1937, the Nazis send Adolph Eichmann to Jewish Palestine to report on this co-enterprise.
      Meanwhile, the US smells a Holocaust in the immediate future so organizes a conference in Evian, France, with 32 compliant nations to prevent it. Modern Jewish "historians" have interpreted this, I say, sincere, attempt to save Europe's Jews as a trick to wipe out any future charges of American culpability in the mass murder of an innocent people.
      But, no matter, the Labor Zionists hitched their horses to the, you would think, enemy Nazis and fought Evian or knowingly, fought stopping the disgrace of the Holocaust. They got their "pioneers" from them, so sided with Hitler's ideology over FDR's.
      Nearing the end of WW11, Labor Zionism's delegate to Hungary-Romania's chief mass murderer, Adolph Eichmann, Rudolph Kastner, was running around the Nazi empire in an SS uniform saving a few handpicked Jews and delighting in supervising the slaughter of hundreds of thousands more that he could have saved.
      Kastner was put on trial in Israel in 1952, lost, and was murdered by the same gangsters who snuffed out Arlozorov. These criminals, who a few years before captured the Irgun for the British, became national hero myths with names like Rabin and Kollek. And their disgraceful neo-history has stuck.

In an article in the English edition of "Mishpacha" in January 2005 appeared the following:

 few months after The Transfer Agreement was signed, at the eighteenth Zionist Congress held in Prague in August 1933, Ben-Gurion said, "Eretz Yisrael today needs not ordinary immigrants, but pioneers. The difference between them is simple -- an immigrant comes to take from the land, whereas a pioneer comes to give to the land. Therefore we demand priority for Aliyah to pioneers."

The question which remains is who would decide who was "the best type of Jew"? At the 20th Zionist Congress held in Zurich in August 1937, Chaim Weizmann spelled out more specifically what was meant by "selective Aliyah."

"I told the members of the Royal [Peel] Commission that six million Jews want to go on Aliyah. One of the members asked me ' Do you think you could bring all of them to Eretz Yisrael?' On this I answered ... that two million young people... we want to save. The old people will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They have already become like dust, economic and moral dust in this cruel world..."

                                                                           SAVING THE JEWS OF HUNGARY-ROMANIA

Pinchas Gross who had been one of the public workers of Agudat Yisrael in Rumania stated,

"The first principle of the Zionist Aliyah Committee in Bucharest was not to allow members of Agudat Yisrael
  (religious Zionism) to go on Aliyah to Eretz Yisrael. . Shlichim from the [Aliyah] Committee in Bucharest arrived in Transylvania with large sums of money in order to transfer hundreds of pioneers to Bucharest for the purpose of Aliyah. We also asked for our members the possibility of Aliyah but we were rudely rejected."
Dr. Judah Leon Magnes in addressing a meeting of the Rescue Committee in July 1944 was very critical of those who wanted,"first of all to save the Zionists, and afterwards, if possible -- also the others, but above all the Zionists. I spoke to somebody.... The man said... we will save our men.... I said to him ... the others are also Jews. He said: It is so, they are Jews, but this is a universal argument, a perpetual argument and we will not give in on this." 

Rabbi Baruch Yehoshua Yerachmiel Rabinowicz, the Munkaczer Rebbe in Hungary, was involved in this rescue effort and the question of a meeting with him was mentioned at this Jewish Agency meeting. In answer Ben-Gurion stated that he did not oppose such a meeting, "We must do everything in this matter [of rescue] including things which seem fantastic." Had Ben-Gurion said no more, it would have been praiseworthy, but he then continued, "But there is one condition: the work will not cause damage to Zionism."

     Perhaps the subject would have been hysterically urgent if a deal hadn't been cut with the Nazi who could have saved everyone, Adolph Eichmann. But he just returned from a Labor Zionist kibbutz where he had a whale of an ideological, and I dare guess more, time.

Hiding in Argentina, Eichmann discussed Palestine and Kasztner on
tape. After his capture in 1960, Life magazine published excerpts. On the
kibbutz in 1937, he;

"did see enough to be very impressed by the way the Jewish colonists were
building up their land. I admired their desperate will to live, the more so since
I was myself an idealist. In the years that followed I often said to Jews with
whom I had dealings that, had I been a Jew, I would have been a fanatical
Zionist. I could not imagine being anything else. In fact, I would have been the
most ardent Zionist imaginable." ("Eichmann Tells His Own Damning Story," Life
[28 November 1960], p. 22).
   In the same self-serving memorial justification he recalls offering Kastner (Kasztner) the release of ALL entrapped Hungarian Jews for 700 trucks but was rejected:

He described Kasztner as;
"a fanatical Zionist. He agreed to help keep the Jews from resisting
deportation -- and even keep order in the collection camps -- if I would close my eyes and let a few hundred or a few thousand young Jews emigrate illegally to
Palestine. It was a good bargain. For keeping order in the camps, the price of
15,000 or 20,000 Jews -- in the end there may have been more -- was not too high
for me. And because Kastner rendered us a great service by helping keep the
deportation camps peaceful, I would let his groups escape." 

       In 1952, a Hungarian-born Israeli journalist, Malchiel Greenwald, accused a high-ranking Labor Party official, Rudolph Kastner, of working hand in hand with Eichmann to murder 800,000 Hungarian Jews, while saving several hundred of his own family and associates.
         It was Ben Hecht, in 1962, who exposed the Greenwald trial in his classic book, Perfidy:
Dr. Rudolf Verba, a Doctor of Science now serving at the British Medical Research Council, was one of the few escapees from Auschwitz. In his memoirs published in February, 1961, in the London Daily Herald, he wrote:
I am a Jew. In spite of that - indeed because of that - I accuse certain Jewish leaders of one of the most ghastly deeds of the war.
This small group of quislings knew what was happening to their brethren in Hitler's gas chambers and bought their own lives with the price of silence. Among them was Dr. Kastner, leader of the council which spoke for all Jews in Hungary. While I was prisoner number 44070 at Auschwitz - the number is still on my arm - I compiled careful statistics of the exterminations...I took these terrible statistics with me when I escaped in 1944 and I was able to give Hungarian Zionist leaders three weeks notice that Eichmann planned to send a million of their Jews to his gas chambers...Kastner went to Eichmann and told him, 'I know of your plans; spare some Jews of my choice and I shall keep quiet.'
Eichmann not only agreed, but dressed Kastner up in S.S. uniform and took him to Belsen to trace some of his friends. Nor did the sordid bargaining end there.

Kastner paid Eichmann several thousand dollars. With this little fortune, Eichmann was able to buy his way to freedom when Germany collapsed, to set himself up in the Argentine...(Ben Hecht, Perfidy, pp261-2)



My contribution, a good starter anyway, is Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust. Just go to   and type in my name in the search box.
Edwin Black also wrote a book revealing the rarely discussed deal the Nazis made with the Jewish Agency giving Jews the ability to emigrate to Palestine between 1933-38.  The agreement called Haavara Agreement (Hebrew :   Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was the precursor to the final solution when Hitler's motive was only to rid Germany of Jews, not slaughter them.
The Haavara Agreement (Hebrewהסכם העברה Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was signed on 25 August 1933 after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. While it helped Jews emigrate, it forced them to temporarily give up possessions to Germany before departing. Those possessions could later be re-obtained by transferring them to Palestine as German export goods.[1][2]


Hanotea (Hebrew: הנוטע), a Zionist citrus planting company, applied in May 1933 for the ability to transfer capital from Germany to Palestine. Hanotea served to assist German Jews' immigration to Palestine as part of the Zionist endeavor. In a deal worked out with the German government, Hanotea would receive money from prospective immigrants and use this money to buy German goods. These goods, along with the immigrants, would then be shipped to Palestine. In Palestine, import merchants would then buy the goods from the immigrants, liquidating their investment. This arrangement appeared to be operating successfully, and so paved the way for the later Haavara Agreement. Connected to Hanotea was a Polish Zionist Jew, Sam Cohen. He represented Zionist interests in direct negotiation with the Nazis beginning in March 1933.[3]

The Haavara (Transfer) Agreement was agreed to by the German government in 1933 to allow the Zionist movement, in the form of the Haavara company to transfer property from Germany to Palestine, for the sole purpose of encouraging Jewish emigration from Germany. The Haavara company operated under a similar plan as the earlier Hanotea company. The Haavara Company required immigrants to pay at least 1000 pounds sterling into the banking company. This money would then be used to buy German exports for import to Palestine.
The Haavara Agreement was thought among certain circles to be a possible way to rid the country of its supposed "Jewish problem." The head of the Middle Eastern division of the foreign ministry, Werner Otto von Hentig, supported the policy of concentrating Jews in Palestine. Von Hentig believed that if the Jewish population was concentrated in a single foreign entity, then foreign diplomatic policy and containment of the Jews would become easier.[5] Hitler's support of the Haavara Agreement varied throughout the thirties. Initially, Hitler criticized the agreement, but shortly reversed his opinion, and continued to support it, in the face of opposition, through 1939.[6]

Évian Conference

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Évian Conference was convened at the initiative of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in July 1938 to respond to the plight of the increasing numbers of Jewish refugees fleeing persecution in Europe by the Nazis—and perhaps he hoped to obtain commitments from some of the invitee nations to accept more refugees, although he took pains to avoid stating that objective plainly. It was true that Roosevelt desired to deflect attention and criticism from his own national policy that severely limited the quota of Jewish refugees admitted to the United States.[1]
For eight days, from July 6 to 15 at Évian-les-Bains, France, representatives from 32 countries and 39 private organizations and some 24 voluntary organizations met and formally discussed the issue among themselves, both orally and in writing.[2] Golda Meir, the attendee from Palestine, was the only representative of a landed Jewish constituency, but she was not permitted to speak or to participate in the proceedings except as an observer. Some 200 international journalists gathered at Évian to observe and report the conclave.
The dispossessed and displaced Jews of Austria and Germany were hopeful that this international conference would lead to acceptance of more refugees and safe haven. "The United States had always been viewed in Europe as champion of freedom and under her powerful influence and following her example, certainly many countries would provide the chance to get out of the German trap. The rescue, a new life seemed in reach."[3]
Hitler responded to the news of the conference by saying essentially that if the other nations would agree to take the Jews, he would help them leave.

One of many of Edwin Black's erudite compositions....The Transfer Agreement
Read one of my best books: Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust  

I have a series of DVDs and CDs that I normally sell for a set price. You can have any for whatever you think they're worth. But please write me at to order.
Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin; The Vatican's Crusade Against Jerusalem; Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust; The Dirty War Against The Settlers; Take Back Israel; Vatican Update; 120 Radio Shows; Stopping The Next Holocaust; (Hebrew)Who Murdered Rabin + Save Israel
Audio CDs:
Shabtai Tzvi, Labour Zionism And The Holocaust

  Hear my radio show: /

Essential contributions, if you want me to continue, at Paypal:
or by writing:
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL  32080
Sharon murder. Me explaining in Hebrew:

The Trust and Transfer Office "Haavara" Ltd. places at the disposal of the Banks in Palestine amounts in Reichmarks which have been put at its disposal by the Jewish immigrants from Germany. The Banks avail themselves of these amounts in Reichmarks in order to make payments on behalf of Palestinian merchants for goods imported by them from Germany. The merchants pay in the value of the goods to the Banks and the "Haavara" Ltd. pays the countervalue to the Jewish immigrants from Germany. To the same extent that local merchants will make use of this arrangement, the import of German goods will serve to withdraw Jewish capital from Germany.
The Trust and Transfer Office,
—Example of the certificate issued by Haavara to Jews emigrating to Palestine 

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