Monday, March 23, 2015


Maoz Israel Report january 2013
San Remo Map 1920


By Shira Sorko-Ram

There is one phrase that every media
network in the world knows and uses - “occupied
territory.” This phrase shapes the
orientation and perspective of literally the
entire world.
In its truest definition/meaning/understanding,
occupied Palestinian territory
means Israel is illegally occupying land
belonging to someone else.
In other words Israel is flouting international
Israel has no legitimate right to the land
which she is occupying. And even “Israel
proper” is questionable.
There is no peace because Israel is building
apartments and creating towns (derisively
called “settlements”) in “occupied territory.”
If Israel would just give up her claims
to the “occupied Palestinian territory” then
Arabs would make peace and the earth
would be relieved of most of the turmoil
generated in the Middle East.
It is astounding to see how little journalists
and politicians know about Israel’s roots.
They often act as if Israel appeared one day,

confiscated Arab land and seized the capital
city of the Palestinian nation.
Every follower of Yeshua needs to know
the facts of how the modern state of Israel
came to be. So here goes!
Thirty-five hundred years ago a man
from Ur of the Chaldees (today Iraq) and
his family travelled to what was then called
Canaan, where he was told by God that the
land there would be an inheritance to him
and his descendants forever.
Of course, what journalist in this modern
world would accept such a fanciful “legal
document” from God?
But fortunately for them, there are other
legal treaties and documents that though
conveniently ignored by pundits and leaders,
do exist and give international legitimacy
and justice to Israel’s existence – no
matter what nations declare today.
It was just after World War I and the
English and French had defeated Germany
and the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Now
there was nothing left to do but divide up
the booty. That’s what victorious armies
do, do they not?
So even before the war officially ended,
Sir Mark Sykes representing Britain and
Charles Picot of France negotiated the
Sykes-Picot Agreement which carved up
the Ottoman Empire between Britain and
France (with a bit left for Russia).
Britain took the southern part of the Middle
East including the so-called Palestine
area (the name given to the land of Israel by
the Romans) while France took Greater Syria.
Britain also decided to give a bit of Palestine
– the Golan Heights which belonged
to the Jewish tribe of Manasseh and was part
of Britain’s Mandate – to France and France
later gave it to Syria – you could call it a sort
of happenstance administrative model.
The two colonial powers, Britain and
France, began divvying up the former Ottoman
Empire according to the pressures and
considerations at the moment. Fortunately
for the Jewish people, during World War I
a prominent scientist, Dr. Chaim Weizman,
discovered a new process to produce acetone
used in the manufacture of explosives – a
discovery that greatly helped Britain’s war effort.
This innovation encouraged Foreign
Secretary Arthur Balfour to issue the Balfour
Declaration of 1917 – the modern foundational
basis for Israel’s legitimate rights to Palestine
as her Jewish homeland. (See page 5)
There followed a number of treaties and
covenants that affirmed the Balfour Declaration
– by the world body of the League of
Nations, the San Remo conference, and finally
the United Nations which voted to accept
Israel as a member nation of the UN.
During the years after WWI through
WWII when millions of Jews were dying in
gas chambers, the Arab peoples of the Middle
East fought with all their might to keep
Jews out of their Jewish homeland. Britain,
understanding that there were many more
Arabs than Jews, and needing them to fight
along side them against the Ottoman Turks,
mostly caved in to Arab violence, riots and
political demands.
Early on, in 1922, Winston Churchill
came up with a plan that he thought might
work. When the Arabs demanded that he
2 Maoz Israel Report january 2013
1. ABRAHAM’S PROMISED LAND 2000 B.C. 2. Balfour declaration 1917 3. 76% GIVEN TO ARABS 1922
Beersheva EGYPT
Eilat Eilat
Occupied Palestinian Territory?
Have you noticed:
- There has never been a
Palestinian state.
- There has never been a Palestinian
people until Yasser Arafat and other
Arab nations created them IN 1964.
- The “Palestinian people” have no
holidays celebrating national events
– only protest days against Israel.
- No nation has ever claimed Jerusalem
as their capital in the centuries
after the Jewish people were
expelled by the Romans in 70AD.
That is, no one until Israel made
the new Jerusalem her capital -
and then recaptured the ancient
city in 1967.

confiscated Arab land and seized the capital
city of the Palestinian nation.
Every follower of Yeshua needs to know
the facts of how the modern state of Israel
came to be. So here goes!
Thirty-five hundred years ago a man
from Ur of the Chaldees (today Iraq) and
his family travelled to what was then called
Canaan, where he was told by God that the
land there would be an inheritance to him
and his descendants forever.
Of course, what journalist in this modern
world would accept such a fanciful “legal
document” from God?
But fortunately for them, there are other
legal treaties and documents that though
conveniently ignored by pundits and leaders,
do exist and give international legitimacy
and justice to Israel’s existence – no
matter what nations declare today.
It was just after World War I and the
English and French had defeated Germany
and the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Now
there was nothing left to do but divide up
the booty. That’s what victorious armies
do, do they not?
So even before the war officially ended,
Sir Mark Sykes representing Britain and
Charles Picot of France negotiated the
Sykes-Picot Agreement which carved up
the Ottoman Empire between Britain and
France (with a bit left for Russia).
Britain took the southern part of the Middle
East including the so-called Palestine
area (the name given to the land of Israel by
the Romans) while France took Greater Syria.
Britain also decided to give a bit of Palestine
– the Golan Heights which belonged
to the Jewish tribe of Manasseh and was part
of Britain’s Mandate – to France and France
later gave it to Syria – you could call it a sort
of happenstance administrative model.
The two colonial powers, Britain and
France, began divvying up the former Ottoman
Empire according to the pressures and
considerations at the moment. Fortunately
for the Jewish people, during World War I
a prominent scientist, Dr. Chaim Weizman,
discovered a new process to produce acetone
used in the manufacture of explosives – a
discovery that greatly helped Britain’s war effort.
This innovation encouraged Foreign
Secretary Arthur Balfour to issue the Balfour
Declaration of 1917 – the modern foundational
basis for Israel’s legitimate rights to Palestine
as her Jewish homeland. (See page 5)
There followed a number of treaties and
covenants that affirmed the Balfour Declaration
– by the world body of the League of
Nations, the San Remo conference, and finally
the United Nations which voted to accept
Israel as a member nation of the UN.
During the years after WWI through
WWII when millions of Jews were dying in
gas chambers, the Arab peoples of the Middle
East fought with all their might to keep
Jews out of their Jewish homeland. Britain,
understanding that there were many more
Arabs than Jews, and needing them to fight
along side them against the Ottoman Turks,
mostly caved in to Arab violence, riots and
political demands.
Early on, in 1922, Winston Churchill
came up with a plan that he thought might
work. When the Arabs demanded that he
2 Maoz Israel Report january 2013
1. ABRAHAM’S PROMISED LAND 2000 B.C. 2. Balfour declaration 1917 3. 76% GIVEN TO ARABS 1922
Beersheva EGYPT
Eilat Eilat
Occupied Palestinian Territory?
Have you noticed:
- There has never been a
Palestinian state.
- There has never been a Palestinian
people until Yasser Arafat and other
Arab nations created them IN 1964.
- The “Palestinian people” have no
holidays celebrating national events
– only protest days against Israel.
- No nation has ever claimed Jerusalem
as their capital in the centuries
after the Jewish people were
expelled by the Romans in 70AD.
That is, no one until Israel made
the new Jerusalem her capital -
and then recaptured the ancient
city in 1967.
rescind the Balfour Declaration, he replied
in his 1922 White Paper, that he could not
do that. The Balfour Declaration stands.
However, to appease the Arabs, he arbitrarily
took the land under the British Mandate
east of the Jordan River – 76 percent
of what had been promised as a homeland
to the Jews – and ordered that Jews could
no longer settle or live there. This was a
betrayal of the full promise of the Balfour
Declaration, but Churchill thought it worthwhile
in that Britain could then reserve for
the Jews the remaining 24 percent of Palestine
which was west of the Jordan River to
the Mediterranean Sea. Churchill was seen
as a friend to the Jewish people.
The Arabs gladly took the land on the
east bank, but continued to launch terrorist
attacks against the Jews over the remaining
24 percent meant for a Jewish homeland.
In response to the continuous violence,
another White Paper in 1930 was written by
the British government stating that it now
seemed necessary to limit the number of
Jews immigrating to anyplace in the Holy
Land because they were taking jobs away
from the Arab population. It is a wellknown
fact that everywhere the Jews lived,
they built up the economy and actually gave
Arabs new jobs. The truth is, where Jews
lived, Arabs were also attracted to move in.
But the British wanted to stop the Arab violence
at all costs.
In 1939, at the beginning of the destruction
of 6,000,000 Jews in Europe, the British
sent out a third White Paper allowing
only 10,000 Jews a year into Palestine for
the next five years! After that, the Arabs
would decide on whether more Jews would
be allowed into Palestine. Thus, during
WWII, the Jews were denied a safe haven
from the Nazi butchers. The British sense
of justice collapsed under the weight of
Arab terrorism and obstinacy.
Meanwhile, France gave Lebanon her
independence in 1943 and Syria in 1946
while Britain gave Iraq her independence in
1932 and Jordan in 1946.
Still Israel was given no country of her
own because of the constant violence of the
Arabs who were determined that no Jews
would create a state in the midst of “Arab
Finally Britain had had enough and
threw up her hands, handed the mess over
to the League of Nations and its successor,
the United Nations.
The League and, after that, the UN upheld
the Balfour concept, but divided what
was left of the British Mandate into a small
section for Israel, leaving room for another
Arab state in the hill country west of the
Jordan River (Judea and Samaria.)
Israel agreed to receive this tiny piece of
land for her new state and Israel was granted
her entry to the UN as an independent
Jewish state in 1948. More than mystifying
is the fact that after 6,000,000 Jews had
been murdered in that very decade, Britain
could not bring herself to cast her UN vote
in favor of Israel. She was the only European
state that abstained. Even Russia voted
for Israel!
But every single Muslim nation in the
UN in 1947 voted against Israel’s statehood.
It was destiny that at that time the
Muslim countries and their close allies did
not yet have the majority vote in the UN
General Assembly as they do today.
Israel accepted UN Resolution 181 and
273 (see page 6) and Founding Father David
Ben Gurion declared Israel a free and
independent state on May 14, 1948.
The Arabs completely rejected the UN
resolution and five Arab nations invaded
Israel the next day, vowing to destroy the
nascent state.
When the smoke cleared, the Jordanians
had seized the West Bank area of Judea and
Samaria and East Jerusalem for themselves
and Egypt appropriated Gaza for themselves.
They were able to do this because
there was no “Palestinian people” or “Palestinian
state.” The only rulers over Palestine
for the last 500 years were the Ottoman
Turks and the British.
Four thousand Jews lost their lives in that
war for independence, but Israel actually
january 2013 Maoz Israel Report 3

gained about 60 percent of what the UN had
offered the Arabs for their state! The CIA
did not believe Israel could possibly win.
Israel only had some 20,000 to 30,000 irregulars
for most of the war. Many of them
were new immigrants and couldn’t even
understand their commanders in Hebrew,
while the Arabs had large regular armies. It
was an absolute miracle.
Nineteen years later the Arabs again
threatened to throw Israel into the sea and
in an act of war blockaded Israel’s entrance
to the Red Sea. Israel struck back,
chasing the Egyptians out of Gaza, the
Jordanians out of Judea and Samaria (the
West Bank) and ancient Jerusalem. Israel
conquered the Sinai Desert, Gaza, and
took over their ancient homeland of Judea
and Samaria. Moreover, they captured the
Golan Heights from the Syrians, ending
the constant terrorist attacks for decades
from the Heights down on Jewish villages
and kibbutzim in Galilee. In six days. An
incredible miracle.
The Arab nations then had no choice
but to signed cease-fire agreements with
Israel. But they emphasized that they
were not recognizing any borders of any
kind with Israel since they did not accept
the existence of a Jewish state. No Israel.
No borders.
Again Arab nations invaded Israel with
a surprise attack on Israel’s holiest day.
Again, miraculously, Israel pushed the Arabs
back, and actually could have marched
on to Cairo in the south and Damascus in
the north. But by this time the UN powers
that be almost hysterically demanded
that Israel stop. Another cease-fire was
arranged – but again no borders were designated
because (remember?) the Arabs
refused to recognize the Jewish state, and
therefore would of course not give her borders.
Until today, no borders for Israel have
been assigned in written form by anyone.
Only cease-fire lines.
INTIFADA 2000-2004
Muslim violence raged on. In the Second
Intifada which began in the year 2000
in the West Bank, there was every kind
of terror you could possibly imagine: late
night commando raids, bus bombings,
bar mitzvah shootings, random stabbings,
street riots, town sieges, bicycle bombers,
clashes at holy sites, car bombs, sniper fire
fights, human shields, mortar attacks on
settlements and farms.
Experts told Israel that it is impossible
to win against guerrilla warfare – which
is what the Intifada was. However, Israel
had no choice if she were to survive. After
5800 Arabs were killed, the Intifada
was over.
Yes, 1,053 Israelis were also killed according
to the B’Tselem NGO, and 2,267
Israelis injured. One hundred twenty Arab
suicide bombers made themselves martyrs.
But what did the Arabs in Judea and
Samaria gain? For a start, the loss of their
fast-growing economy, and the hardships
of many new Israeli checkpoints and a
protective wall (which the world said was
illegal) keeping the suicide bombers out of
Israel proper.
Israel has had numerous wars - too many
to write about in this article. Suffice it to
speak of one: When Hezbollah terrorists
continually attacked Israel’s northern border
towns, Israel drove them out and created
a buffer zone in southern Lebanon, fighting
the terrorists together with Lebanese
Christians who were Israel’s allies. Under
international pressure, Israel pulled out in
the year 2000, only to have Hezbollah grow
into a powerful guerrilla army equipped by
Syria and Iran. Just one short war of 33
days with Hezbollah in 2006: 121 Israeli
soldiers killed, 1244 wounded, 43 civilians
killed – including 18 Israeli Arabs – and
1384 Israeli civilians wounded – mostly
from 4000 rockets.
In an effort to end the hostilities, on 11
August 2006, the United Nations Security
Council unanimously approved UN Resolution
Now here’s the joke: The resolution
called for Israel to withdraw and for Hezbollah
to disarm with United Nations
forces (UNIFIL) making sure it happened.
Israel did pull out but Hezbollah rearmed.
Today, Hezbollah has some 40,000 rockets
according to the IDF’s intelligence. It is
estimated the terrorist organization which
is an arm of Iran and Syria can shoot 500
to 600 rockets a day into northern Israel if
war breaks out again.
Hezbollah stashes its arms next to
schools, hospitals and civilian homes – so
that if Israel targets the caches of weapons
and it blows up civilians – especially
children – Hezbollah wins the political and
media war – isolating Israel even more and
preventing her from having the means to
defend herself.
Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza in
2005, only to see it completely taken over
by the terrorist organization Hamas. Over
the last 12 years, Hamas has hit Israel’s
southern population with more than 15,000
rockets. In Sderot, one town alone, an estimated
15,000 people suffer from PTSD and
1,000 are undergoing treatment.
The last conflict with Gaza in November
2012 called the Pillar of Cloud in Hebrew,
gives Israel a short breathing time
until Hamas begins their rocket attacks
again. Psychologists suggest that up to
70 percent of Israeli children living under
these constant rocket attacks suffer from
trauma and are permanently emotionally
Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal who arrived
in the Gaza Strip for the first time (his
home in Syria is no longer safe) told it like
it is: “Palestine from the river to the sea,
from the north to the south, is our land and
we will never give up one inch or any part
of it.”
As the years have gone by and the UN is
now dominated by Islamic states, Muslims
have discovered many new weapons of war
– political war – against Israel. The plan is
to so isolate and delegitimize Israel that the
world will finally just say, “Away with her!”
Now that the Palestinian Authority has
been voted in by the UN General Assembly
as a non-member state, the PA has a whole
new set of weapons against Israel. But
that’s for another story.
The Bible’s prophetic words are fast
coming to pass: “And it will come about in
that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy
stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will
be severely injured. And all the nations of
the earth will be gathered against it. Zechariah
But prophecies foretelling the day Israel
shall be saved and be a light to the nations
will also be fulfilled. In that day, the Lord
says, “Israel will not bear the shame of the
nations anymore.” Ezekiel 34:29


On that day the Lord made a covenant
with Abram, saying, “To your descendants
I have given this land, from the river of
Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.”
Genesis 15:18
He has remembered His covenant forever.
. .which He made with Abraham, and
His oath to Isaac. Then He confirmed it to
Jacob for a statute, to Israel as an everlasting
covenant, saying, “To you I will give
the land of Canaan as the portion of your
inheritance.” Psalm 105:8-11
November 2, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you,
on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the
following declaration of sympathy with Jewish
Zionist aspirations which has been submitted
to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
“His Majesty’s Government view with
favour the establishment in Palestine of a
national home for the Jewish people, and
will use their best endeavours to facilitate the
achievement of this object, it being clearly
understood that nothing shall be done which
may prejudice the civil and religious rights
of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,
or the rights and political status enjoyed
by Jews in any other country.”
I should be grateful if you would bring
this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist
Arthur James Balfour, Foreign Office
[Great Britain]
(Palestine is the name that Rome gave
to the region of Israel’s Biblical inheritance
in an attempt to destroy forever the
nation of Israel.)

This article is not for casual
reading. It is an archive of
treaties, covenants and resolutions.
Boring! But these
documents are the proof of
Israel’s earthly international
legitimacy - no matter what
the world says now. Keep this
Maoz Report issue to share
with friends who might be
concerned that Israel exists
and behaves outside of international

April, 1919
To those colonies and territories which as
a consequence of the late war have ceased to
be under the sovereignty of the States which
formerly governed them and which are inhabited
by peoples not yet able to stand by
themselves under the strenuous conditions
of the modern world, there should be applied
the principle that the well-being
and development of such peoples form
a sacred trust of civilization and that securities
for the performance of this trust
should be embodied in this Covenant.
Certain communities formerly belonging
to the Turkish Empire have
reached a stage of development where
their existence as independent nations
can be provisionally recognized subject
to the rendering of administrative advice
and assistance by a Mandatory until
such time as they are able to stand alone.
The wishes of these communities must be
a principal consideration in the selection
of the Mandatory.
“The League of Nations was formed to
maintain world peace. However, it had no
military arm and failed to stop WWII. It was
replaced by the United Nations in 1945.”
April 25, 1920
It was agreed: (a) To accept the terms of
the Mandates Article as given below with reference
to Palestine, on the understanding that
there was inserted in the process-verbal an
undertaking by the Mandatory Power that this
would not involve the surrender of the rights
hitherto enjoyed by the non-Jewish communities
in Palestine. . . (b) that the terms of the
Mandates Article should be as follows:
The boundaries of the said States will be
determined, and the selection of the Mandatories
made, by the Principal Allied Powers.
The Mandatory will be responsible for
putting into effect the [Balfour] declaration
originally made on November 8 [sic],
1917, by the British Government, and
adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour
of the establishment in Palestine of a
national home for the Jewish people, it being
clearly understood that nothing shall be
done which may prejudice the civil and religious
rights of existing non-Jewish communities
in Palestine, or the rights and political
status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
“The San Remo conference was an international
meeting of the post-World War I
Allied Supreme Council, held in San Remo,
Italy, from 19 to 26 April 1920. It was attended
by the four Principal Allied Powers
of World War I who were represented by
the prime ministers of Britain (David Lloyd
George), France (Alexandre Millerand)
and Italy (Francesco Nitti) and by Japan’s
Ambassador K. Matsui.
The San Remo Resolution adopted on
April 25, 1920 incorporated the Balfour
Declaration of 1917. It and Article 22 of the
Covenant of the League of Nations (granting
the League the authority to create nations
out of areas conquered in war, i.e. the
former Ottoman Empire) were the basic

documents upon which the Mandate for
Palestine was constructed. Britain received
the mandate for Palestine and Iraq; France
gained control of Syria including presentday
July 24, 1922
The Council of the League of Nations:
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers
have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect
to the provisions of Article 22 [See
above] of the Covenant of the League of
Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected
by the said Powers the administration of the
territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged
to the Turkish Empire, within such
boundaries as may be fixed by them; and
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers
have also agreed that the Mandatory
should be responsible for putting into effect
the [Balfour] declaration originally
made on November 2, 1917, by the Government
of His Britannic Majesty, and
adopted by the said Powers, in favor of
the establishment in Palestine of a national
home for the Jewish people...
Whereas recognition has thereby been
given to the historical connection of the
Jewish people with Palestine and to the
grounds for reconstituting their national
home in that country; and confirming the
said Mandate, defines its terms as follows:
ART . 2. The Mandatory shall be responsible
for placing the country under
such political, administrative and economic
conditions as will secure the establishment
of the Jewish national home, as
laid down in the preamble, and the development
of self-governing institutions. . .
ART. 6. The Administration of Palestine
. . .shall facilitate Jewish immigration
under suitable conditions and shall
encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish
agency referred to in Article 4, close
settlement by Jews on the land, including
State lands and waste lands not required
for public purposes.
United Nations General
Assembly Resolution 181
November 29, 1947
The General Assembly, Having met in
special session at the request of the mandatory
Power [Great Britain] to constitute and
instruct a Special Committee to prepare for
the consideration of the question of the future
Government of Palestine at the second
regular session;
Requests that the Security Council take
the necessary measures as provided for in
the plan for its implementation. . .
The mandatory Power shall use its
best endeavours to ensure that an area
situated in the territory of the Jewish
State, including a seaport and hinterland
adequate to provide facilities for a
substantial immigration, shall be evacuated
at the earliest possible date and
in any event not later than 1 February
Independent Arab and Jewish States
and the Special International Regime
for the City of Jerusalem, set forth in
Part III of this Plan, shall come into existence
in Palestine two months after the
evacuation of the armed forces of the
mandatory Power has been completed
but in any case not later than 1 October
1948. The boundaries of the Arab State,
the Jewish State, and the City of Jerusalem
shall be as described in Parts II and
III below.
No discrimination of any kind shall be
made between the inhabitants on the ground
of race, religion, language or sex.
All persons within the jurisdiction of the
State shall be entitled to equal protection of
the laws.
When the independence of either the
Arab or the Jewish State as envisaged in
this plan has become effective and the
declaration and undertaking, as envisaged
in this plan, have been signed by either
of them, sympathetic consideration
should be given to its application for admission
to membership in the United Nations
in accordance with article 4 of the
Charter of the United Nations.
Part III. - City of Jerusalem: The City
of Jerusalem shall be established as a
corpus separatum under a special international
regime and shall be administered
by the United Nations. The Trusteeship
Council shall be designated to discharge
the responsibilities of the Administering
Authority on behalf of the United Nations.
Adopted at the 128th plenary meeting:
In favour: 33 Australia, Belgium, Bolivia,
Brazil, Byelorussian S.S.R., Canada,
Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala,
Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxemburg,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua,
Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,
Poland, Sweden, Ukrainian S.S.R.,
Union of South Africa, U.S.A., U.S.S.R.,
Uruguay, Venezuela.
Against: 13 Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt,
Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen.
Abstained: 10 Argentina, Chile, China,
Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia,
Honduras, Mexico, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia.
[Full text can be found at http://www.]
United Nations General
Assembly Resolution 273
May 11, 1949
Noting that, in the judgment of the Security
Council, Israel is a peace-loving State
and is able and willing to carry out the obligations
contained in the Charter,
Noting that the Security Council has
recommended to the General Assembly
that it admit Israel to membership in the
United Nations,
Noting furthermore the declaration by
the State of Israel that it “unreservedly accepts
the obligations of the United Nations
Charter and undertakes to honour them
from the day when it becomes a member of
the United Nations,”
Recalling its resolutions of 29 November
1947. . .
The General Assembly, acting in discharge
of its functions under Article 4 of
the Charter and rule 125 of its rules of procedure,
1. Decides that Israel is a peace loving
State which accepts the obligations
contained in the Charter and is able and
willing to carry out those obligations;
2. Decides to admit Israel to membership
in the United Nations.

The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement January
3, 1919 was a great beginning of Jewish
and Arab cooperation. However, it was
short-lived. The three White Papers and the
Peel Commission, while trying to uphold
the Balfour promise succumbed over time
to Arab terrorism and influence.
3 January 1919
His Royal Highness the Emir Feisal, representing
and acting on behalf of the Arab
Kingdom of Hedjaz, and Dr. Chaim Weizmann,
representing and acting on behalf of
the Zionist Organization, mindful of the racial
kinship and ancient bonds existing between
the Arabs and the Jewish people, and
realizing that the surest means of working
out the consummation of their natural aspirations
is through the closest possible collaboration
in the development of the Arab
State and Palestine, and being desirous further
of confirming the good understanding
which exists between them, have agreed
upon the following:
Article III
In the establishment of the Constitution
and Administration of Palestine, all such
measures shall be adopted as will afford the
fullest guarantees for carrying into effect
the British Government’s Declaration
of the 2nd of November, 1917. (Balfour
Article IV
All necessary measures shall be taken
to encourage and stimulate immigration
of Jews into Palestine on a large scale,
and as quickly as possible to settle Jewish
immigrants upon the land through closer
settlement and intensive cultivation of the
soil. . .
(signed) Faisal Ibn Hussein
(signed) Chaim Weizmann
“Faisal Ibn Hussein bin Ali al-Hashemi,
was for a short time King of Greater Syria
in 1920, and later King of Iraq. He was a
member of the Hashemite dynasty. Chaim
Weizmann was President of the Zionist Organization,
and the first President of the
State of Israel.
Faisal’s father, Hussein bin Ali, the
Sharif of Mecca and King of Hedjas, formally
endorsed the Balfour Declaration in
the Treaty of Sevres (the peace treaty between
the Ottoman Empire and Allies at
the end of World War I) of 10 August 1920,
along with the other Allied powers. Under
Arab pressure, the King later unilaterally
reneged on this treaty.”
The following remarks are summaries of
the White Papers and the Peel Commission
After the 1921 Arab riots and slaughter
of Jews, Winston Churchill issued a White
Paper in 1922 stating that the Balfour Declaration
could not be amended and that the
Jews were in Palestine by right.
Churchill declared: “But in order that
this [Jewish] community should have the
best prospect of free development and provide
a full opportunity for the Jewish people
to display its capacities, it is essential
that it should know that it is in Palestine as
of right and not on the sufferance. That is
the reason why it is necessary that the existence
of a Jewish National Home in Palestine
should be internationally guaranteed,
and that it should be formally recognized to
rest upon ancient historic connection.”
At the same time, to appease Arab violence,
the British government decided to
create an Arab nation from all of the land
east of the Jordan River – removing 76 percent
of Palestine from Jewish habitation.
Churchill also hinted that he might have to
regulate Jewish immigration to Palestine if
the Jewish population grew too fast. The
Arabs found that the more they rioted, the
more Britain limited Jewish immigration.
More Arab riots and another White Paper.
This paper hinted at the need to curtail
Jewish immigration to the entire area originally
designated by the Balfour Declaration
as a homeland for the Jewish people.
JULY 1937
At the height of 1936-1939 Arab riots,
a royal commission of inquiry headed by
Lord Robert Peel went to Palestine to investigate.
He recommended that the British
Mandate be abolished and the country divided
between two peoples with Jerusalem
becoming an international city under British
rule. He saw no injury to Arabs with
Jewish immigration. The British accepted
the recommendation. The Jews rejected it
as the portion given for a Jewish state was
miniscule. The Arabs rejected it because
they wanted no Jews and no Jewish state.
The proposal was shelved.
As the fierce riots by Arabs in Palestine
continued, the British produced yet
another White Paper. This infamous paper
is known for its closure of Israel’s ancient
homeland to Jewish immigration - at the
very time Jews were beginning to lose their
lives in Europe under Nazism. Instead of
enabling Jews to flee to their ancient homeland,
Britain virtually slammed the door
shut to millions of Jews who were about to
be slaughtered.
Britain, whose sole claim to ruling the
Holy Land was because of the spoils of
war, decided that over the next five years
of 1940-1944, a maximum of 75,000
more Jewish immigrants could come to
After that, Britain would let the Arab
majority decide if more Jews could come.
This paper also placed restrictions on Jews
buying land from Arabs. Thus Britain,
who was given the unique opportunity to
fulfill the ancient prophecies of the Bible,
promising that one day the Jews would
come back to live in their promised land,
failed to give the Jewish people their
homeland and are thus complicit in allowing
6,000,000 million Jews to be slaughtered
in World War II.
Incidentally, there were members of
the House of Commons who opposed this
White Paper, asserting that it was in opposition
to the Balfour Declaration. But it was
approved by the House of Commons on 23
May 1939 by 268 votes to 179.
The 1939 White Paper was rejected by
Jews, Arabs (for opposite reasons) and the
League of Nations. Because of bureaucracy,
the British refused to let even a total of
75,000 jews immigrate.
Britain decided there would be no Jewish
or Arab state on the remaining 24 percent
of Palestine.

to a jewish bo y
By Chaim Goldberg

Boys in love do crazy things. Some
get tattoos. Some spend all their
money trying to woo the object of
their affections. Others, like me,
get suckered into receiving Bibles.
Here I was, 18 years old and I was in
love with a girl named Rachel Donnelly.
She was a girl in my high school who was
the most beautiful and vibrant human being
I had ever laid eyes on. We were friends,
appearing in school plays together, hanging
out after school and things like that…but I
wanted more. I wanted her.
One afternoon, I gave Rachel a ride
home from school. She invited me into
her house to ‘hang out’…an invitation I
gladly accepted. Upon entering her house,
we encountered her mom. She was busy in
the kitchen, preparing dinner. Did I mention
that Rachel was one of 14 kids? Yes
you read that correctly, 14!! So you can
imagine what kind of a strong woman her
mother was, to birth 14 babies!
Rachel’s mom, Susan, was an extraordinary
human being. Not just for her ability
to procreate. There was something about
her. She was all of 5 feet in height. But
she had an inner strength that you could just
sense. And something else. I wasn’t sure
just what it was. But the feeling that I had
whenever I was around her, is that being in
her proximity was like being closer to God.
It’s a hard thing to describe. It was an
energy that was almost tangible.
On this particular afternoon, I noticed
for the first time, that Mrs. Donnelly was
wearing a Star of David pendant around
her neck. I was shocked at this discovery.
Here I was a Jewish kid and here she was
some sort of Gentile woman (with a name
like Donnelly and 14 kids I always assumed
she was Irish Catholic, but didn’t know for
sure) and she was wearing a Jewish star?
Before I could help myself, I blurted out:
“Mrs. Donnelly why are you wearing a
Jewish star?” She replied, “This is the Star of
David, and Jesus is a descendant of David.”
I had no idea what she was talking about.
But I wasn’t about to question her – since she
was the mother of the girl I was crazy about.
Later that afternoon, just as I was about
to leave, Mrs. Donnelly called to me from
the other room.
“Come here,” she said “I have a gift for
you.” You have a gift for me, I thought?!
This woman has 14 children, how on earth
could she have time, energy or thought to
get a gift for me, some guy who’s clearly
trying to make a move on her daughter?!
“OK,” I said. She handed me a wrapped
package. I sensed it was some sort of book.
And as I pulled back the wrapping paper,
my guess was confirmed. It was a book.
But no ordinary book. It was a Bible!
Clearly the earlier conversation about Yeshua
and the Star of David had sparked
Mrs. Donnelly to think she had a spiritual
opening with me. Now she was going in for
the kill. She was trying to convert me! She

wanted me to become like one of ‘them.’
The title of this Bible she gave me was
‘The Jewish New Testament’ by David
Stern. I knew instantly why she was giving
it to me. But I couldn’t show any emotion.
I had to keep my cool. I needed this woman
to like me, and to put in a good word for me
with her daughter. I politely thanked her.
Left the house. Got in my car. Tossed that
‘book’ in the back seat and never gave it
another thought.
Fast forward almost 2 years. I’m now 20
years old. Living in my first apartment in, of
all places, Cadillac, Michigan. If you want
to get to Cadillac, take a flight to Detroit,
drive north for about 5 hours, until you see
nothing but trees. That’s probably Cadillac.
I was a young TV producer, working for a
CBS affiliate in northern Michigan. I rented
a place in an old abandoned country school
house (that looked like the one on Little
House on the Prairie) that someone had
converted into two apartments. It was on a
dirt road, and even had some sort of wooden
cross out on the lawn commemorating the
school that once inhabited the structure. I
had no neighbors. It was just open fields and
trees as far as the eye could see.
One evening, I was lying around the
apartment, bored out of my mind. There was
nothing to do. I was a big city kid, living in
this tiny town where I knew exactly no one
and had no options for entertainment. Apparently
there was nothing good on TV that
night either, because I did something I rarely
do…I read. Don’t get me wrong, I like to
consider myself an educated person. I was
a journalist, loved politics, was interested in
world affairs. But I just preferred to get my
information from TV, movies, the radio, or
short articles in newspapers and magazines.
I just wasn’t a big book reader.
But that night, out of desperation, I wanted
something to read. So, I walked to the
bookshelf in my bedroom and started perusing
the limited selection. And there, to my
utter shock, was ‘that book.’ That ‘Bible.’
That ‘Jewish New Testament’ that Mrs.
Donnelly had given me. What was it doing
here? How did it get here? I had no memory
of ever seeing that book again, after leaving
her home with it. I certainly didn’t remember
packing it and taking it with me to my
first apartment, after leaving college.
To this day, I have no explanation for this
Bible being on my shelf, that night, in that
place. It still astonishes me. But there it was.
OK. This was an opportunity. A chance
to finally know why I didn’t believe this.
Being raised in a Jewish home, I was taught
all my life that Yeshua and Christianity and
the New Testament, wasn’t for us. That
wasn’t what we believed in. Tonight I was
finally going to know, why?
I took out the book. Sat down on my bed.
And began flipping through, trying to figure
out where to start. I was a little bit afraid
of it, to be honest. I had never done anything
like this, investigating another faith. I
flipped through the pages and saw the words
- ‘The Sermon on the Mount.’ OK, this was
good. I think I had heard of this before.
Fine, this is where I’ll start my reading.
And so I began. “How blessed are the
poor in spirit for the Kingdom of Heaven is
theirs….” etc., etc., etc., ok, this is all quite
flowery and weird. Not really sure what this
is all about. Keep reading. This is boring.
OK, skip a page. Then I see the words ‘Love
Your Enemies.’ What is this, I thought?
Love your enemies? I had never heard
of anything like this before. I kept reading.
‘But I tell you, love your enemies! Pray for
those who persecute you! Then you will become
children of your Father in heaven…’
Wow. Wow. This was really something. I
put down the book. Closed it. Didn’t read
one more word. Didn’t have to. Wow. Love
your enemies? Pray for them? This was a
revelation in thinking that had never entered
my brain before. I was stunned, overwhelmed,
incredibly moved. I was suddenly
consumed with the thought, “this is the kind
of thing that I would expect God to say…
because men/people don’t talk like this.”
What an overwhelming thought. That
these could be the words of God. But no…
no I had to reject that thought. I was Jewish.
This was Yeshua talking. This was a
Christian Bible. No way!
I tried to banish the thoughts that were
invading my mind. I put that book back
on the shelf and never looked at it again. I
don’t know who you are David Stern, but
this is not for me!
Or was it?
After only reading those few paragraphs
in the book of Matthew, my life was undone.
For days, I was tormented by the thought
“just say that you believe that Yeshua is
real.” What?! Who said that? Where is this
thought coming from. No way! I’m Jewish!
But this thought wouldn’t stop rolling
around in my mind. “You don’t have to say
that you believe in Yeshua; just say that you
believe that Yeshua is real.”
For three days, these words pounded
away at my consciousness, like a raging
river. But I was determined to put up a
dam in my mind to keep them out. Finally
I couldn’t take it any more. It was literally
driving me mad.
And before I realized what I was doing, I
relented. I got down on my knees and yelled
out “OK, I believe that Yeshua is real!”
Suddenly, it was as if the dam I had built
in my mind was burst through by raging
water. My mind was flooded and I would
never be the same again.
It would be several months and lots of
soul searching before I finally fully comprehended
that I was now a believer in Yeshua.
I was one of ‘them.’ And almost 18
years later, I’m thrilled to say I still am!
But it all began that night. Reading those
few words, from that beautifully translated
Jewish New Testament.
Now here I am, all these years later, working
at Maoz with…of all people, Dr. David
Stern as he and Maoz put together a plan to
translate his Jewish New Testament Commentary
into Hebrew. I couldn’t be prouder!
What an honor it has been just to meet Dr.
Stern and to share my story with him.
It is still amazing to me how God used
this Jewish New Testament to reach me,
this very special translation of the Bible tailored
to meet the Jewish reader right where
he or she is, in the midst of our culture and
faith and heritage. I pray He continues to
reach many more Jews who will soon be
reading the Hebrew version of his Jewish
New Testament Commentary.
I praise God for Dr. Stern and his writing.
I praise God for Mrs. Donnelly for
giving me that book, all those years ago.
She has since left this world and is with our
LORD. I think of my life here in Israel and
my work to reach the Jewish people with
the Gospel as her legacy. I am the fruit of
her faithfulness and prayers. She had such
a heart for the Jewish people and was a bold
evangelist. And to this day, one of my most
cherished possessions is that Star of David
pendant she used to wear, which her family
gave to me after her death.
You can now help carry on this legacy, by
contributing to this vital translation project. I
hope you’ll prayerfully consider doing so.
The author is the head of the Maoz
Media Department.


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