Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The main proof of Israel’s right to exist and to retain possession of all land currently in her possession (the Golan, Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank) 2015

The main proof of Israel’s right to exist and to retain possession of all land currently in her possession (the Golan, Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank)

along with proof that it is not in any manner responsible for the plight of the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank, is as follows:
1.    The territory covered by the Palestinian Mandate (today’s Jordan and Israel) was significantly under-populated in 1900. Despite its vast size, 
       the total population of the entire Ottoman Empire was only 20 million or so in 1917. The same area today has a population of about 220 million 
       (an average annual increase of 2.7%). Not only was the Empire as a whole under-populated, but Palestine was even more so, as stated by various                  dignitaries, such as Mark Twain and others. Thus the notion that there was no room for a Jewish homeland in Palestine without 
       displacing the indigenous Arab population, such as it was, is untenable. As it happens a large proportion of the Arabs in West Palestine up to 
       1947 had arrived after the first Aliyah (wave of immigration) by the Jews in 1880. 
About a million Jews and their children were expelled from Arab countries, their assets, businesses, homes and Real property 5-6 times the size of Israel (120,440 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. mi.) valued today in the trillions of dollars. About 700,000 of the Jews and their children that were expelled from Arab countries were resettled in Greater Israel.
2.    There were no national boundaries or nation states within the Ottoman Empire (which existed for about 400 years) and thus no national identity, whether among the Arabs of West Palestine or anywhere else. All identity was a tribal and religious. A state in Palestine, ruled by the Arabs, had never existed. West Palestine (Israel) was never more than a province in the vast territory of Islam and was traditionally regarded by the Arabs as part of Syria and Egypt. The Arabs never recognized the ‘Palestinians’ as a separate people or ethnic group.
3.    The sovereign control and ownership of the land which the Turks exercised over the Ottoman Empire was broken in 1918 and the victors (notably Britain and France) had full legal discretion under international law to decide how the Empire should be divided among competing interests.
4.    Britain and France agreed with the leading Zionist representatives of the time to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine (the Mandate of Palestine territory known today as Israel of which 77% was given to Jordan).
5.    The leading Arab representatives agreed to the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine on the understanding that the Arabs would be given control over the remaining Ottoman territory, namely Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, excluding Palestine. Territorial boundaries had been agreed.
6.    The leading Arab representatives stated in writing that they welcomed the creation of a Jewish homeland.
7.    The  international  community (the Allies and  later  the League of Nations) ratified the understanding at 5 above and noted the Arab agreement at 6            above.
8.    In 1922, in contravention and violation of international law, Britain divided Palestine in two, giving the area east of the Jordan River 77% of the land allocated to the Jewish people to the Arabs (known later as Trans-Jordan, then the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and finally Jordan). Jews were completely excluded from residing or entering this territory. In doing so Britain summarily reduced the potential area of the prospective Jewish homeland by 77%. The rest of Palestine remained under British control, to be set-up as the Jewish State.
9.    Britain co-operated in a clandestine manner with the Arabs by imposing restrictions on the immigration of Jews into West Palestine (the proposed 
       Jewish homeland), contrary to international law. These restrictions grew steadily more oppressive in the 1930s.
10.    Britain continued to facilitate and encouraged the unrestricted migration of Arabs into West Palestine, (estimates are that over 300,000 Arabs immigrated to Palestine during the British Mandate of Palestine (1917-1948) which again was contrary to the terms of the Mandate approved by the League of Nations. The League of Nations were about to initiate a hearing addressing the British numerous violations of the terms of The Mandate for Palestine.
11.    Britain also continued to support the Arab cause in West Palestine by restricting the purchase of land by Jews to specific areas. This was done 
with a view to further reducing the territory which the Jews could ultimately claim as their homeland. Furthermore, the territory concerned was broken into three enclaves which would be more vulnerable to a large-scale military attack than would a single contiguous parcel of land.
12.    At the instigation of the British, the Arabs continued throughout the 1920's, 1930's and 1940's to carry out terrorist attacks on Jewish civilian targets.
13.    The Arabs living in West Palestine were led to believe by the leadership in the surrounding Arab states (via radio, newspapers and word of mouth) that a large-scale military invasion would take place around the time the Jewish state was declared 1948. They were advised to leave West Palestine temporarily so as not to constrain the invading Arab armies.
14.    Large numbers of Arabs would leave in any event on foot of the violent response by their leadership to the UN Resolution of 29 November 1947. This led to a great escalation of tensions between the two communities. The numerous atrocities against Jewish civilians during this period convinced many Arabs that, if the Jews were ever to obtain the upper hand, their safety would not be assured.
15.    The official Jewish state, approved by the United Nations in 1947, was only a fraction of the whole of Palestine (East and West) and only 57% of West Palestine. Furthermore, a large part, about 75%, consisted of the inhospitable Negev Desert.
16.    Had the Jewish people been allocated a homeland in proportion to their numbers within the Ottoman Empire as a whole, they would have received a far larger piece of territory. (The Kurds and the Armenians should have been allocated a homeland on the same basis but were cheated by the Arabs.)
17.    The Arabs of West Palestine were offered their own state (in violation of International Treaties from the 1920's) by the UN in 1947, but they rejected it.
18.    The Jews in the newly founded state of Israel refused to allow the Arabs who had fled in 1947-1948 to return (The Arabs expelled the Jews from ancient Jerusalem, and other areas in Israel under their control and confiscated their assets and land, destroyed houses of worship, schools cemeteries etc. slaughtered many whole families, men, women and children). As a result the refugees lost a considerable amount of property. However, total Arab forfeiture in this manner was minimum in comparison to assets and Real property lost by million Jews Jews and their children who were forced to flee from various Islamic states for their own safety.
19.    The massive invasion of Arab armies on 15 May 1948, the armies attack of six Arab countries against Israel  was  unsuccessful.  This  invasion  was illegal  under international law and genocidal in purpose. Even though the invaders were attacking on three fronts and had significant strategic advantages, they were unable to overcome Jewish resistance, who were fighting for their survival.
20.    The Arab states refused to absorb and assimilate most of the Arabs who departed temporarily from West Palestine in 1947-1948. Other countries     assimilated far larger numbers of refugees after World War Two, but the Arab states, despite the extensive territory at their disposal and their ample revenue from oil exports, have consistently refused to do so. This unfortunate group of people, which today number around 3½ million, has been used by the nations of Islam over the past 60 years as an open sore, a cynical propaganda tool to deceive the international community, and as a human shield when conducting terrorist operations against Israeli civilian targets.
21.    With British approval, Jordan annexed the West Bank in 1950 and held it until 1967 when it was taken and liberated by Israel in the Six-Day War, after being attacked by Jordan. During this entire period - about 19 years - the Arabs were in a position to declare an independent state for Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank but made no attempt to do so. Similarly, Egypt could have donated Gaza when it was under Egyptian control.. Perhaps these facts, more than any other, demonstrate that the Arabs have deliberately nurtured the Palestinian refugee problem for the express purpose of destroying Israel.
22.    The Palestinian leadership has consistently rejected all reasonable offers
of a solution. As recently as 2000, they were offered Gaza, most of the West Bank, and East Jerusalem as the capital of a new Palestinian state, but they rejected it. When they finally did get Gaza, they started launching thousands of rockets against Israel's population centers and kidnap Israelis. The set up of the Palestinian Authority in The West Bank has been a disaster with terror and suicide bombing in Israel, the murder of whole families including babies in their cribs.
23.    The nations of Islam will never recognize the state of Israel and have no intention of achieving a lasting peaceful settlement. Israel made a major 
strategic error when it returned Sinai to Egypt in 1979. It should not give away any further territory, for whatever reason. Under the moral code of Islam, the Arabs are under no obligation to honor a treaty made with an infidel nation.
24.    The goal of radical Islam, which is heavily financed by Iran and Saudi Arabia, among others, is the total destruction of Israel and the murder of her entire population.

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