Monday, July 6, 2015

First Photos of the Holy Land - Israel

First Photos of the Holy Land


The first British Governor, Herbert Samuel writing in the Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine to the League of Nations, June 1921, entitled "On the Condition of Palestine after the War" relates that "There are now in the whole of Palestine [what is today the State of Israel and the State of Jordan] hardly 700,000 people".
Today there are 6 million Jews and 4.5 million Arabs in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza alone, not counting Jordan.
These pictures illustrate without a doubt that there was massive Jewish and Arab immigration into Israel: The Jewish refugees fleeing religious and ethnic persecution from European and Arab States, and Arabs immigrants from Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq. These were not native "Palestinians" as they are called today, rather Arab migrant workers looking for a better standard of living. This story is brought to life in the following pages in over 460 photographs and lithographs of the period.

The Holy Land in the 19th Century

Arab Settlement Near Tel-Aviv, 1911
Arab Settlement Near Tel-Aviv, 1911
The Holy Land was a poor, largely deserted country during the 19th century. Its inhabitants were backward, its services meagre, its roads of poor quality and unsafe, and its economic activity was very limited. Robbery and assault were everyday occurrences. There were no medical services of any kind and plagues frequently took a heavy toll of life. The population dwindled gradually: entire villages were abandoned and cities became small towns with few inhabitants. Aside from Gaza and Jerusalem, each town in the Holy Land (up to the 1840's) had a populace of less than ten thousand. The deterioration of the country was a result of the negative development in the Ottoman Empire which underwent intensified internal decline from the XVIIth century and on. This fact left its impact on Palestine: the local governors became more corrupt, and neglected their obligations, the troops were beyond control and the Bedouin tribes from the desert broke into cultivated areas, turning vast sections into wilderness. As a result, disorder and insecurity spread, government construction and public works were neglected, agriculture and trade were severely damaged and the farmers were oppressed and impoverished.


Weaving Reed Mats near Tiberias, 1894
Weaving Reed Mats near Tiberias, 1894
The majority of the population was rural but even the urban residents earned their livelihood from agriculture. Some 600 of the country's 700 villages were located in the mountains, while the plains and valleys were largely abandoned, being swampy and infested with malaria. The only settlements in the valleys were situated at the foot of the mountains where they were less exposed to malaria and Bedouin attacks.
In 1831 Ottoman rule was interrupted by Muhammad 'Ali, who occupied Palestine and Syria until 1840. A new era began which was characterized by political and social reform aimed at centralizing control of the country, modernizing the administration and granting equal rights to non-Muslim minorities. The country was opened for the first time to widespread political, cultural and economic activity by the European powers. These new developments continued after the Ottoman rule was resumed in 1840-41. During the second half of the nineteenth century direct Ottoman control was gradually consolidated in all parts of the country, Bedouin attacks were checked, general security increased, the oppression of the urban population was eased to a considerable extent, and the involvement of the European powers expanded greatly. These developments brought about certain improvements in the country's economy and in the conditions of the inhabitants.

Jews of the Holy Land in the 19th Century

The Jews were concentrated mainly in the four "Holy Cities": Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and Hebron. By and large, the Jews were regarded as second-class citizens of the Ottoman Empire. They encountered legal discrimination at every turn, and evidence given by them was not recognized by the courts. Jews were debarred from attaining high government office. They were subject to daily mockery and scorn, were forbidden to ride camels or horses within the city limits, and were obliged to make way for Moslems. Their persons and possessions were unprotected by law and prone to constant abuse (without any possibility of appealing to the courts of justice). M. Reisher, who lived in Jerusalem, writes in 1866:
    "When a Jew walked among them in the market, one would throw a stone at him in order to kill him, another would pull his beard, and a third his ear-lock, yet another spit on his face, and he became a symbol of abuse".
Although their principal source of income was the "Haluka" (financial support from abroad), heavy taxes were imposed on them by the Turkish authorities. Subsequent to the Crimean War (1853-1854), there was a gradual improvement in the predicament of the Jews, mainly as the result of the protection granted them by the consuls in certain cases. In any event, they continued to be second-class citizens reliant on the clemency of the ruling authorities and the Moslem population. From the 1840's the Jewish community grew considerably through new waves of immigrants, mainly from Russia. In the 1880's the Jewish population was further augmented by refugees and agricultural settlements which were founded in many parts of the country. Jewish urban centers (particularly in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Haifa), developed as well.

The Landscape of the Holy Land in the 19th Century

On The Main Road From Shechem To Jerusalem, 1913
On The Main Road From Shechem To Jerusalem, 1913
The views unfolding before the eyes of visitors to the Holy Land in former times differed from those seen today. To a large extent the landscape was one of desolation and ruin, swamps and uncultivated wilderness, with a sparse and backward population living mainly in small settlements. The most prominent changes have occurred in the coastal plain and the valleys of the interior, the greater parts of which were formerly covered by swamps and sparsely settled by Bedouins and poor Arab peasants. Today, these are the most highly populated and prosperous regions of Israel. The Sharon and certain areas of Samaria and Judea were partly afforested in those days[1]. On the other hand, visitors to the Holy Land found its scenery far more reminiscent of the Biblical world than is the case at present. This also applied to the day-to-day life of its inhabitants and their various occupations, the latter having undergone but minor changes from ancient times to the 19th century. Animals were still being used for ploughing and threshing, flour was ground by millstones as in days of yore, water was brought from the wells in jugs, camel caravans made their way along the roads, women bore bundles of kindling on their heads. All these scenes created the impression of a remote and enchanted world whose association with the Biblical world was inevitable. They were often captured for posterity by the lens of the camera. Today these photographs frequently serve as the sole evidence of a way-of-life and culture which within a single generation will belong wholly to the past.
[1] The map of the Palestine Exploration Fund (1880) demarcates two large oak forests in the Sharon. One of these forests began west of Karkur, while the other extended southward from the Crocodile River almost to the Yarkon River. Some old trees of the former forest still stand west of Benyamina and near Pardess Hanna. No tall trees of the second forest have survived but a considerable area of old stump growth may still be seen.

Towns of the Holy Land in the 19th Century

Jerusalem from Mount Scopus, by David Roberts, 1842
Jerusalem from what is now "East Jerusalem", by David Roberts, 1842
Few of the urban areas of the Holy Land during the 19th century would measure up to present-day criteria. They were merely large villages or small towns. Even in the "large" cities, such as Acre and Jerusalem, the population did not exceed 10,000. For reasons of defense, some of the towns were surrounded by walls, but towards the middle of the 19th century the latter ceased to be functional (the walls of Safed and Tiberias were destroyed by the earthquake of 1837). Only Jerusalem and Acre were considered to be fortified cities.
The towns were very densely built up and were unable to expand beyond their walls until the mid-19th century because of the Turkish security regulation, prohibiting construction within 850 metres of the city limits. A more liberal approach became manifest only in the latter half of that century when the security situation improved and the influence of the new era began to be felt.

Arab Settlement in Esdraelon Valley, 1910
Arab Settlement in Jezreel Valley, 1910
Most of the towns were characterized by an absence of planning, dark, narrow, winding, unpaved alleys, open sewage canals, and small gloomy shops. The majority of the houses, with the exception of those in Jerusalem, Hebron and Nablus, were built of mud[2].
Cultural life and entertainment were totally lacking in the towns, and the latter boasted no avenues, squares, broad streets or public buildings. At sunset the gates of walled cities such as Jerusalem were shut and all late-comers were obliged to spend the night outside.
The markets (bazaars) played a key role. They were very picturesque and aroused the wonderment of pilgrims who flocked to photograph them, in particular the markets of Jaffa, Jerusalem and Bethlehem, as mementos of their visit to the Holy Land. These markets served not only for the sale of goods but were also the place where most of the artisans practised their crafts. There were special markets for the various craftsmen and merchants: metalworkers, tanners, oil vendors, butchers, etc. In certain markets (mainly those in the principal towns), fellaheen offered their produce for direct sale. Thus, there were special livestock markets in Jerusalem (in the Sultan's Pool) and Jaffa, while Safed had a market for grain and charcoal.
During the 19th century the economy of the towns of the Holy Land was largely based on agriculture. Their inhabitants owned fields and orchards in the vicinity and the more affluent among them gained their livelihood by exploiting the labour of the fellaheen.
 [2] This was the situation up to the mid-19th century. Towards the end of that century gradual improvements were introduced.

The land of Galilee & the North, Tiberias

The Milkman in Tiberias, 1858The Milkman in Tiberias, 1858  This rare photograph was taken by the well-known Jerusalemexplorer E. Pierotti and is published here for the first time. [medium][large]
Tiberias before the earthquake of 1837Tiberias before the earthquake of 1837  [medium][large]
Tiberias after the earthquake of 1837Tiberias after the earthquake of 1837  [medium][large]

First Photos of the Holy Land

The land of Galilee & the North, Tiberias, cont...

Tiberias, 1877
Tiberias from the West. Prominently visible are the walls
of the town, the towers and the citadel (to the left).
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Tiberias, 1862
Tberias viewed from the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
One is struck by the desolation and piles of ruins left by the earthquake
of 1837 which destroyed the town
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Tiberias, 1870
View from the South-East
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Tiberias, 1928
View from the South-East
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Tiberias, 1877
View from the North-West. Visible are the 'Great Mosque' and the lower city
(the Old City). In the distance appears the Tomb of Rabbi Meir Ba'al Haness
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Tiberias, 1894
View towards the Sea of Galilee
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Gate In The Walls, 1894
A gate in the walls of the Old City at Tiberias
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Tiberias From The Citadel, 1862
View of Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee from the Citadel
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Remains Of The Citadel, 1893
Remains of the Citadel in the North-East part of the town
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Southern Part Of Tiberias, 1862
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Fishermen At Tiberias, 1895
Fishermen of the shores of the Sea of Galilee at Tiberias
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Fishermen At Tiberias, 1858
Fishermen at Tiberias, Photograph by Pierotti
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Jewish House In Tiberias, 1893
Entrance to a Jewish House in Tiberias
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Jews In Tiberias, 1894
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Tomb Of Rabbi Meir Baial Haness, 1894
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Praying At The Tomb, 1912
Jew praying at the Tomb of Rabbi Meir Ba'al Haness
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Hotsprings At Tiberias, 1893
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Pool At Tiberias Hotsprings, 1925
The Large Pool at Tiberias Hotsprings
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A Room In The Bath-House, Wood-Cut From 1880
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Near the Sea of Galilee

Kvutzat Kinneret, 1911
Early days of Kvutzat Kinneret
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Returning From The Fields, 1912
Kvutzat Kinneret; Wagon laden with hay returning from the fields
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Ford Of The River Jordan, 1920
Ford of the river Jordan near Degania. Coaches crossing the river
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Winding Course Of The Jordan, 1918
Winding course of the river Jordan, Aerial view
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Mud Hut At Um Junni, 1909
The mud hut at Um Junni, at the site where Degania was later to be
established. In front of the hut stands Joseph Baratz, one of the first settlers.
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Outlet Of The Jordan
The Outlet of the River Jordan with Degania in the Background
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Livestock At Degania, 1910
The first livestock at Degania
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First Houses In Degania, 1912
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Tsemah, 1910
The village of Tsemah on the South-East shore of the Sea of Galilee
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Jewish Family (Tsemah), 1910
The only Jewish family (from Damascus) in Tsemah
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Wharf Of Tsemah, 1911
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Migdal, 1894
Migdal (Magdala)
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Migdal, 1920
Migdal (Magdala) in 1920. The bowers visible on top of the mudhouses
brought the residents of the Arab settlement relief from the stiffling heaaar typical
of this region during the summer
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Vale Of Gennesaret, 1890
The Vale of Gennesaret (Ginosar)
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Tabgha, 1890
And old mill at Tabgha (Heptapegon)
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Ruins Of Capernaum, 1890
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Russian Pilgrims At Capernaum, 1900
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Bedouin Encampment, 1893
Bedouin Encampment at Capernaum
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Khan Minyeh, 1862
Region of Khan Minyeh
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Ruins Of Caravanserai, 1894
Ruins of the Jub Yusuf Caravanserai
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Upper Galilee and Hula Valley

Workshop For The Production Of Silk, Rosh Pina, 1895 [small] [medium] [large]
Rosh Pina, 1913 [small] [medium] [large]
Bridge Of The Daughters Of Jacob, 1913 View from the south-east. Close to it is an old Caaravanserai
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Camels Crossing The Jordan, 1913 [small] [medium] [large]
Arab Settlement By Lake Hula, 1925 Arab settlement with Reed-Mat houses, on the shores of Lake Hula
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Weaving Reed Mats, 1894 Bedouins weaving Reed Mats in the Hula region
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Crossing The Swamps, 1925 Bedouin using a bundle of papyrus mats to cross the swamps
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Ayelet Hashahar, 1915 Ayelet Hashahar in its early days
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Ayelet Hashahar, 1920 [small] [medium] [large]
Flour Mill Near Hula Lake, 1894 [small] [medium] [large]
Kefar Giladi, 1916 Kefar Giladi in its early days
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Kefar Giladi, 1916 [small] [medium] [large]
Fortifications Of Banias, 1862 Part of the Medieval fortifications of Banias
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Bowers At Banias, 1894 Bowers serving as summer abodes at Banias
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Safed and Meron

Safed, 1900 General view of Safed
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Safed, 1913 [small] [medium] [large]
The Abuab Synagogue, 1913 [small] [medium] [large]
The Sephardi Quarter,1895 Patial view of the sephardi quarter in Safed
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Tomb Of Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai At Meron, 1912 Jew from Damascus praying at the TOmb of Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai at Meron
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Tomb Of Rabbi Eliezer At Meron, 1912 The Tomb of Rabbi Eliezer, son of Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai at Meron
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Old Synagogue Of Meron, 1899 Jews praying in the Old Synagogue of Meron
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Nazareth and Surroundings

Cana Of Galilee, 1869
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Nazareth (General View), 1842
David Roberts from The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia
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Nazareth, 1869
Nazareth from the South
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Nazareth, 1877
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Church Of The Annunciation, Nazareth, 1894
Interior of the Church of Annunciation
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Bazaar In Nazareth, 1894
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Bakery In Nazareth, 1894
Primitive Bakery in Nazareth
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Street Scene In Nazareth, 1890
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Horse Market, 1925
The horse market in Nazareth
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The Fountain Of Mary, 1898
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Mount Tabor and Surroundings

Gate At The Summit, 1887 Gate from the Crusader Period at the Summit of Mount Tabor
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Ruins On Top Of Tabor, 1887 [small] [medium] [large]
Franciscan Monastery, 1887 The Franciscan Monastery on Mount Tabor
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Mount Tabor. 1877 Mount Tabor, View from the North-West
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Mount Tabor, 1887 View from the South-West
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Village At The Foot Of Mount Tabor, 1887 Arab Villiage at the foot of Mount Tabor (apparently Daburiya)
featuring typical baking ovens
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Mescha (Kfar Tabor), 1910 The village of Mescha (Kfar Tabor)
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Mescha (Kfar Tabor), 1913 The village of Mescha (Kfar Tabor)
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Market At Et-Tujjar Caravanserai, Engraving From 1841 The Market at the Et-Tujar Caravanserai (near Mount Tabor)
held every Monday, was one of the largest and most
colourful throughout the country. It continued to exist
until the start of the present century
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Esdraelon Valley

Bedouins And Their Flocks, 1894
Bedouins and their flocks in the Esdraelon Valley
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Arab Settlement, 1910
Arab Settlement in the Esdraelon Valley
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Arabs Ploughing, 1894
Arabs ploughing in the Esdraelon Valley
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Herds Of Water-Buffalo In The Swamps, 1920
Typical scene in the Valley of Esdraelon;
herds of Water-Buffalo in the swamps
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Swampy Scenery, 1920
Swampy scenery in the Esdraelon Valley
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Draining The Swamps, 1920
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Afula, 1917
Afula, General View
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Main Road Of Afula, 1925
Building the main road which passes through Afula
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Nahalal In Early Days, 1925
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Kibbutz Merhavya, 1913
View of the farmyard
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Endor, 1890
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The Village Of Zar'in, 1900
The Village Of Zar'in (Jezreel)
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Ein Harod, 1921
Ein Harod (initial site). The tents of the first settlers,
members of the labour batallion are visible next to the fountain
of Gideon
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Ein Harod, 1925
Concert of the Violonist Yasha Heifetz; The guests arriving
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Railway Station Near Ein Harod, 1929
The Railway Station to Hejaz (Saudi Arabia) near Ein Harod
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Beit Alpha, 1925
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Fountain Of Gideon, 1890
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Mound Of Beit Shean, 1875
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Beit Shean, 1900
The town of Beit Shean
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The Coastal Plain

Acre, 1877
Acre, View from the North-East. Prominently visible are the Mosque
of Jezzar Pasha and a building with arches known as the
"White Market".
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Acre, Engraving, 1875
Engraving from 1875 showing Turkish cannons on the walls.
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Jezzar Pasha Judging A Citizen, Lithograph, 1799
Jezzar is seen holding the rod of punishment. To his left lies the axe
for speedy execution of the guilty. On his right stands his secretary
presenting the charge sheet. (This is probably his Jewish counselor,
who had lost an eye and his nose as punishment for previously failing
to carry out one of Jezzar's orders.
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General View Of Acre, 1905
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Mosque Of Jezzar Pasha, 1925
The Great Mosque of Jezzar Pasha
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Acre From The Ramparts, 1925
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Arab Coffee-House, 1925
Arab Coffee-House in Acre
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The Walls Of Acre, 1925
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Swamps In The Zevulun Valley, 1930
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Palm Grove In The Zevulun Valley, 1910
Palm Grove in the Zevulun Valley with Haifa in the background
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Camel Caravan, 1912
Camel caravan on its way from Haifa to Acre
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Haifa And Mount Carmel At Sunset, 1910 [small] [medium] [large]
The German Colony, 1898 General view of the German Colony and the coastal stretch
where the port was to be built
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Haifa From Mount Carmel, 1887 [small] [medium] [large]
Haifa And Mount Carmel, 1887 Haifa and Mount Carmel viewed from the bay
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Lower Part Of Haifa, 1893 The lower part of Haifa and the bay
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Haifa From The Bay, 1893 [small] [medium] [large]
Haifa, 1915 Haifa with the Carmelite Monastery at the summit of Mount Carmel
in the background.
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Haifa From Hadar Ha-Carmel [small] [medium] [large]
View From Mount Carmel, 1911 View of Haifa from Mount Carmel
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Quay Of Haifa, 1920 Typical view of the quay of Haifa with the Turkish City Hall
on the right
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The Railway Station, 1920 The Railway Station in Feisal Street, Haifa
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Street Scene, 1920 Street Scene in the lower town (in the Moslem Quarter)
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German Cannon, 1920 A German cannon from World War I on Mount Carmel
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First Bus Haifa-Beirut, 1920's The first bus serving the route from Haifa to Beirut in the 1920s
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The "Herzliyyah" Quarter, 1907 The "Herzeliyyah" quarter in its early days
This was the4 first quarter in Haifa established by Ashkenazi Jews.
It is located in the Western part of Hadar Ha-Carmel
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Hadar Ha-Carmel In 1925 [small] [medium] [large]
Construction Of The Technion, 1912 Construction of the Hebrew Technion
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Frontal View Of The Technion, 1913 Frontal view of the Technion during the final
stages of construction
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Transferring Equipment To The Technion, 1913 Transferring mechanical equipment from the port to the Technion
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The Technion During World War I The hall served as a slaughterhouse for the German Army
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The Carmelite Monastery, 1877 The Carmelite Monastery with Haifa bay in the background
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The Cave Of Elijah, 1893
The cave of Elijah on Mount Carmel
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Camel Caravan, 1900 Camel caravan at the foot of Mount Carmel
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Zikhron Yaakov

Watchmen In Zikhron Yaakov, 1910 Watchmen in the vineyards of Zikhron Yaakov
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The Wine Cellars, 1912 The Wine Cellars of Zikhron Yaakov
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The Swamps of Kabara

Herd Of Water-Buffalo, 1925 Herd of Water-Buffalo in the swamps of Kabara
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Bedouin Encampment, 1925 Bedouin Encampment next to the swamps of Kabara
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Scene In The Swamps, 1925 Scene in the swamps of Kabara
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Drainage Operations, 1925 Drainage operations in the swamps of Kabara
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Athlit, Tantura, Caesarea

Ruins At Athlit, 1900 The ruins of Athlit
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Salt Mills (Athlit), 1922 The Salt Mills at Athlit
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Harbour Of Tantura (Dor), 1887 [small] [medium] [large]
Remains Of A Gate (Caesarea), 18s.' Caesarea, remains of a gate from the period of the Crusaders
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Ruins Of Caesarea, 1887 The walls and the moat (filled) from the period of the Crusaders
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Ruins Of Caesarea, 1887 Ruins of Caesarea and the port
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Ruins Of Caesarea, 1912 The ruins of Caesarea and remains of the Crusader port
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Caesarea, 1893 The buildings are part of a village established by Bosnians
who settled in Caesarea in the 1880's and 1890's
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The Sharon Valley and Its Settlements

Main Road In Hadera, 1912 [small] [medium] [large]
Russian Converts In Hadera, 1900 Russian converts to Judaism in Hadera
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Doctors Riding To Treat Cases Of Malaria, 1910 [small] [medium] [large]
By The Coast Of Hadera, 1911 [small] [medium] [large]
Kefar-Saba, 1925 The path to the right (parallel to the four buildings)
was later to become Herzl Street
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Kefar Saba, 1925 Early days of Kefar Saba
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Draining The Swamps, 1906 Draining the swamps at Petah Tikva
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Planting Orchards, 1905 Planting orchards in Petah Tikvah
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Street In Petah Tikva, 1913 [small] [medium] [large]
Arab Settlement Of Kakun, 1911 Arab settlement of Kakun in the Sharon valley
(with carriage of European visitors)
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Arab Settlement Near Tel-Aviv, 1911 Typical Arab Settlement in the Sharon Valley (close to Tel-Aviv)
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Beginnings Of Tel-Aviv, 19(9 Allocating plots to the residents on the sand dunes of Tel-Aviv
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Sand Dunes On Which Tel-Aviv Was Built, 1909 The sand dunes on which Tel-Aviv was built. These photographs
vividly depict the appearance of the locality before
the first houses were built
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Sand Dunes On Which Tel-Aviv Was Built, 1909 [small] [medium] [large]
Levelling The Sand-Dunes, 1909 Levelling the sand dunes with the aid of horses
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Levelling The Sand-Dunes, 1919 Levelling the sand dunes with the aid of camels
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Start Of Work In Ahuzat Bayit, 19,09 [small] [medium] [large]
Tel-Aviv Council In Dizengoffi's House, 1910 The Tel-Aviv council on the balcony of Dizengoff's house
in Rothschild Boulevard
[small] [medium] [large]
First Public Building, 1910 The first public building in Tel-Aviv which served as the
Municipality, Post Office and Water-Tower of the town
[small] [medium] [large]
Rothschild Boulevard, 1911 [small] [medium] [large]
Rothschild Boulevard, 1920 Rothschild Boulevard, view towards the sea around 1920
[small] [medium] [large]
Preparing Ground For Nachalat Binyamin Street, 1910 Leveling the sand dunes and prepaaring the groudn for the paving
of Nachalat Binyamin street
[small] [medium] [large]
Nachalat Binyamin Street, 1914 [small] [medium] [large]
Preparing Site For The "Herzliyyah" High School, 1909 Jewish labourers preparing the site for the construction
of the "Herzliyyah" High-School
[small] [medium] [large]
The "Herzliyyah" Higii School, 1917 The "Herzeliyyah" High-School
[small] [medium] [large]
Herzl Street, 1913 Herzl Street and the "Herzeliyyah" High-School
[small] [medium] [large]
Coach Service Tel-Aviv - Jaffa, 1911 The coach service between Tel-Aviv and Jaffa
Close to the "Herzliyyah" High-School, which is visible in the
[small] [medium] [large]
Achad Ha-Am Street, 1911 [small] [medium] [large]
Herzl Street, 1915 [small] [medium] [large]
Herzl Street, 1920 [small] [medium] [large]
Laying Foundation Stone (Allenby Street), 1910 Laying the foundation stone of the first house along what
was later to become Allenby street
[small] [medium] [large]
Levelling Sand Dunes (Allenby Street), 1911 Leveling the sand dunes in the area where Allenby
street was later to pass
[small] [medium] [large]
End Of Allenby Street, 1915 The end of Allenby street during the first stage of its
[small] [medium] [large]
Opening Of Allenby Street, 1918 The opening of Allenby Street on November 21, 1918
[small] [medium] [large]
Opening Of Allenby Street, 1918 [small] [medium] [large]
Allenby Street, 1920's Allenby Street in the early 1920s
[small] [medium] [large]
Allenby Street, 1926 [small] [medium] [large]
Area Through Which Ben-Yehuda, Frishman And Mendele St Now Pass, 1909 Former appearance of the area through which Ben-Yehudah,
Frischman and Mendele streets now pass.
[small] [medium] [large]
Ben-Yehuda Street, 1930's [small] [medium] [large]
Area Through Which Ben-Yehuda Street Now Passes, 1909 [small] [medium] [large]
Dizengoff Circle, 1919 [small] [medium] [large]
Dizengoff Circle, 1940 [small] [medium] [large]
Dizengoff Street, 1919 [small] [medium] [large]
Sycamore Trees In King George Street, 1921 [small] [medium] [large]
South Of Tel-Aviv, 1909 Scene in the south of Tel-Aviv at the site where the commercial
centre was later established in the Aliyah Street
[small] [medium] [large]
The Aliyah Street, 1920's [small] [medium] [large]


Jaffa Port, 1877 Jaffa Port with the Old City (today the Artists' quarter) in the background
[small] [medium] [large]
Pilgrims Arriving At Jaffa, Engraving From 1880 The unique engraving from 1880 depicts the dramatic landing
of the pilgrims at Jaffa port. Jewish travelers have been given special
prominence here (see right hand corner)
[small] [medium] [large]
Jaffa At Sunset, 1916 View of Jaffa and the Port at sunset
[small] [medium] [large]
Rocks Along The Coast, 1900 [small] [medium] [large]
Transferring Barrels Of Wine. 1900 Transferring barrels of wine from the cellars of Rishon LeZion
to ships anchored offshore
[small] [medium] [large]
Transport Of Oranges, 1920's Transport of oranges to the Jaffa port in the 1920's.
[small] [medium] [large]
Transport Of Oranges, 1920's [small] [medium] [large]
Jaffa From The West, 1862 [small] [medium] [large]
Jaffa From The North-West, 1860 [small] [medium] [large]
Park Hotel In Jaffa, 1900 [small] [medium] [large]
Jaffa From The North-East, 1905 The town with its luxuriant orchards and gardens made a vivid impression
on all visitors. This photograph was take from the roof
of the Park Hotel in Jaffa
[small] [medium] [large]
Clock-Tower In Jaffa, 1900 The clock tower and the Turkish City-Hall in Jaffa at
the beginning of the present century
[small] [medium] [large]
Municipal Buildings, 1918 Jaffa - Municipal buildings with New Zealand troops in the foreground
[small] [medium] [large]
Bustross Street In 1910 [small] [medium] [large]
Bustross Street In The 1920's [small] [medium] [large]
Fire In Bustross Street, 1915 [small] [medium] [large]
Arab Shoemaker In Jaffa, 1925 [small] [medium] [large]
Wagon With Barrels Of Wine, 191 Wagon with kegs of wine from the cellars of Rishon Le-Zion
[small] [medium] [large]
Jaffa Railway Station, 1893 [small] [medium] [large]
Jaffa Railway Station, 1920 Is [small] [medium] [large]
Austrian Postal Coach, 1898 The Austrian Postal Coach next to the Abu Nabut fountain in Jaffa
[small] [medium] [large]
The Market In Jaffa, 1877 [small] [medium] [large]
Turkish Military Camp, 1911 A Turkish Military Camp on the outskirts of Jaffa
[small] [medium] [large]
Turkish Trenches, 1920 Turkish trenches in Jaffa from World War I.
[small] [medium] [large]
Camp Of Ibrahim Pasha At Jaffa, Engraving From 1834 Egyptian Army camp in Jaffa under the command of Ibrahim Pasha
[small] [medium] [large]
Factory For Wine Kegs, 1910 Factory for the construction of wooden kegs in Jaffa
[small] [medium] [large]
Picking Oranges In Jaffa, 1915 Jews and Arabs picking oranges in Jaffa
[small] [medium] [large]
Jewish Pioneers Working In Jaffa, 1910 [small] [medium] [large]

Settlements South of Jaffa

Mikve Israel, 1906 [small] [medium] [large]
Watchmen At Rishon Le Zion, 1910 Wathcmen in the guard hut at Rishon Le-Zion
[small] [medium] [large]
Picking Grapes (Rishon Le Zion), 1910 Arab girls carry baskets of grapes to the wine cellars
[small] [medium] [large]
Loading Barrels Of Wine, 1910 Loading barrels of wine on Camels bound for Jaffa port
[small] [medium] [large]
Receipt Of Grapes, 1910 Receipt of grapes at the wine sellers
[small] [medium] [large]
Back From The Vineyards, Rishon Le-Zion, 1912 A girl from Rishon Le-Zion returns from the vineyards
[small] [medium] [large]
First Well In Rishon Le-Zion. 1913 [small] [medium] [large]
On The Way To Nes Ziona, 1910 [small] [medium] [large]
School In Nes Ziona, 1910 [small] [medium] [large]
Watchman In Rechovot, 1910 [small] [medium] [large]
The Main Road In Rechovot, 1912 [small] [medium] [large]
The Main Road In Ekron, 1920 [small] [medium] [large]
Setting Out To Plant The Herzl Forest At Hulda, 1907 [small] [medium] [large]
Guards In The Hulda Forest, 1910 [small] [medium] [large]
Jewish Pioneers (Gedera), 1910 Jewish Pioneers (Bilu) ploughing at Gedera
[small] [medium] [large]
Back From The Barn (Gedera), 1912 [small] [medium] [large]
Be'er Tuvia (Kastina), 1897 [small] [medium] [large]
Beier Tuvia, 1911 [small] [medium] [large]

On the Way to Jerusalem

On The Way To Jerusalem, 1894
The road from Jaffa to Jerusalem by way of Beit Dagon
near where the main Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway later passes
[small] [medium] [large]
Mosque At Azor, 1887
The Mosque named after Sheikh Ali at Azor in Holon
[small] [medium] [large]
Scene In Ramla, 1893
[small] [medium] [large]
Ramla, General View, 1898
[small] [medium] [large]
The "White Tower" In Ramla, 1877
[small] [medium] [large]
The Church Of St. George, Lod, 1893
The remains of the Crusader Church of St. George
[small] [medium] [large]
The Remains Of The Church Of St. George, 1875
[small] [medium] [large]
Hotel For Pilgrims At Latrun, 1887
[small] [medium] [large]
Caravanserai (Bab El Wad), 1910
The Caravanserai at the entrance to Bab El Wad, later called
Shaar HaGuy, part of the main Tel Aviv-Jerusalem Highway
[small] [medium] [large]
Motza (Kolonla), 1893
[small] [medium] [large]
Motza, 1895
Inauguration of the labourers cultural center in Motza
[small] [medium] [large]
Railway Station At Beitar, 1893
The Arab settlement of Bittir - the Ancient Beitar - is visible
in the background
[small] [medium] [large]

Jerusalem, Judea & Samaria

Jerusalem, the Old City

Jerusalem, by David Roberts, 1842 [small] [medium] [large]
Jerusalem, by David Roberts, 1842 [small] [medium] [large]
Jews Praying On The Mount Of Olives, 1893 [small] [medium] [large]
Robinson's Arch, 1895 [small] [medium] [large]
At The Wailing Wall, 1870 [small] [medium] [large]
At The Wailing Wall, 1898 [small] [medium] [large]
Wilson's Arch 1920 Exposure of the base of Wilson's Arch during drainage operations
in the Old City in the early days of the Mandate
[small] [medium] [large]
The Temple Mount From The North (The Mosque of Omar), by David Roberts, 1842 A view from the area that is now the "Arab Quarter"
[small] [medium] [large]
The Temple Mount, 1877 [small] [medium] [large]
The Temple Mount, 1877 Note overall disrepair and lack of use
[small] [medium] [large]
The Temple Mount, 1877 [small] [medium] [large]
The Temple Mount, 1877 [small] [medium] [large]
The Temple Mount, 1877 Note overall disrepair and lack of use
[small] [medium] [large]
The Temple Mount From The West, 1862 View of the Temple Mount from the area of the Wailing Wall
from the path running parallel to the walls, in the proximity
of the Jewish Quarter. Not far from the present-day
"Yeshivat Ha-Kotel
[small] [medium] [large]
Fortress Of Antonia, 1869 Fortress of Antonia. Today Omarya School on the Temple Mount
[small] [medium] [large]
Jewish Quarter, View From The North-East, 1870 Visible in the background is the Tiferet Israel Synagogue
with its cupola yet incomplete. (This photograph was take prior
to 1872)
[small] [medium] [large]
Jewish Quarter, 1898 [small] [medium] [large]
Jewish Quarter, 1898 View from the South-East
[small] [medium] [large]
Jewish Quarter, 1930 The Jewish Quarter bedecked with snow
[small] [medium] [large]
Jewish Quarter, 1915 The Jewish Quarter and the Tiferet Israel Synagogue
view from the area of the Wailing Wall
[small] [medium] [large]
The Porat Yosef Yeshiva, 1915 [small] [medium] [large]
The "Misgav Ladach" Hospital, 1915 [small] [medium] [large]
The Jewish Quarter After The Earthquake Of 1927 [small] [medium] [large]
Armenian Ceremony At The Church Of St. James, 1880 [small] [medium] [large]
Interior Of The Church Of St. James, 1900 The Armenian Church of St. James
[small] [medium] [large]
Near The Citadel, 1905 View near the Citadel with the office of the "Palestine
Exploration Fund". This view is just inside Jaffa Gate
[small] [medium] [large]
Hezekiahis Pool, 1862 Hezekiah's pool and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre viewed from the site
where Hotel Petra now stands. Prominent in the desolate area with
piles of ruins to the right (Muristan), which was restoreed only
at the beginning of the present century
[small] [medium] [large]
Ruins Of The Muristan, 1862 Ruins of the Muristan with the curch of the Holy Sepulchre
in the background
[small] [medium] [large]
Ruins Of The Muristan, 1888 [small] [medium] [large]
Camel On The Roof Of The Church Of The Holy Sepulchre During restoration works
[small] [medium] [large]
Restoration Works On The Roof Of The Church Of The Holy Sepulchre, 1868 Restoration works, during which the cupola was replaced on the roof
of the Holy Sepulchre
[small] [medium] [large]
Ceremony Of "Washing The Feet", 1895 Ceremony Of "Washing The Feet" in the courtyard of the
Holy Sepulchre
[small] [medium] [large]
Ceremony Of The 'Holy Fire', 1905 Greek Orthodox pilgrims at the entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
awaiting the commencement of the "Holy Fire" ceremony. The Turkish
soldiers visible in the photograph attempt to maintain order
[small] [medium] [large]
The Ecce Homo Arch, 1877 The Ecce Homo Arch at the "Sisters of Zion" convent on Via Dolorosa
[small] [medium] [large]
The Valley Of Jehosaphat, 1877 The Valley of Jehosaphat with Absalom's Pillar and the
southern ridge of the Mount of Olives in the Background, revealing
exceptional landscape in the area that is now Arab "East Jerusalem", Silwan
and Jewish Har Homa
[small] [medium] [large]
Outside Damascus Gate, 1860 Damascus Gate with the Old City in the Background. The Unihabited areaa to the North of the Walls is now part of Arab "East Jerusalem". "East Jerusalem" only appeared after 1850 when Turkish Authorities allowed structures within 850 meters of the Old City walls.
[small] [medium] [large]
The Damascus Gate, 1870 [small] [medium] [large]
Inside Damscus Gate, 1928 View from inside the Old City
[small] [medium] [large]
Herod's Gate, 1910 [small] [medium] [large]
Austrian Post Office, 1898 The Austrian Post Office in the Old City and Postal carriages
opposite the Citadel. Now an Information Bureau for Tourists
run by the Franciscans
[small] [medium] [large]
Near Jaffa Gate, 1905 View of the Old City near Jaffa Gate
[small] [medium] [large]

Jerusalem, the New City

Outside Jaffa Gate, 1900 The way leading from Jaffa Gate to Bethlehem
[small] [medium] [large]
Outside Jaffa Gate, 1913 The square outside Jaffa Gate, today serving as a Parking Area for Buses
[small] [medium] [large]
Finn's House At Abraham's Vineyard, 1860 The House of British Consol Finn in Abraham's Vineyard
[small] [medium] [large]
The Entrance To Abraham's Vineyard, 1860 [small] [medium] [large]
Jewish Workers At Abraham's Vineyard, 1860 [small] [medium] [large]
First House In Rehavia, 1921 [small] [medium] [large]
Beginnings Of Bet Ha-Kerem 1922 The house being built was located at the present site
of the suburb's park along He-Halutz Street
[small] [medium] [large]
E. Ben-Yehuda's House In Talpiot, 1922 Construction of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda's house in Talpiot
[small] [medium] [large]
Ramat Babel, 1927 Shacks of the Kibbutz in the Early Days
[small] [medium] [large]
The Abyssinian Church, 1898 [small] [medium] [large]
Abyssinian Priests, 1898 [small] [medium] [large]
The Talitha Kumi Orphanage, 1905 The Talitha Kumi orphanage for girls, today located
along King George Street
[small] [medium] [large]
The German Colony, 1900 The German Colony in the plain of Rephaim and the Railway Station
[small] [medium] [large]
The German Colony, 1900 The German Colony in the plain of Rephaim
[small] [medium] [large]

Ein Karem

Ein Karem, 1879 [small] [medium] [large]
Ein Karem, 1905 [small] [medium] [large]

On the Way to Bethlehem

Near Mar Elias, 1893 Camell Caravan on its way to Bethlehem, site near
Mar Elias Convent
[small] [medium] [large]
Rachel's Tomb, 1900 [small] [medium] [large]


Bethlehem From The North, 1860 In this photograph one sees that the area to the North of the town
is uninhabited agricultural land. Later Bethlem was greatly expanded to merge
with Jerusalem
[small] [medium] [large]
Bethlehem From The South-East, 1877 To the left are visible the Church of the Nativity
then located on the outskirts of the town and the agricultural
lands which fringed it. The fortress of Herodion is seen
in the background
[small] [medium] [large]
Courtyard Of The Church Of The Nativity, 1875 [small] [medium] [large]
View From The Roof Of The Church Of The Nativity, 18d> View westwards from the roof of the Church of the Nativity
[small] [medium] [large]
Courtyard Of The Church Of The Nativity, 1895 Courtyard of the Church of the Nativity and the Greek
Orthodox cemetery to the left
[small] [medium] [large]
Christmas Festivities In Bethlehem, 1895 [small] [medium] [large]
Nave Of The Church Of The Nativity, 1887 [small] [medium] [large]
The Choir Of The Church Of The Nativity, 18~95 [small] [medium] [large]
Star In The Church Of The Nativity, 1894 Visible in the photograph are the Turkish guards entrusted
with safeguarding the site
[small] [medium] [large]
Protestant Church, 1900 [small] [medium] [large]
The Milk Grotto, 1900 [small] [medium] [large]
View Of The Market In Bethlehem, 1895 [small] [medium] [large]
Workers In Mother-Of-Pearl, 1905 [small] [medium] [large]
Bead Merchants, 1893 [small] [medium] [large]
Stone Quarrie 1900 Stone Quarries in Bethlehem
[small] [medium] [large]
Woman From Bethlehem, 1893 Woman from Bethlehem in Traditional Dress
[small] [medium] [large]
The Shepherds' Field, 1869 [small] [medium] [large]

From Bethlehem to Hebron

Solomon's Pools, 1900 [small] [medium] [large]
Bedouin Women, Engraving From 1877 Bedouin Women of the Taamirah Tribe and Solomon's pools
in the background. Based on a photograph taken in 1877
[small] [medium] [large]
Abraham's Oak, 1877 [small] [medium] [large]


Hebron From The South, 1877 [small] [medium] [large]
Hebron, 1862 Hebron and the Cave of Machpela (Tomb of the Patriarchs)
[small] [medium] [large]
The Sheikh's Quarter, 1862 The Sheikh's Quarter in the Northern Part of Hebron
[small] [medium] [large]
The Cave Of Machpela, 1913 [small] [medium] [large]
Levontin Visiting The Cave Of Machpela,1920's [small] [medium] [large]
Cenotaph At The Tomb Of Abraham, 1920 [small] [medium] [large]
The Central Prayer Hall In The Mosque, 1920 The Central Prayer Hall in the Mosque at the Cave of Machpela.
The Cenotaph at the Tomb of Isaacc, the Mihrab and the ancient Minbar
[small] [medium] [large]
The Jewish Quarter, Turn Of The Century. The Jewish Quarter in Hebron, Turn Of The Century
[small] [medium] [large]
The "Knesset Yisrael" Yeshiva in Hebron, 1911 [small] [medium] [large]
The Jewish Quarter, 1921 The Jewish Quarter in Hebron
[small] [medium] [large]
Pool Of The Sultan, 1911 [small] [medium] [large]
Synagogue Of Abraham Avinu, 1925 Synagogue Of Abraham Avinu in Hebron
[small] [medium] [large]
Destruction After Riots 1929 Scene of destruction in the Jewish Quarter after the Arab riots of 1929
[small] [medium] [large]
Destruction After Riots 1929 [small] [medium] [large]
Destruction After Riots 1929 [small] [medium] [large]
Evacuation Of Jewish Inhabitants After Riots, 1929 British evacuation of Jewish inhabitants after the riots of 1929
[small] [medium] [large]
Tannery In Hebron, 1900 [small] [medium] [large]

From Jerusalem to Jericho

Bethany, 1870 General view of Bethany and ruins of the Crusader Fortress (center)
[small] [medium] [large]
Lazarus' Grave, 1893 Lazarus' Grave in Bethany
[small] [medium] [large]
Fountain Of The Apostles, (Ain Shemesh), 1895 Fountain of the Apostles (Ain Shemesh) in the road to Jericho
[small] [medium] [large]
Near Ma'ale Adumim, 1910 [small] On the way to Jericho, near Ma'ale Adumim[medium] [large]
On The Road To Jericho, 1869 On the road from Jerusalem to Jericho; scene showing the
Jordan valleu and the dead sea
[small] [medium] [large]
Aerial View Of The Judean Desert, 1918 The Judean desert in the vicinity of Mar Saba, view from the West
Aerial photograph taken by the German Airforce in 1918
[small] [medium] [large]
Mar Saba Convent, 1862 [small] [medium] [large]
Mar Saba Convent, 1900 [small] [medium] [large]
Tomb Of St. Saba, 1893 [small] [medium] [large]
Monks At Mar Saba, 1893 [small] [medium] [large]
St. George Convent, 1898 St. George Convent in Wadi Kelt
[small] [medium] [large]


Jericho, 1891 General view of Jericho
[small] [medium] [large]
Jericho, 1891 To the right is the Russian Pilgrim's Hospice and to the left
are the ruins of a Crusader tower, known to Pilgrims from the 16th century
onwards as the "House of Zaccheus"
[small] [medium] [large]
Bedouin Encampment, 1893 Bedouin Encampment in Jericho
[small] [medium] [large]
Bedouin Woman, 1893 Bedouin Woman from Jericho carrying jugs of milk
[small] [medium] [large]
Elisha's Fountain, 1869 [small] [medium] [large]
Elisha's Fountain, 1898 [small] [medium] [large]
Elisha's Fountain, 1905 [small] [medium] [large]
Elisha's Fountain, 1870 [small] [medium] [large]
The Mound Of Jericho, 1875 The Mound Of Jericho prior to the onset of excavations
[small] [medium] [large]
The Mount Of The Temptation, 1877 [small] [medium] [large]

The Jordan River

The Course Of The Jordan, 1877 [small] [medium] [large]
Russian Pilgrims Going Down To The Jordan, 1910 The vanguard of a thousand Russian pilgrims going down to the Jordan
[small] [medium] [large]
Church Of St. John, 1887 The Church of St. John the Baptist near the Jordan, marking
the traditional baptismal site
[small] [medium] [large]
Russian Pilgrims, 1905 Russian Pilgrims against the background of the Church of St. John the Baptist
[small] [medium] [large]
The Jordan The Jordan in the vicinity of the baptismal site
[small] [medium] [large]
Immersion Of Pilgrims, 1928 Immersion Of Pilgrims in the Jordan
[small] [medium] [large]
Allenby Bridge, 1893 The bridge appearing in these photographs was burnt by the Turks
in World War I. The bridge erected in its place by the British was named
Allenby Bridge
[small] [medium] [large]
Allenby Bridge, 1893 [small] [medium] [large]
Huts Of The Awarina Tribes, 1893 Huts Of The Awarina Tribes close to the Jordan, near Allenby Bridge
[small] [medium] [large]

The Dead Sea and Environs

The North-Western Part Of The Dead Sea, 1877 [small] [medium] [large]
Ein Gedi, 1893 [small] [medium] [large]
Hydraulic Mill, 1893 Hydraulic flour mill at Ein Gedi
[small] [medium] [large]
Massada, 1925 [small] [medium] [large]

From Jerusalem to Shechem

Nebi Samwill 1893
The traditional tomb of the prophet Samuel
[small] [medium] [large]
Gibeon - El Jib, 1862
[small] [medium] [large]
El Bireh, 1893
El Bireh, women at the fountain
[small] [medium] [large]
Bet El (Bethin), 1905
[small] [medium] [large]
Spring Of Ein Farah, 1920
[small] [medium] [large]
On The Main Road From Shechem To Jerusalem, 1913
[small] [medium] [large]

Shechem, Samaria

Jacob's Well, 1869 Jacob's Well with Mount Gerizim in the background
[small] [medium] [large]
Joseph's Tomb,1865 The edifice of the tomb is in ruins. This photograph was taken
before the tomb was restored in 1865
[small] [medium] [large]
Joseph's Tomb, 1894 [small] [medium] [large]
Mount Gerizim, 1869 [small] [medium] [large]
Caravanserai (Shechem)1925 [small] Old Caravanserai at Shechem[medium] [large]
Shechem From The North-West, 1862 [small] [medium] [large]
Samaritan High Priest, 1900 [small] [medium] [large]
Passover As Celebrated By The Samaritans, 1900 The Passover as celebrated by the Samaritans on Mount Gerizim
[small] [medium] [large]
Colonnade, Samaria 1887 [small] [medium] [large]
The Church Of St.John, 1887 The Church Of St.John at Samaria
[small] [medium] [large]
Interior Of The Church,1890 [small] [medium] [large]
Colonnade From The Roman Period, Samaria, 1877 Entrance to the Ancient City of Samaria
[small] [medium] [large]
Distant View Of Samaria, 1862 Distant View Of Samaria with a bridge in the foreground
[small] [medium] [large]

The South, Askelon and Gaza

Ruins Of Askelon, 1847 Daguerreotype photograph by Keith
[small] [medium] [large]
Ruins Of Askelon, 1887 [small] [medium] [large]
Gaza, 1862 Gaza Scene. The main Mosque of the town is visible at the center
of the photograph
[small] [medium] [large]
Beer-Sheva, Engraving, 1880 Bedouins at the well aound which the city of Beer-Sheva was later built
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Beer-Sheva, Engraving, 1880 Bedouins at the well of Beer-Sheva. In earlier times pilgrims
often perpetuated this scene which recalled the era of the Patriarchs
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Well At Beer-Sheva, 1869 The rope marks cutinto the rock at the mouth of the well indicate
that it servged as an important source of water since time immemorial
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Well At Beer-Sheva, 1925 Old well in Beer-Sheva
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Beer-Sheva, 1925 [small] [medium] [large]
Scene Around Beer-Sheva [small] [medium] [large]


Approach to Mount Sinai, Wady Barah, by David Roberts, 1842 [small] [medium] [large]
Wady Feiran, 1869 [small] [medium] [large]
Mount Serbal, 1869 [small] [medium] [large]
The Convent Of St. Catherine, by David Roberts, 1842 [small] [medium] [large]
The Convent Of St. Catherine, 1862 [small] [medium] [large]

The Human Landscape


Praying At The Wailing Wall, 1870 [small] [medium] [large]
Jews In Jerusalem, 1895 [small] [medium] [large]
Chief Rabbi Of Jaffa, [small] [medium] [large]
Study Of The Torah (Meron) Study of the Torah at the Meron Yeshiva
[small] [medium] [large]
Pioneers In Galilee, 1913 Jewish pioneers ploughing field in the Galilee
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Pioneers In Galilee, 1912 Pioneers in a Barrack
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Sowing In Galilee, 1912 [small] [medium] [large]
A Jewish Wedding In Jaffa, 1899 [small] [medium] [large]
Jewish Guards 1915 Jewish guards in the Galilee
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Jewish Guards: 19115 [small] [medium] [large]
Jewish Soldiers In The Turkish Army, 1915 [small] [medium] [large]
Jewish Postman, 1925 Jewish Postman in the Galilee
[small] [medium] [large]


Group Of Women From Bethlehem, 1869 [small] [medium] [large]
Representatives Of The Christian Denominations In Jeem, 1925 [small] [medium] [large]
Greek Orthodox Monks In Jerusalem, 1900 [small] [medium] [large]
The Armenian Patriarch, 1895 [small] [medium] [large]
Greek Orthodox Wedding Ceremony, 1898 [small] [medium] [large]
Ascension Ceremonv On The Mount Of Olives, 1898 Christian communities celebrating the ascention on the Mount of Olives
in the Church of the Ascension
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Easter Procession Of Greek Orthodox Pilgrims. 1900 [small] [medium] [large]


Arab Coffee-House, 1858 Photograph by Pierotti
[small] [medium] [large]
Moslem Guard On The Temple Mount, 1893 [small] [medium] [large]
Lesson Time In An Arab Settlement, 1895 Lesson time in an Arab villiage North of Jerusalem
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Arab Women Milling Flour, 1895 [small] [medium] [large]
Woman From Emmaus, 1890 Woman from Emmaus bearing a basket of twigs on her head
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On The Way To The Well, 1920 Arab women on the way to the well
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Ploughing In Samaria, 1887 Moslem in Samaria using a wooden plough drawn by a pair of oxen
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Water-Well, 1913 A primitive water well
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Weaver, 1905 A weaver in the Old City
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Moslem Wedding, 1898 Dancing at a Moslem Wedding in Judaea
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Leaving For Nebi Musa, 1910 Moslems Assembling on the Temple Mount prior to the Nebi Musa procession
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Bedouin From Abu Dis, 1898
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Bedouin Ploughing, 1893
Bedouin ploughing with camel and wooden plough
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Churning Butter And Milling Flour, 1887
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Bedouin Women Carrying Firewood, 1893
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Partaking Of Meal, 1893
Bedouin women partaking of meal
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Women From The Jordan Valley, Engraving, 1877
Bedouin women from the Jordan Valley
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Turkish Soldiers At Mamilla Pool, Jerusalem, 1895
Turkish soldiers paying last honours in the Moslem cemetery
near Mamila pool
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Turkish Officers In Jaffa, World War I.
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The Kawass Of The Anglican Bishop, 1887 The Kawass (Guard) of the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem
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Guard At The Russian Consulate, Jaffa. Guard at the Russian Consulate beginning of the present century
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Circassians, 1900 Circassians in national costume
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Circassians, 1900 A rare photograph of Circassians with ox-drawn carts, following
the custom of their homeland, the Caucasus. When the Russians invaded
their country, the fled in their thousands and spread throughout the
Turkish empire. In Eretz Israel they established three villages
[small] [medium] [large]

Pilgrims and Guides

Travelling In The Galilee, 1894 Arab Family travelling in the Galilee looking for work.
The Father, nounted on a donkey, leads a mule bearing his family
The Mother and various belongins are "balanced" by the children
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Pilgrim Family In The Holy Land, 1894 Pilgim family in the Holy Land, in the valley of Esdraelon
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Leaving The Encampment, 1877 Pilgrims leaving their encampment, ready to start their visit to Jerusalem
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Russian Pilgrims, 1905 Russian Pilgrims at the Jordan
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Russian Pilgrims, 1910 Russian Pilgrims arrive within sight of Jerusalem
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Guide In Galilee, 1893 Dragoman (guide) in Galilee
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Escort For Pilgrims,1889 Escort and guards for a party of pilgrims
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Fishing Boat On The Sea Of Galilee, 1869 [small] [medium] [large]
SOURCES (name of photographers in block letters):
AMERICAN COLONY PHOTOGRAPHERS, 527478b105144196197205211226228235243248264272280b280c296304323336347360361365.
Bilder Frttn Det Heilige Landet, Stockholm 1928 (AMERICAN COLONY PHOTOGRAPHERS): 23287.
Bert UNDERWOOD: 28b44a167a305339342.
F. BEDFORD, Egypt, the Holy Land, Syria 1862: 28a43a142254308.
Felix BONFILS, Palestine, Syrie, Turkie d'Asie, 1879: 182457b62 6380a100a152170185206207225230237250251276283284290302364. R. BAIN, J. Vincent,J. Lee, Earthly Footsteps of the Man of Galilee, New York, 1894: 26a26b3132a39a43a47b4951b5859a59b68b168a239277362363.
Ben Dov, Jerusalem: 53108b126a162a164165a166a166b192a255256261269a.
P. BERGHEIM: 22209280307322.
Frank M. GOOD, Photo-Pictures, The Holy Land, London: 5657a181187234247269b280a299301a313316318333.
Stephen GRAHAM, With the Russian Pilgrims to Jerusalem, London 1821: 285366.
"Collection HENTSCHEL": 6188101140a140b16 178180182189190204214220221223224233238240241242268275335337338343348350.
GERMAN AIR FORCE, 1918: 35a270.
E. PIEROTTI, 1858: 29340.
Ludwig PREISS, Paul Rohrbach, Palaestina und das Ost-Jordanland, Zurich 1925: 60b82b83148301b314315a.
Francis FRITH, Sinai and Palestine, London 1862: 2027a51a184198200252271311320.
G.E. FRANKLIN, Palestine Depicted and Described, London 1911: 173b.
Palestine Exploration Fund: 78a172.
Leo KAHAN, Palastina in Bilder, Wien 1913: 34b44b4546a65b114124298325326.
G. S. KEITH, Daguer,-)types of the Holy Land, ca. 1847: 310a.
CRAMB: 143a208229.
I. RAFFALOVICH, M.E. Sachs, Ansichten von Palastina und den Judischen Colonien, 1899: 55c.
Cecil V. SHADBOLT, in H. A. Harper, Walks in Palestine, London 1894: 202a368.
E. et F. THEVOZ, La Palestine Illustree, Lausanne 1888: 62a62b62c64a64b90a106b107a107b108a168b173a286a306a306b310b346a352.
Album Presented to Sir Herbert Samuel by the Mayor of Jerusalem: 183293297334.
Album Presented to L. Yaffe: 133b315b.
G. Landauer, Palastina, Munich 1925: 35a345.
K. GROBER, Palestine und Syria, Berlin 1926: 39b.
The Way of the Cross, London 1890: 40a40b41a60a7377306c344.
Album de Terre Sainte, Paris: 27a3033a429192a100b109150a169a171174176227244246267273274278279288a288b289292a294a294b295341351353354367.

Lithographs and Engravings:NEXT (for fast internet connections)

NEXT (for slow internet connections)

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